What Usain Bolt's 40 time could look like.

Originally Posted by AG 47

Let's just get this out the way right now...

He could not and never will be a sick WR. Not happening.


He's not running a sub 4 second 40. His get up ain't that fast.

Like previously mentioned, he finds another gear 60 meters into his races.

Bolt's "get up" ain't that fast?
, come on bro you can't be serious.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

The Michael Phelps is idiotic because speed is such a invaluable skill in receiving. Speed kills. I'm not saying Bolt would be a Pro Bowler but I believe he could play in the NFL. Size of the tallest receivers and the speed of the fastest CB's. It is a ridiculous combo.
But (like my Phelps example) you are ignoring the fact that Bolt has ZERO football background. Of course you can't teach size/speed, but letsnot make the NFL seem like it's a league were any dominant player from another sport can just come in and contribute to a NFL roster. !+%$...you can evenlook at the struggles of a KICKER like Tony Meola....no, he's not in the class of Bolt, but here's a guy who was athletic but had no background infootball...yet he couldn't even hack it as a kicker...I think some of you all are delusional. How many guys can you name off hand who have played in theNFL who had NO football background until they tried out for the league?
Originally Posted by Sidetrakkd

dude would be a sick wide receiver with the right coaching....

So would Michael Phelps be a good WR also? Just because someone is the best in their respective sport doesn't mean that they will have an easy transition to another. Especially if they have ZERO background in the sport you think they could play in.

Yeah, but you're taking a guy who runs really fast and putting him into a sport (and position) where running really fast is important.

There was a guy a few years ago who was a 200m runner - ran in the olympics and stuff - and decided he was going to play rugby. He did pretty well. It was abit like Forrest Gump though - they threw him the ball and he just ran past everyone.

There's playing a sport fast - like all WRs are - and then there's being the fastest man in the world. He would leave guys for dead on the field.

He's built like a stick though - one touch and he'd be in the stands.
Found him. His name was Nigel Walker. He was at the '84 Olympics representing Wales in the 110m hurdles.

After he didn't make the Olympic team in '92 he took up rugby. A year later he was playing for the national team. He also won Gladiators when heretired.

Interestingly I found some stats on some of the best rugby players in the world - they were comparing 100m times for the fastest guys - and most of them werearound 11s.

That proves 2 things - like I said there's sport fast and then there's running the 100 in the Olympics fast and there's more to being a greatWR/winger than being fast in a straight line.
He's built like a stick though - one touch and he'd be in the stands.



Randy Moss actually looks skinnier or at least equally as muscular as Bolt (and he is listed as an inch shorter). don't think people have been pushing Mossinto the stands..

and when Randy came into the league, he was dominating with this physique:


i'm not saying Bolt would be a great WR, but people keep bringing up the wrong reasons why he couldn't be. it definitely wouldn't be hisphysique... i just disproved that above. it wouldn't be that he can't get off a jam.. if people can't jam Moss, they wouldn't be jamming Usain.

the most likely reason why Bolt would suck at WR is because he wouldn't have the hand-eye coordination to catch the ball.

i have seen grown men who have never played football try to catch a football properly, and its almost always pathetic.
Sure, he's ripped - but he'd still get nailed. I bet he's not heavy.

I also found this picture. This guy plays for the Wales U19 team and is supposedly one of the fastest guys on the planet - on a field anyway.
Right. So Bolt is going to have Randy Moss like ability to get off a jam?

You serious?

Let's not even travel down that street.....

Lets be logical for a second here.

And even then, Randy still has trouble w/ bump and run coverage.

A man who has been playing receiver all his life.

So what do you expect when Quentin Jammer locks up on Usain Bolt?

Who has never player WR in his life?
Moss is listed at 210 as well. and i'm sure if Bolt dedicated himself to football, he could certainly put on more weight.

Yeah, but right now he is in peak shape for speed - so if he gained 20lbs (even of muscle) it would slow him down and negate the whole point of this.
40 yards = 36.576 m

Here are Bolt's 10m splits from his WR 9.58 100m:

Usain Bolt +0.9 Berlin 2009
.146 (reaction time) 1.89 2.88 3.78 4.64 5.47 6.29 7.10 7.92 8.75 9.58

40-yard dash interpolation (36.576 m): 4.359 - 0.146 reaction time = 4.213 + whatever advantage Bolt loses for not starting from the blocks

For comparison, here are Justin Gatlin's 10m splits from his 9.77 100m:

Justin Gatlin +1.7 Doha 2006
.166 (reaction time) 1.88 2.93 3.85 4.70 5.55 6.39 7.23 8.07 8.92 9.77

40-yard dash interpolation (36.576 m): 4.432 - 0.166 reaction time = 4.266 + whatever advantage Gatlin loses for not starting from the blocks

Gatlin ran a 4.42 40-yard dash at Tennessee's Pro Day in 2008. Wonder if it's a self-starting electronic timer? That would mean reaction time isn'tincluded in the time. If so, I bet Gatlin was out of shape when he ran the 40 because 4.42 seems very high given the 10m splits in his 100m times.

There's a mental part of football you learn from playing as a kid you can't really be taught as an adult.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Honestly, if he could catch even halfway decent he could play in the league. Dude is 6'5 and would be the fastest player in the league. As long as he ain't got rocks for hands, he could make it.
So what happens when he can't get off a jam? Or if he has no body control? Or if he can't track the ball? Or is a big ({}) and doesn't wanna get hit?

I never said he would be an elite receiver but just based off athleticism I'm sure he could make a squad as a 5th receiver. Dude clearly has body control and all that other stuff can be learned with time.

Raiders fans better find a way to get this thread locked before Al Davis sees this...
Originally Posted by dreClark

Right. So Bolt is going to have Randy Moss like ability to get off a jam?

You serious?

Let's not even travel down that street.....

Lets be logical for a second here.

And even then, Randy still has trouble w/ bump and run coverage.

A man who has been playing receiver all his life.

So what do you expect when Quentin Jammer locks up on Usain Bolt?

Who has never player WR in his life?

would he have Moss-like ability to get off a jam?


would he have at least a somewhat passable ability to get off a jam after some training? yes.

when Bolt matches up with Quentin Jammer, he would lose... but there are starting WRs in the league right now who lose their 1-on-1 matchups vs Quentin Jammer.however, there are ~100 DBs in the league who get regular playing time, and not all of them can jam like Quentin Jammer. you would be a fool to think that Boltwould NEVER get off the line if he was in the league.

you're forgetting that i never said Bolt would be as good as Moss. he would be a garbage receiver. but let's not act like it'd be out of the realmof possibility that Bolt could at least make an NFL roster, assuming he had hands (which he probably doesn't).
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

would he have at least a somewhat passable ability to get off a jam after some training? yes.
Son, its dudes in the league now who STILL can't get off a jam and they been playing football for YEARS.
when Bolt matches up with Quentin Jammer, he would lose... but there are starting WRs in the league right now who lose their 1-on-1 matchups vs Quentin Jammer. however, there are ~100 DBs in the league who get regular playing time, and not all of them can jam like Quentin Jammer. you would be a fool to think that Bolt would NEVER get off the line if he was in the league.
Meh, I dunno. Defenses are not about to let that man fun free like that. Even if he were able to get off the press EVENTUALLY, he would be knockedwaaaay off his route and LB's/S would be cleaning his ++% up. Fact is, No WR, +!@% that, no football player w/o years or training is getting a goot enoughrealease to allow him to do damage. If you can prove to me otherwise then go right ahead. You of all people should realize that. You as a VT fan, know theeffectiveness of a good bump. And this is against COLLEGE wrs. And these are COLLEGE DB's. So you gon' throw the equivalent of a JV freshman (footballwise) out there versus a NFL caliber DB and really think he's gonna get off a jam? You really thing that after getting hands put on him he's gonna havethe wherewithall to know what to do next? Take the proper angles? Hell, continue on the right route?
you're forgetting that i never said Bolt would be as good as Moss. he would be a garbage receiver. but let's not act like it'd be out of the realm of possibility that Bolt could at least make an NFL roster, assuming he had hands (which he probably doesn't).
Nah, I know you never said that. That was airmaxpenny that said he would be decent.

Man you know me, I just like to argue.
Son, its dudes in the league now who STILL can't get off a jam and they been playing football for YEARS.

but how many of those dudes have Usain's size? or even a quarter of his speed?

Meh, I dunno. Defenses are not about to let that man fun free like that. Even if he were able to get off the press EVENTUALLY, he would be knocked waaaay off his route and LB's/S would be cleaning his ++% up. Fact is, No WR, +!@% that, no football player w/o years or training is getting a goot enough realease to allow him to do damage. If you can prove to me otherwise then go right ahead. You of all people should realize that. You as a VT fan, know the effectiveness of a good bump. And this is against COLLEGE wrs. And these are COLLEGE DB's. So you gon' throw the equivalent of a JV freshman (football wise) out there versus a NFL caliber DB and really think he's gonna get off a jam? You really thing that after getting hands put on him he's gonna have the wherewithall to know what to do next? Take the proper angles? Hell, continue on the right route?

whoa i'm no VT fan, i guess you confused me with someone else

you are saying that i'm underestimating how tough it is to run a route as an NFL WR. im saying that you are underestimating how sick of an athlete Usainis.

Usain Bolt =/= your typical speed guy trying to play football.. Bolt is the fastest human to ever walk the earth, and it's not even CLOSE. couple that withhis size.. it's never easy for a 5'10 190 DB to cover a 6'5 WR period. but when you bring in Bolt's quickness, please tell me how you envisionall of these CBs shutting him down? he obviously doesn't have natural football instincts, but epic athleticism tends to make up for a lot of things.

and you know damn well that NFL CBs don't play bump-and-run or jam on every single down. nobody jams Williamson on this play:
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we all know Troy Williamson is pathetic
, but i'm pretty sure he was a starting NFL WR in that clip. replace Williamson with Usain for that one play,and he couldn't at least do that? Usain Bolt couldn't run in a straight line past the confused Broncos secondary, and at least get his hands in thegeneral vicinity of the ball?

that motha +#%%$% is GIFTED... if Bolt had 1-2 years of intense daily football training, i def wouldn't bet AGAINST him being able to make an NFL roster.the Ravens would take him, at least...

Man you know me, I just like to argue.

word, i hear that�
He could be a pinch runner. With a 5 foot lead, Usain could steal a base in 2.5 seconds (rounded up).
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