What gets weird the more you think about it?

"Think about all the people youve fapped to that you know.
Now reverse that."

**** is DEEP

I don't get it :nerd:
I find it hard imagining certain females or even gay dudes masturbating to me.

Not buying it.

Like I can think of a few uggo girls I know had crushes on me but not even some of the finer chicks I've smashed. Like what am I doing in their fantasies? Eating the groceries and pum pum constantly? Being rough? I can't see it :lol:
Life itself, it all really haunts me. Like who created the universe, some mystical things called god? Can things just exist, is there really an ending or beginning or can things just be?
It messes with my head, sometimes when I was a kid I’d lay at night and cry because of everything. Not just that but my parents got divorced when I was young, and I always think about how life would be so much better if they didn’t do that. I never want to get a divorce when I get married, and I think that’s why I have commitment issues bros.
If you believe in the concept of an afterlife and eternity.

It's never going to end. 

You'll be in heaven or hell forever bruh. 
Gravity is weird.

Basically everything is getting pulled towards the ground.

And like...we make tables so things won't get pulled down as far
If you believe in the concept of an afterlife and eternity.

It's never going to end. 

You'll be in heaven or hell forever bruh. 
how do we know if any of its real, we've never had any proof that a heaven or hell even exists, it's just blind faith at this point.
Is this right?

According to General Relativity, gravity isn't really pulling you in the Newtonian sense. The mass of the Earth is bending the space (nothingness) above your head to give you the resulting force of gravity.

In other words, the phenomenon of gravitation is most accurately described by the general theory of relativity by Einstein, in which the phenomenon itself is a consequence of the curvature of spacetime governing the motion of inertial objects, not that the objects have some kind of internal attraction to each other as Newton suggests.
Is this right?

According to General Relativity, gravity isn't really pulling you in the Newtonian sense. The mass of the Earth is bending the space (nothingness) above your head to give you the resulting force of gravity.

In other words, the phenomenon of gravitation is most accurately described by the general theory of relativity by Einstein, in which the phenomenon itself is a consequence of the curvature of spacetime governing the motion of inertial objects, not that the objects have some kind of internal attraction to each other as Newton suggests.

Atmospheric pressure @sckid20
people who think ronaldo is better than messi
This is about weird things not the truth.
What was here before that ?
I don't know if we'll ever be capable of that finding out. But there are certain theories stating that after the universe stops expanding, it will begin to contract again. We have to understand dark matter more to paint a better picture though, which is technically the opposite of gravity.
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I don't know if we'll ever be capable of that finding out. But there are certain theories stating that after the universe stops expanding, it will begin to contract again. We have to understand dark matter more to paint a better picture though, which is technically the opposite of gravity.

That's one theory, and some scientists think that when this universe contracts, it will cause another Big Bang, and so on and so on. That could be how we got here. Also, there could be an infinite number of universes with new big bangs occurring all the time. Mind blowing stuff.
With genetics there are so many different combinations on how we can look, what physical features we take on from our parents and even people outside of them such as aunts and uncles, grandparents, etc.

Yet....with all those different combinations there is still a complete stranger out there who resembles you physically. You can only vary appearances so much until you just end up creating the same thing over again.
There's the big freeze theory too. Also, the more it expands, the harder it'll be for us to start traveling between galaxy's. Except for Andromeda that is which we'll eventually collide with.
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Good thread.

That we put ketchup back in the fridge at home after use but in diners/restaurants the bottles are always warm and left on the table.
I always keep my ketchup in the cabinet at room temperature.

Hate cold ketchup.

Hate cold jelly too but leave it out too long and it'll grow that ugly gray green moss on it :x :smh:
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