What Usain Bolt's 40 time could look like.

Dec 27, 2002
After reviewing 20-meter splits from the world championships, ESPN track and field reporter Larry Rawson declared that Bolt would run an NFL-style 40-yard dash in … well, in an absurd time. Almost inconceivably low. Way less than four seconds. You can listen to Rawson right here. These were his comments:
LR: "Forty yards, if he was being hand-timed by a scout and reacting to his movement - not electronically timed the way they do it [in track and field] - his 40-yard dash on a track, in spikes, would be 3.73 seconds."

Host: [Laughter] "He would run a sub four-second 40-yard dash?"

LR: "Listen, I did the math as though it was electronically timed, which it's not for football - electronically timed - and it come out to 3.97 seconds."

Lets see him run it. I am no track expert, but it looks to me that midway through his races is when he really kicks it into gear. Will a 40 be long enough toreally show his breakaway speed?
why doesn't somebody just get him to run it?

didn't he come to the Giants practice facility once and put pads on? they should have just timed his 40 then.
Originally Posted by dland24

Lets see him run it. I am no track expert, but it looks to me that midway through his races is when he really kicks it into gear. Will a 40 be long enough to really show his breakaway speed?


But this year he really worked on his start and 1st 30 Metres coming out the blocks, which really helped him in that WC 100 Final.
Originally Posted by jose cansec0

dude would be a sick wide receiver with the right coaching....

stop it.

I argued with one of my boys about this. I think maybe there's a 20-25%, chance that he make it in the league. Even with 2-3 years of training his routrunning would probably be
. But if he had good hands at 6'5",he could make it on fly routes and fade patterns alone.
Originally Posted by dland24

Lets see him run it. I am no track expert, but it looks to me that midway through his races is when he really kicks it into gear. Will a 40 be long enough to really show his breakaway speed?
there are some other that are a bit better out of the blocks
Let's just get this out the way right now...

He could not and never will be a sick WR. Not happening.


He's not running a sub 4 second 40. His get up ain't that fast.

Like previously mentioned, he finds another gear 60 meters into his races.
Honestly, if he could catch even halfway decent he could play in the league. Dude is 6'5 and would be the fastest player in the league. As long as heain't got rocks for hands, he could make it.
Originally Posted by Sidetrakkd

dude would be a sick wide receiver with the right coaching....
You probably have a better chance at making a NFL practice squad than seeing the day where Bolt is a "sick" WR in the NFL...he has NOfootball background....

you know what, I'm not going to bother...
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Sidetrakkd wrote:
dude would be a sick wide receiver with the right coaching....
You probably have a better chance at making a NFL practice squad than seeing the day where Bolt is a "sick" WR in the NFL...he has NO football background....

you know what, I'm not going to bother...
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Honestly, if he could catch even halfway decent he could play in the league. Dude is 6'5 and would be the fastest player in the league. As long as he ain't got rocks for hands, he could make it.
So what happens when he can't get off a jam? Or if he has no body control? Or if he can't track the ball? Or is a big ({}) and doesn'twanna get hit?
The Dallas Cowboys drafted Hayes in the seventh round of the 1964 NFL Draft, taking a chance an Olympic sprinter with unrefined football skills could excel asa wide receiver. The bet paid off, due to his amazing feats in cleats. Hayes has been credited by many with forcing the NFL to develop a zone defense and thebump and run to attempt to contain him.

He played halfback in HS.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Honestly, if he could catch even halfway decent he could play in the league. Dude is 6'5 and would be the fastest player in the league. As long as he ain't got rocks for hands, he could make it.
So what happens when he can't get off a jam? Or if he has no body control? Or if he can't track the ball? Or is a big ({}) and doesn't wanna get hit?

I never said he would be an elite receiver but just based off athleticism I'm sure he could make a squad as a 5th receiver. Dude clearly has body controland all that other stuff can be learned with time.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Honestly, if he could catch even halfway decent he could play in the league. Dude is 6'5 and would be the fastest player in the league. As long as he ain't got rocks for hands, he could make it.
So what happens when he can't get off a jam? Or if he has no body control? Or if he can't track the ball? Or is a big ({}) and doesn't wanna get hit?

I never said he would be an elite receiver but just based off athleticism I'm sure he could make a squad as a 5th receiver. Dude clearly has body control and all that other stuff can be learned with time.
have you ever played football?
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Honestly, if he could catch even halfway decent he could play in the league. Dude is 6'5 and would be the fastest player in the league. As long as he ain't got rocks for hands, he could make it.
So what happens when he can't get off a jam? Or if he has no body control? Or if he can't track the ball? Or is a big ({}) and doesn't wanna get hit?

I never said he would be an elite receiver but just based off athleticism I'm sure he could make a squad as a 5th receiver. Dude clearly has body control and all that other stuff can be learned with time.

So would Michael Phelps be a good WR also? Just because someone is the best in their respective sport doesn't mean that they will have an easy transitionto another. Especially if they have ZERO background in the sport you think they could play in.

There's a difference between being a football player who runs track and an track star playing football.

The point is moot because he makes more as a track star than he would as a NFL WR.

However, he has the two intangibles you can't teach. Speed and size. Chances are it wouldn't work out, because he would still have to be well aboveaverage in all of the other skills that make an NFL player. But we don't know if he doesn't have the potential or not because he hasn't gonethrough the process.

If you told a high school coach that there was a 10th grader that never played football but was 6'5" and could run a 4'2" 40, what would hesay the boy chances were to making the league?
The Michael Phelps is idiotic because speed is such a invaluable skill in receiving. Speed kills. I'm not saying Bolt would be a Pro Bowler but I believehe could play in the NFL. Size of the tallest receivers and the speed of the fastest CB's. It is a ridiculous combo.
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