What time period do people find "the one"?

Dec 29, 2009
Just wondering what time period where people find the one they spend the rest of their lives with? High School? College? Work?

it's different for everyone obviously.. I would say a few decades ago def. in high school.. Now it is more than likely post school, and just a random situation
It can be any of the periods you mentioned.It varies.For some "the one" will never be a reality.
Anytime and Anywhere.

We really don't know, if we did then we wouldn't have too many "girl problem threads" on NT that's for sure.
When I was younger I thought high school, but after freshman year I got sent to military school for the remaining 3 years.....not happening

When I was about to go to college, I thought it was in college. Girls are just as immature and the vast majority of them have been run through by the athletes or frats (in my experience), and next semester is my last semester.....not happening

I am beginning to think after I'm done school, I will meet more girls that are worth the time and effort to date.....I'll have to see.
Originally Posted by p2vandal

tuesdays around 2 o'clock

you'll find "the one" atleast 5-6 times in your lifetime...
I've found "the one" once in college, and twice, maybe thrice after college.
yea thats true it could be at any time period but there has to be some surveys that have been taken for averages or somthn
i was just wondering because ive been with my girl for 19 months now and she seems like the one to me. im a first year college student btw. But i just wanted everyones thoughts on this because the conversation of marriage has been brought up many times.
Originally Posted by LetItShine24

i was just wondering because ive been with my girl for 19 months now and she seems like the one to me. im a first year college student btw. But i just wanted everyones thoughts on this because the conversation of marriage has been brought up many times.
to be honest.. 19 months is too short to judge.... If you been through really serious things (i.e. death, etc.) then maybe it is a good judge period but normally not...

A lot of couples that last a good amount of time dissolve and fall apart 3-5 years....
Originally Posted by LetItShine24

i was just wondering because ive been with my girl for 19 months now and she seems like the one to me. im a first year college student btw. But i just wanted everyones thoughts on this because the conversation of marriage has been brought up many times.
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