What creative scenarios have people used to try and hustle you?

1. Went to Postnet to ship out some SBs...RIGHT as I park some bum starts washing my windshield with an old wiper no water nothing just wiping collecting MORE dirt on my windshield. I pretend I didn't notice him. I almost get to the door thinking I'm home free duke asks "Hey man can you spare me some change".
Gave him $5 which was what I going to use to ship my shoes but I'm cool with the owner of the store so he hooked it up since he saw me get hustled.

2. Went to go get GH Metallica as SOON as I get out my car some black nasty booty smelling bum approaches me asking for change.
Give him $2 hoping he'd leave me alone but then duke starts giving me his whole life story like I GIVE A #&#. Finally done duke offers me a hand shake I accept it.
Most stupidest thing I've ever done. Smelled my hand like 2 sec it smelled like cigarettes. Went to ross to clean my hands like a mad man. Had me thinking I had aids.
1. Went to Postnet to ship out some SBs...RIGHT as I park some bum starts washing my windshield with an old wiper no water nothing just wiping collecting MORE dirt on my windshield. I pretend I didn't notice him. I almost get to the door thinking I'm home free duke asks "Hey man can you spare me some change".
Gave him $5 which was what I going to use to ship my shoes but I'm cool with the owner of the store so he hooked it up since he saw me get hustled.

2. Went to go get GH Metallica as SOON as I get out my car some black nasty booty smelling bum approaches me asking for change.
Give him $2 hoping he'd leave me alone but then duke starts giving me his whole life story like I GIVE A #&#. Finally done duke offers me a hand shake I accept it.
Most stupidest thing I've ever done. Smelled my hand like 2 sec it smelled like cigarettes. Went to ross to clean my hands like a mad man. Had me thinking I had aids.
Originally Posted by Mr718

Next story...

Im in Penn Station waiting for my train home.  This well dressed black dude walks up to me and says,
"My brotha, I'm embarrassed to ask you this but I dont wanna as these white people for $!+$.  I lost my wallet and Im stranded here In Manhattan and I need to get back home to Philly. I was wondering if you can help me out."
Me: How much you short?
Him: $2.50
I reach into my pocket and throw him $3.  He says thanks and walks off.  5 seconds later this other dude walks next to me and says, "He got you".  Naturally im like, huh?  He says, "Let me guess, he lost his wallet and needs to get home to PA?  Hes here everyday with the same line?"
Immediately I take off running and a lil while later I find his asking this white woman for money.... yea, I know 

Me: YO!
Him: Wassup brotha?
Me: My man back there said you here everyday with the same story
Him: Man I just need to get home (Bla bla bla)
Me:  You said you needed $2.50, I just gave you 3 bucks.
Him: I was just askin for some change to use the phone so I can let my people know Im on the way.
Me: Bull $!+$!
Him: So what you sayin?  You want ya money back? (Proceeds to wave around my $3)
Me: Yes (Proceeded to snatch my money back),
Then I just walked away.  It was funny because when I walked away homeboy still had his hand up as if he was still holding the money like he was just in shock
I know exactly who you're talking about.
That dude lurks NJ transit and Penn Stantion. It seems like he just rides from place to place eventually ending up in NY Penn.

@ him waving your $3 bucks in your face.
Originally Posted by Mr718

Next story...

Im in Penn Station waiting for my train home.  This well dressed black dude walks up to me and says,
"My brotha, I'm embarrassed to ask you this but I dont wanna as these white people for $!+$.  I lost my wallet and Im stranded here In Manhattan and I need to get back home to Philly. I was wondering if you can help me out."
Me: How much you short?
Him: $2.50
I reach into my pocket and throw him $3.  He says thanks and walks off.  5 seconds later this other dude walks next to me and says, "He got you".  Naturally im like, huh?  He says, "Let me guess, he lost his wallet and needs to get home to PA?  Hes here everyday with the same line?"
Immediately I take off running and a lil while later I find his asking this white woman for money.... yea, I know 

Me: YO!
Him: Wassup brotha?
Me: My man back there said you here everyday with the same story
Him: Man I just need to get home (Bla bla bla)
Me:  You said you needed $2.50, I just gave you 3 bucks.
Him: I was just askin for some change to use the phone so I can let my people know Im on the way.
Me: Bull $!+$!
Him: So what you sayin?  You want ya money back? (Proceeds to wave around my $3)
Me: Yes (Proceeded to snatch my money back),
Then I just walked away.  It was funny because when I walked away homeboy still had his hand up as if he was still holding the money like he was just in shock
I know exactly who you're talking about.
That dude lurks NJ transit and Penn Stantion. It seems like he just rides from place to place eventually ending up in NY Penn.

@ him waving your $3 bucks in your face.
Originally Posted by Mr718

Alright, I got 2 stories.  First one...
I was headed to class and as I was getting on the train, this woman stopped me and asked for some change to get home. 

Me:  I'll swipe you on the train
Her: I gotta catch the bus
Me: Alright so Ill throw you a metro card
Her: Alright

I gave the woman a metro card, took seven steps, and turned around just in time to see her selling the metro card

Next story...

Im in Penn Station waiting for my train home.  This well dressed black dude walks up to me and says,
"My brotha, I'm embarrassed to ask you this but I dont wanna as these white people for $!+$.  I lost my wallet and Im stranded here In Manhattan and I need to get back home to Philly. I was wondering if you can help me out."
Me: How much you short?
Him: $2.50
I reach into my pocket and throw him $3.  He says thanks and walks off.  5 seconds later this other dude walks next to me and says, "He got you".  Naturally im like, huh?  He says, "Let me guess, he lost his wallet and needs to get home to PA?  Hes here everyday with the same line?"
Immediately I take off running and a lil while later I find his asking this white woman for money.... yea, I know 

Me: YO!
Him: Wassup brotha?
Me: My man back there said you here everyday with the same story
Him: Man I just need to get home (Bla bla bla)
Me:  You said you needed $2.50, I just gave you 3 bucks.
Him: I was just askin for some change to use the phone so I can let my people know Im on the way.
Me: Bull $!+$!
Him: So what you sayin?  You want ya money back? (Proceeds to wave around my $3)
Me: Yes (Proceeded to snatch my money back),
Then I just walked away.  It was funny because when I walked away homeboy still had his hand up as if he was still holding the money like he was just in shock

Originally Posted by Mr718

Alright, I got 2 stories.  First one...
I was headed to class and as I was getting on the train, this woman stopped me and asked for some change to get home. 

Me:  I'll swipe you on the train
Her: I gotta catch the bus
Me: Alright so Ill throw you a metro card
Her: Alright

I gave the woman a metro card, took seven steps, and turned around just in time to see her selling the metro card

Next story...

Im in Penn Station waiting for my train home.  This well dressed black dude walks up to me and says,
"My brotha, I'm embarrassed to ask you this but I dont wanna as these white people for $!+$.  I lost my wallet and Im stranded here In Manhattan and I need to get back home to Philly. I was wondering if you can help me out."
Me: How much you short?
Him: $2.50
I reach into my pocket and throw him $3.  He says thanks and walks off.  5 seconds later this other dude walks next to me and says, "He got you".  Naturally im like, huh?  He says, "Let me guess, he lost his wallet and needs to get home to PA?  Hes here everyday with the same line?"
Immediately I take off running and a lil while later I find his asking this white woman for money.... yea, I know 

Me: YO!
Him: Wassup brotha?
Me: My man back there said you here everyday with the same story
Him: Man I just need to get home (Bla bla bla)
Me:  You said you needed $2.50, I just gave you 3 bucks.
Him: I was just askin for some change to use the phone so I can let my people know Im on the way.
Me: Bull $!+$!
Him: So what you sayin?  You want ya money back? (Proceeds to wave around my $3)
Me: Yes (Proceeded to snatch my money back),
Then I just walked away.  It was funny because when I walked away homeboy still had his hand up as if he was still holding the money like he was just in shock

on one occassion, i just got off my job at baskin robbins (2005) and my friend came to chill. while we're talking, this lady comes up to us with one of those portable gas tanks and starts going off about how they're out of gas and need to go visit her mom in the hospital or some %$%%. anyway, i felt bad so i gave her $2. we ended up following her when she left and after a few mins, down the street, she pulls up into an empty best buy parking lot to ask some other people for money. i roll down my window and scream "DON'T GIVE HER MONEY SHES A +@+%*+% SCAMMER." at this point the other person freaks out and hops in their car and bones out. the lady, looking all pissed, calls me a liar and gets in her car. we ended up chasing her in our car until we arrived in her neighborhood. all of a sudden, she hit the brakes and went into reverse, i guess trying to scare us or !%*# my car up. i freak out but hit reverse and since my car's a bit faster than hers, i pulled away a bit. out of nowhere though, she turns sharply and seriously just spins right into this van on the side of the road and the alarm starts going off. i look at my friend with this bewildered face like "omg i can't believe that just happened" and then we ended up just boning out. don't know what happened to that lady or the owner of that van haha.
on one occassion, i just got off my job at baskin robbins (2005) and my friend came to chill. while we're talking, this lady comes up to us with one of those portable gas tanks and starts going off about how they're out of gas and need to go visit her mom in the hospital or some %$%%. anyway, i felt bad so i gave her $2. we ended up following her when she left and after a few mins, down the street, she pulls up into an empty best buy parking lot to ask some other people for money. i roll down my window and scream "DON'T GIVE HER MONEY SHES A +@+%*+% SCAMMER." at this point the other person freaks out and hops in their car and bones out. the lady, looking all pissed, calls me a liar and gets in her car. we ended up chasing her in our car until we arrived in her neighborhood. all of a sudden, she hit the brakes and went into reverse, i guess trying to scare us or !%*# my car up. i freak out but hit reverse and since my car's a bit faster than hers, i pulled away a bit. out of nowhere though, she turns sharply and seriously just spins right into this van on the side of the road and the alarm starts going off. i look at my friend with this bewildered face like "omg i can't believe that just happened" and then we ended up just boning out. don't know what happened to that lady or the owner of that van haha.
started to seem like whenever i pull out a cigarette in public,
some shameless stranger asks for one
most of em have their own lighter, ya know what i mean?
ha ha, no
i smoke and i never ask someone else for one, strange
started to seem like whenever i pull out a cigarette in public,
some shameless stranger asks for one
most of em have their own lighter, ya know what i mean?
ha ha, no
i smoke and i never ask someone else for one, strange
Originally Posted by damedash06

guy- Hey man, I don't usually do this but I need some help bad, i'm from out of town, I just got here last night, my wife is here getting surgery, she has a very rare disease and the only doctors who would do it live here so she has been here for months and I just got here last night and someone stole all of my luggage and I have wondering the streets all night looking for someone to help me.

me-*just walking out of the bank and noticing that I have encountered this same guy many times before* what you need ma man?

Him- im so hungry, I havent ate in 3 days, I just need a few bucks for some food.

me-*since we are right around the corner from a spot where I can get free food since I know the owner of the restaurant* come with me to the restaurant, ill grab you something...

him-nah, i dont want that, just give me like $5 and ill grab something myself

me-i dont got $5 for you ma man but I can get you some food if you hungry

him-@+$# it then, nevermind....

edit: never mentioned his wife again after the opening statement... 
something kinda like this happen to me the other day,
my school is downtown, n i was at the mcdonalds right on the corner (bum/creeps infested)
im eating my food, n this bum was like can i get some change to spare blablabla, i was like nah man, but u can have my fries, (he puts his hand on his stomach and made a "oh im full" face) nahh man im good, n he walks out, i was like wtffff is going on here, then this cleaner looking bum was like "hes just trying to go BACK INT HE HOLE,BACK INT HE HOLE !!!" i was like uhmmm ok, , n left.
Originally Posted by damedash06

guy- Hey man, I don't usually do this but I need some help bad, i'm from out of town, I just got here last night, my wife is here getting surgery, she has a very rare disease and the only doctors who would do it live here so she has been here for months and I just got here last night and someone stole all of my luggage and I have wondering the streets all night looking for someone to help me.

me-*just walking out of the bank and noticing that I have encountered this same guy many times before* what you need ma man?

Him- im so hungry, I havent ate in 3 days, I just need a few bucks for some food.

me-*since we are right around the corner from a spot where I can get free food since I know the owner of the restaurant* come with me to the restaurant, ill grab you something...

him-nah, i dont want that, just give me like $5 and ill grab something myself

me-i dont got $5 for you ma man but I can get you some food if you hungry

him-@+$# it then, nevermind....

edit: never mentioned his wife again after the opening statement... 
something kinda like this happen to me the other day,
my school is downtown, n i was at the mcdonalds right on the corner (bum/creeps infested)
im eating my food, n this bum was like can i get some change to spare blablabla, i was like nah man, but u can have my fries, (he puts his hand on his stomach and made a "oh im full" face) nahh man im good, n he walks out, i was like wtffff is going on here, then this cleaner looking bum was like "hes just trying to go BACK INT HE HOLE,BACK INT HE HOLE !!!" i was like uhmmm ok, , n left.
Originally Posted by MASERATI HARM

A fiend Rolled up on me at a red light like ...

Her - God bless you baby .. blessed be the name of Jesus .. I'm fron north carolina .. my family got the fighting and I left .. I have sugar and I haven't washed in 3 days .. And I.......

Me -
*rolls up window and turns up music

I hate when @+$#+%$$!#$#+ try to throw religion on you to make you feel guilty ...

I hate when a person who is healthy and able to work begs ..

Hell, 1 dude begged about being hungry and $$*! and I offered to buy him food the *%@@#% Said "No I want money" ..

Almost slapped that @++!$ ...

Then you got some you give what change you have they look at you like "
Thats it?!"

$$*! makes me sick ..

@!%+ grinds my gears...you an able bodied mother#&#^@ get your lazt !$$ up and go work. Only people I'd PROBABLY CONSIDER giving money to is someone who is doing something.  Offer to wash my windows or something, dance, play an instrument...do something. Don't just sit on your !$$ and beg for my hard earned $$
Originally Posted by MASERATI HARM

A fiend Rolled up on me at a red light like ...

Her - God bless you baby .. blessed be the name of Jesus .. I'm fron north carolina .. my family got the fighting and I left .. I have sugar and I haven't washed in 3 days .. And I.......

Me -
*rolls up window and turns up music

I hate when @+$#+%$$!#$#+ try to throw religion on you to make you feel guilty ...

I hate when a person who is healthy and able to work begs ..

Hell, 1 dude begged about being hungry and $$*! and I offered to buy him food the *%@@#% Said "No I want money" ..

Almost slapped that @++!$ ...

Then you got some you give what change you have they look at you like "
Thats it?!"

$$*! makes me sick ..

@!%+ grinds my gears...you an able bodied mother#&#^@ get your lazt !$$ up and go work. Only people I'd PROBABLY CONSIDER giving money to is someone who is doing something.  Offer to wash my windows or something, dance, play an instrument...do something. Don't just sit on your !$$ and beg for my hard earned $$
Has to be when some @*%%$ got me with the whole hurricane katrina disaster some years ago

Her: my name is ______ and I am from New Orleans (she sounded like she was from the south
) my family and I were relocated out here (which a lot of people were relocated to cali) and I was given this job with _____ and I sell magazines subscriptions. The person who sells the most subscriptions will get help to go to college. 

Me ( the sucker): Sorry to hear that. I will love to help you. 

She continued with her story and selling points and everything seemed ok.

Long story short. I gave the @*%%$ 40 bucks
. Everything seemed so legit because she had paperwork and everything. However, I never got my +!%#+!% magazines.

I've been going hard on begging m$#@^&%$#@#$ every since.
Has to be when some @*%%$ got me with the whole hurricane katrina disaster some years ago

Her: my name is ______ and I am from New Orleans (she sounded like she was from the south
) my family and I were relocated out here (which a lot of people were relocated to cali) and I was given this job with _____ and I sell magazines subscriptions. The person who sells the most subscriptions will get help to go to college. 

Me ( the sucker): Sorry to hear that. I will love to help you. 

She continued with her story and selling points and everything seemed ok.

Long story short. I gave the @*%%$ 40 bucks
. Everything seemed so legit because she had paperwork and everything. However, I never got my +!%#+!% magazines.

I've been going hard on begging m$#@^&%$#@#$ every since.
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

on one occassion, i just got off my job at baskin robbins (2005) and my friend came to chill. while we're talking, this lady comes up to us with one of those portable gas tanks and starts going off about how they're out of gas and need to go visit her mom in the hospital or some %$%%. anyway, i felt bad so i gave her $2. we ended up following her when she left and after a few mins, down the street, she pulls up into an empty best buy parking lot to ask some other people for money. i roll down my window and scream "DON'T GIVE HER MONEY SHES A +@+%*+% SCAMMER." at this point the other person freaks out and hops in their car and bones out. the lady, looking all pissed, calls me a liar and gets in her car. we ended up chasing her in our car until we arrived in her neighborhood. all of a sudden, she hit the brakes and went into reverse, i guess trying to scare us or !%*# my car up. i freak out but hit reverse and since my car's a bit faster than hers, i pulled away a bit. out of nowhere though, she turns sharply and seriously just spins right into this van on the side of the road and the alarm starts going off. i look at my friend with this bewildered face like "omg i can't believe that just happened" and then we ended up just boning out. don't know what happened to that lady or the owner of that van haha.
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

on one occassion, i just got off my job at baskin robbins (2005) and my friend came to chill. while we're talking, this lady comes up to us with one of those portable gas tanks and starts going off about how they're out of gas and need to go visit her mom in the hospital or some %$%%. anyway, i felt bad so i gave her $2. we ended up following her when she left and after a few mins, down the street, she pulls up into an empty best buy parking lot to ask some other people for money. i roll down my window and scream "DON'T GIVE HER MONEY SHES A +@+%*+% SCAMMER." at this point the other person freaks out and hops in their car and bones out. the lady, looking all pissed, calls me a liar and gets in her car. we ended up chasing her in our car until we arrived in her neighborhood. all of a sudden, she hit the brakes and went into reverse, i guess trying to scare us or !%*# my car up. i freak out but hit reverse and since my car's a bit faster than hers, i pulled away a bit. out of nowhere though, she turns sharply and seriously just spins right into this van on the side of the road and the alarm starts going off. i look at my friend with this bewildered face like "omg i can't believe that just happened" and then we ended up just boning out. don't know what happened to that lady or the owner of that van haha.
him: hello, can i take just a couple minutes of your time? my name is john smith. i'm from xxx, the town after this one. i came here with my wife and our car broke down. got it checked at the gas station and need a new timing belt. lost my wallet. would you be kind enough to lend a helping hand? i need $68 and i've got about $40 so far.

me: i mean, can't you call some family to help you out? lost your phone too? nice shoes though. peace.

dude looked like a bum. prob hasn't showered. shoes are DIRTY. dead giveaway. damn rest stops.
him: hello, can i take just a couple minutes of your time? my name is john smith. i'm from xxx, the town after this one. i came here with my wife and our car broke down. got it checked at the gas station and need a new timing belt. lost my wallet. would you be kind enough to lend a helping hand? i need $68 and i've got about $40 so far.

me: i mean, can't you call some family to help you out? lost your phone too? nice shoes though. peace.

dude looked like a bum. prob hasn't showered. shoes are DIRTY. dead giveaway. damn rest stops.
The ones that always get me are the people with animals.

I see a bum i don't make eye contact and i say no i don't have any thing sorry and keep it moving.

In Philly around 30th street station there was always a young girl who was dirty as hell with her dog chained to her....for some reason i saw that and always felt bad. She was the only bum i would give loose change too.

Spoiler [+]
lesson to hobos out there....you want money....invest some in a pet...they will get you more sympathy then you could on your own
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