what do you suspect but have no proof of....

some of you guys are posting a lot of conjecture that could be eliminated by doing a literature search for scientific studies specific to the topic.


I hate to sound elitist, but as someone who is studying science & engineering, it really amazes me how little effort people put in to find information about something complex when there are plenty of resources out there that explain the concepts and theories with facts and data.

This thread might as well be "Post something you know nothing about and don't want to spend the time and effort learning"
Lol no way on earth animals see seismic waves. They have different , heightened senses sure, but their eye balls work the same way.

i bet if anything, they can hear it. Seismic waves emit super high frequency sounds that dogs can hear. They dont know what the trouble is per se, but they know something is afoot. And it puts them on alert to react faster.
The speculation is delusional now. LOL

Animals may not be able to 'sense'/'feel' the seismic wave or gamma ray or whatever baloney you want to through in there.  But they sure can 'sense' the ramifications of it before humans can.  This isn't even a speculation.  Civilizations of the past would look at animals, fish, waves, wind, nature as a whole as a precursor.  We're not talking about being able to predict a Tsunami or Earthquake, but we're talking about the natural instinctive behavior in animals which has helped benefit human beings.
^^^This, it is common place to see animals fleeing an area well before an earthquake or a storm.

What that is exactly attributed to I'm not sure, however; it'd be an easy thing to google
some of you guys are posting a lot of conjecture that could be eliminated by doing a literature search for scientific studies specific to the topic.


I hate to sound elitist, but as someone who is studying science & engineering, it really amazes me how little effort people put in to find information about something complex when there are plenty of resources out there that explain the concepts and theories with facts and data.

This thread might as well be "Post something you know nothing about and don't want to spend the time and effort learning"
This lowkey a mild unpopular opinion thread.
There are animals that can see colors we cant and hear things we cant because of extra organs

If we had no eyes we would be unaware of the existence of color.

I suspect we are missing entire aspects of things because we don't have the organ/sense ti detect it.


thats pretty mind blowing if you think about it...


How do we know anything actually looks like the what we see?

What if the sky is actually pink?

i agree that other animals and insects have a wider viewing spectrum in terms of color, but the sky being pink is actually related to our oceans. the colors u see are the colors u see. unless u are color blind.

ib4 the what color is this dress
some of you guys are posting a lot of conjecture that could be eliminated by doing a literature search for scientific studies specific to the topic.


I hate to sound elitist, but as someone who is studying science

This lowkey a mild unpopular opinion thread.
Actually, scientific theory and mathematical logic barely exists in this entire forum.

99% of the discussions and arguments on here are either opinion, or "I can google this, can you?" based.
implying discussion and arguments are actually not based on opinion.
There are animals that can see colors we cant and hear things we cant because of extra organs

If we had no eyes we would be unaware of the existence of color.

I suspect we are missing entire aspects of things because we don't have the organ/sense ti detect it.


thats pretty mind blowing if you think about it...


How do we know anything actually looks like the what we see?

What if the sky is actually pink?

i agree that other animals and insects have a wider viewing spectrum in terms of color, but the sky being pink is actually related to our oceans. the colors u see are the colors u see. unless u are color blind.

ib4 the what color is this dress

Maybe I'm not lit enough but I didn't understand the color thing either :lol:

Like... red is red.... That's why we call it red.
There are animals that can see colors we cant and hear things we cant because of extra organs

If we had no eyes we would be unaware of the existence of color.

I suspect we are missing entire aspects of things because we don't have the organ/sense ti detect it.


thats pretty mind blowing if you think about it...


How do we know anything actually looks like the what we see?

What if the sky is actually pink?

i agree that other animals and insects have a wider viewing spectrum in terms of color, but the sky being pink is actually related to our oceans. the colors u see are the colors u see. unless u are color blind.

ib4 the what color is this dress

Maybe I'm not lit enough but I didn't understand the color thing either :lol:

Like... red is red.... That's why we call it red.

I posted a video a couple pages back.

Is my red the same as your red? What if I pointed at something and I said "this is red" and you said yes. But I will never know what YOUR definition of red is.
What does the ocean have to do with the color of the sky?
Nothing. The ocean and sky gets its color from sunlight. Blah blah blah molecules scatter. Blah blah blah wavelength. #Physics!!
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I really would love to know what the push was back then to jumpstart advanced thinking and creativity. Maybe it was serendipity, and the wheel or fire was just a lucky accident? Like now, inspiration for new things is spurred from a need and the access to tools for experimentation, but you figure back then, things were so primitive. Something had to have given that extra push. You go to exhibits and you see the models in fur clothing and with their hand made tools, spears and such. I want to know the catalyst to those thoughts. Like, the exact day and what happened to lead to that creation. You know many had to die because it wasn't invented yet.

It's like intelligence, it's not so much what you've learned, but how you learn.

They say every time you learn something your brain grows a bit. And that Einstein's brain was larger than avg. I can just imagine the thoughts that he must've had and possibly been burdened with. I have night where my brain just will not be quiet and I'm up all night. Imagine his struggle.

I love museums and historical stuff. Sometimes when I'm driving I just relax and think about all of the things we have that were nothing to the settlers. Just imagine the streets. That were dirt roads. If I had a time machine (and was white lol) that's how I'd use my flux capacitor. I'd go back to certain dates and just watch the invention of stuff, or the idea of why stuff was even pondered. The 1st steam engine and locomotive. The model T. Besides convenience, what made these guys embark on these journey's of creation? What even lead them to think it was possible?

FAM you must read this book it really had me thinking. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51GnMjdqKlL.jpg

reasoning why I don't think there are gigantic animals still in the depth of the ocean. Either they are immortal or just fairy tale. Just based on simple biology, there needs to be a HUGE carbon source. Even if they reproduced over the yrs, because of the carbon dioxide shortage, over the generations the offspring would be smaller and smaller. The prehistoric period had way more co2 than the earth has now because of all the oxygen. Lack of carbon was another one of the downfalls of the mammoth creatures. With more plant life, oxygen goes up, carbon goes down. As carbon goes down, so then does the size of the creature in the area.

However, if we continue to change the ecosystem through development and destruction of forestry, we very well may manifest the animals we speak of.
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What does the ocean have to do with the color of the sky?
Nothing. The ocean and sky gets its color from sunlight. Blah blah blah molecules scatter. Blah blah blah wavelength. #Physics!!

poorly articulated, but the concepts are correct for the most part! Optics is one of my favorite subjects in nature.

it's so very complex but our knowledge on the subject has lead to many important discoveries and uses in technology.

light has dual phenomena --- it acts as both a wave and a particle.

that said, light diffracts differently in different media, due to the electromagnetic interactions between phonons and electrons. How that all works is a complete mathematical mess of quantum physics so I won't discuss that.

What is cool is that scientists have done reproducible measurements of the speed of light as early as 1849: all experiments were close and established that the speed of light, c, is 3E8 m/s.

Light disperses much easier in gas than in water. Also, light that doesn't get absorbed in a substance reflects, refracts, or diffracts. http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/waves/Lesson-3/Reflection,-Refraction,-and-Diffraction

The color of the sky would appear violet, rather than blue, but our eyes (won't talk about eye physiology) lack the sensitivity to effectively recognize that end of the spectrum.

only reason why I know this is because I own a book called Introduction to Modern Optics by Grant Fowles.

I think a lot of pointless conversations and arguments could be saved if everyone took the time to read before voicing an opinion like it was fact. This doesn't pertain just to NT, everyone does it. That's what I suspect. I suspect that most of America's problems would be solved if our people in Congress actually took the time to completely read the legislation they vote on and what their constituents are saying --- not what their over-glorified "staffers" are hired to write.

Alas, this world works on "money" and why read when you get paid not to read?
After watching this commercial...

I suspect that MJ broke through the Matrix, and made a deal with the Agents that guaranteed him the success he enjoys today.

My evidence?

I think all the commissioners for the major sport leagues (MLB, NBA, NFL, NHL, etc) are agents assigned to monitor and keep "world record" type cats down.

:lol:... :nerd:

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poorly articulated, but the concepts are correct for the most part! Optics is one of my favorite subjects in nature.

it's so very complex but our knowledge on the subject has lead to many important discoveries and uses in technology.

light has dual phenomena --- it acts as both a wave and a particle.

that said, light diffracts differently in different media, due to the electromagnetic interactions between phonons and electrons. How that all works is a complete mathematical mess of quantum physics so I won't discuss that.

What is cool is that scientists have done reproducible measurements of the speed of light as early as 1849: all experiments were close and established that the speed of light, c, is 3E8 m/s.

Light disperses much easier in gas than in water. Also, light that doesn't get absorbed in a substance reflects, refracts, or diffracts. http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/waves/Lesson-3/Reflection,-Refraction,-and-Diffraction

The color of the sky would appear violet, rather than blue, but our eyes (won't talk about eye physiology) lack the sensitivity to effectively recognize that end of the spectrum.

only reason why I know this is because I own a book called Introduction to Modern Optics by Grant Fowles.

I think a lot of pointless conversations and arguments could be saved if everyone took the time to read before voicing an opinion like it was fact. This doesn't pertain just to NT, everyone does it. That's what I suspect. I suspect that most of America's problems would be solved if our people in Congress actually took the time to completely read the legislation they vote on and what their constituents are saying --- not what their over-glorified "staffers" are hired to write.

Alas, this world works on "money" and why read when you get paid not to read?
this made a lot of sense
Steve Harvey was wearing a well made wig the whole time. He gets tired of wearing said wig, "decides" to go bald, and achieves "Ive been bald for decades baldness" instantly ?


Also, the medical industry knows Vitamin C cures cancer, along with a veggie and fruit juicing diet.
It is illegal to prescribe a juicing diet to cancer patients in this country. Do the math.

Look up Max Gerson for further reading.
Time travel doesn't exist, if it did we would have met someone from the future already.

But maybe they have a way of disguising it, but why not fix certain things in the past, I know the butterfly effect but what's the whole point of going back in the past if we can't fix things. Maybe what's going on right now is the result of time travel.

The past and future dont really exist though.

**** it
Time travel doesn't exist, if it did we would have met someone from the future already.

But maybe they have a way of disguising it, but why not fix certain things in the past, I know the butterfly effect but what's the whole point of going back in the past if we can't fix things. Maybe what's going on right now is the result of time travel.

The past and future dont really exist though.

**** it

Maybe the past has been changed, and this is the best possible outcome...
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