What are your driving pet peeves?

Back seat drivers.
People touching my radio (without having the ok)
I never signal to switch lanes. Its a turning signal and Im not going to put much effort into switching lanes because your uncomfortable behind the wheel. I hate when people signal 5 minutes before they even start to switch lanes. By the time I would use my signal I will already be in the next lane.
I hate people who act like their job to maintain how fast I am going. What kind of person drives and cares about how fast the next person is going? If you don't care how fast your going to get wherever your going, pull over and take a smoke break or something.
I dont care if your doing 100 in the left lane. If I'm riding your rear bumper, guess what you need to do??? GET OVER!
Just reading some of these replies in here makes me upset. Laughing because you make someone upset?? I hate people like that.
I never signal to switch lanes. Its a turning signal and Im not going to put much effort into switching lanes because your uncomfortable behind the wheel. I hate when people signal 5 minutes before they even start to switch lanes. By the time I would use my signal I will already be in the next lane.
I hate people who act like their job to maintain how fast I am going. What kind of person drives and cares about how fast the next person is going? If you don't care how fast your going to get wherever your going, pull over and take a smoke break or something.
I dont care if your doing 100 in the left lane. If I'm riding your rear bumper, guess what you need to do??? GET OVER!
Just reading some of these replies in here makes me upset. Laughing because you make someone upset?? I hate people like that.

So basically you read everybody's replies in here, and just made your pet peeves the opposite of what they said. Man get outta here :lol: :lol:
I hate the existence of other drivers. Like seriously it would be awesome if I had the only car in the world. I'd call it a horseless carriage too so I seemed special. :pimp:
People who don't drive fast in the fast lane
People who ride the merge lane all the way to the end
People who try to get over and don't use their signals, but after they almost kill someone they decide to
Inconsistent speeders
NORTHERN VIRGINIA DRIVERS >: Stay the eff out of maryland, we doin 75 over here playa, not that 50 in the left lane B.S. y'all be on.

(Still have VA tags tho cuz the insurance at my pops crib is cheaper than saying I live in PG :lol:)
Stay the eff out of maryland, we doin 75 over here playa, not that 50 in the left lane B.S. y'all be on.
(Still have VA tags tho cuz the insurance at my pops crib is cheaper than saying I live in PG
NoVA drivers are the worst.
switching to my lane when im clearly going fast

switching lanes to go the same speed

women are notorious for making everything uncomfortable, like chilling in your blindspot...and speeding up when you speed up just to chill in your blind spot some more.

people who speed up in traffic like they have to suck all the air infront of them

people who take the extra effort to not let you in. bunch of angry at life trolls.
There's a left turn light to get back into my neighborhood when I go to the grocery store, it has a No U-Turn sign since the light isn't very long and the median is really awkward at that point, yet just about every time I go to turn I end up having to wait more than one cycle because some JA decides that "Eff the U-Turn lane 300 feet up the road, I want to turn at THIS light." I always hope that I'll see some cop at the intersection writing tickets but I never see a single cruiser pulling people over there.

I also regularly get angry when I'm trying to cross the bridge leaving my office during the day, the next exit on the overhead expressway is where a lot of trucks get off for port traffic so traffic in the right lane is usually backed up a mile or so, they want to get into the exit lane, but they won't let anyone get into that lane to continue forward over the bridge, going so far as to cross over solid white lines and queue up in the merge space for my onramp OR pull their truck up to the last point before the exit and stop in the lane next to the exit until they can merge. It drives me up the wall when I have to tack on an extra 7-9 minutes because of trucks exiting.
People that hit the gas on porpuse when you're trying to switch lanes, like I've been with the lights on for a lil' while and when I decide to switch lanes you decide to speed up?

C'mon son, this isnt a race... :smh:
Real talk, i'm about ready to run over the next pedestrian that thinks it is ok to walk across the street, not using a crosswalk and then have the audacity to stare me down when I nearly miss them in my truck. Like Yo! just because you think all pedestrians have the right away doesn't make your *** immune to my big as truck.
People who get mad at me slowing down/coasting to the red light, or people who speed only to get to the red light. We're both gonna be at the same red light, idiot :lol:
not signaling

people who drive directly behind/beside semis

turning into my lane with minimal room to spare

turning into my lane and immediately hitting their brakes

slower drivers in the left lanes

fools who cut me off knowing theres a red light ahead

people who tailgate even thought there are 16 other lanes available

people on their phones going 40 on the freeway
-People who cut me off and go slow in front of me
-People who turn right at a red light but pay no attention to the ones who are U-turning

This thread is making me rage and I'm not even driving...
Female/Old drivers are terrible here. Sorority girls make driving around campus a night mare.

and my #1 thing that bothers the hell out of me......When I'm stopped at a light, and the dude in the very far left lane decides he needs to take a right on the light. So he signals right and makes EVERYBODY STOP FOR HIM SO THAT HE CAN SLOWLY SLIDE ACROSS 3 LANES TO TURN. Its always an old lady too.
>: :smh:
People who think that everyone is just driving slow. I could be doing 80 on a 55 and some ***** thinks that i'm going too slow and tries to tail gate. I drop speed real quick and have them shook. When they get into the next lane I drive up to the car next to me so they can't pass. ***** ******.:smokin

I HATE people like you. What if their kid is dying and he's trying to get home ASAP?

like what's the point? Cornball
NORTHERN VIRGINIA DRIVERS >: Stay the eff out of maryland, we doin 75 over here playa, not that 50 in the left lane B.S. y'all be on.

(Still have VA tags tho cuz the insurance at my pops crib is cheaper than saying I live in PG :lol: )

NoVA drivers are the worst.

Seriously....when I drive up to nyc to visit my family I HATE driving thru VA...How is the speed limit 65 and you got people in the left lane going like 58 and people in the right lane going about 61...**** is annoying as ****
I HATE people like you. What if their kid is dying and he's trying to get home ASAP?
like what's the point? Cornball
That is the dumbest ****, I hate people like you who feel the need to tailgate or speed up on my back to get to some bs place that you are late for, if it was an emergency put your hazard lights on, ******g pull over call cops for assistance or something. This is were my road rage comes in because jack ***** like you think you are bad but when we pull up to the same light you tried to beat I look at you and can tell you are a pus boy
That is the dumbest ****, I hate people like you who feel the need to tailgate or speed up on my back to get to some bs place that you are late for, if it was an emergency put your hazard lights on, ******g pull over call cops for assistance or something. This is were my road rage comes in because jack ***** like you think you are bad but when we pull up to the same light you tried to beat I look at you and can tell you are a pus boy

:rofl: :lol:
- Female drivers who tailgate not cuz their mad, just because that's how they drive.
- Drivers who stop on your bumper at a red
- Blue headlights
- High beamers. It's a ***** move. Just honk.
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