What should I do (terminated,kinda unfair)

Apr 29, 2006
I haven't been on NT too much lately.

I worked at a store starts with a M ends with a y, over a year I got fired on some Bulls taking a long break but, sometimes if matters necessary my managerlets us combine our two 10 min breaks. And this happened the day the Space Jams came out. My manager was not there the morning this went down he was therelater in the day. I had to work at 6:45AM. I got to the mall at 6AM and got inline. I had a co-worker like 5 people behind me also inline. I let him take myspot so I can go to work. I got to work a few minutes early clocked in on time everything. I tell people at work why all these people are waiting in line andeverything. 2 stores in the mall were gonna open at 8am, the other 4, 6am to sell the shoes. I worked for a while did what I could being by myself and wassuppose to open with another seasonal person in my department but he wasn't there and around 7:30AM I went to the bathroom had my boy from anotherdepartment come over and cover so my department wasn't left alone. I told him I'm gonna run down to see whats up with the lines too. So I get toSheikh's and the line was only like 10 deep so I had a chance. So I text him and tell him I'm gonna wait. 5 mins later I text this girl that works inanother department (that starts at 7:45AM) so she could cover me just in case too so she did. I was in the line and . So the line went and then there were 3people in front of me and the guy yells "we only have 1 pair size 13" dude in front of the guy I was in back of was a 13 so guy in front of him lethim get it. So I dash off back to work and its like 7:56AMish And soon as I get to the door, the manager on duty is walking out looking for me. She was mad andtold me " how long were you gone? You know you took your two breaks right now and I agreed she knew where I was and didn't take any other breaks theremainder of the day. She reported me to HR about what happened and I got suspended two days later (my next shift) and was scheduled to go in on NYE to talkto HR about what happened. Day I was suspended I wrote my statement. I went into HR and told the story again and turns out the manager that reported itdidn't include what she told me about taking about taking both my breaks already. I was on my way out of the job anyway but, I didn't want to leavelike that my manager was really shocked too that it ended like that because a number of people are leaving the company on a bad note. Anyways what should I do?

Got somebody to cover for me
Took a break to get the Space Jams
Was gone around 25mins
Manager lied to HR
I dont get it, your manager said you took your two breaks, you two agree and go on about your business but then they turn around and report you to HR whichcauses your eventual termination? Or was it another manager? I dont know man you dont really have any solid evidence it sounds like. Just hearsay. The most Icould see you doing is if it was another manager that reported is have the other manager back up your case but it still sounds pretty weak. I dont know thatyou can do anything in this case.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Priorities bro...you need to learn 'em[/color]

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Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Priorities bro...you need to learn 'em[/color]

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this.. i know some other lame that got written up and fired (his last write up) because he was late from the SJ camp out..

edit: also, if you were fired over something as insignificant as this, chances are, the managers were already gunning for you to begin with.. if you're anabove average worker, you can pretty much get away with little things like this.
LOL I get it but if my manager was the opening manager that day nothing would have happened because hes into kicks as well..
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Priorities bro...you need to learn 'em[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]...[/color]

Risking your JOB for over price Retro Jordans.
if you're skipping work to buy shoes, then you're probably young. If that's the case you probably don't have any major bills, so you'regood. Just apply for 10 jobs a day minimum, you'll be back in the dough in a few weeks.
Nothing to fight about. You did something you werent suppose to do and you got fired.. Even if you try to fight it, thats where the story is going to back to..Sorry./
You got fired over that? Why didn't they just write you up or something? That's harsh. Your record must not have been spotless.
make sure when you file a complaint with HR that you explain that it was for the space jams. that should help.
Damn man.
I came in here thinking they REALLY did you filthy and was about to go in on these chump *** managers and HR fools..........but you were doing waaaaaaay toomuch that day for those Space Scams! Like others said,they probably were gunning for you the whole time,they just waited for you to slip up and BAM!
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Priorities bro...you need to learn 'em[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]...[/color]
You got fired over that? Why didn't they just write you up or something? That's harsh. Your record must not have been spotless.
Originally Posted by freshbottoms

If you got the sj its all good. Another job will come around.

You're joking with this response right? lol A Job > Shoes any day, especially during these times.
Sounds like he was a temporary worker...so I'm sure the end was coming for him anyway.
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