What are your bad experiences with a room mate?

Nov 9, 2012
I've recently moved into this girl's pool house(it's actually a small storage in the backyard converted to a house with a bathroom and running water in the sink and shower) I've met this girl through a homie of mine and she offered up the place and she seemed super eager to have someone live with her. And I know you guys are wondering if she's bangin or not, and I can tell you that she's a 3/10 and that's me being generous, still wouldn't smash if hammered. She told me that she's really chill and she's not into that drama BS and whatnot, and I was like cooooooo. But little did I know, she's one of the craziest psycho ******* I've met. The first week living there was already dramatic. For some reason, she thinks that any guys that come into contact with her already wants to bang her because she says that she's "thick" and she got "cakes like a black girl" but honestly, I can say that Miley Cyrus got more cakes, and thats sayin something lol. She invited me to her house and she wanted to "interview" me and she asked if I was a homewrecker because she said that she got a bf and she doesn't want me to feel "tempted" and try something "funny". I wasn't sure how to tell her that I wouldn't smash her and I wasn't tryna be an ******* so I just simply told her that I wouldn't pull anything shady like that. And that still didn't register in her head and she still thought that anyone would want to smash her. And then her girl friend who I met through her(a 2/10 still wouldn't smash) starts talking to me and was already trying to give up the yambs, I just can't bear doing anything her cus her mustache so super thick, more than mine. But anyways we just kicked it and then my room mate hits me up on my phone to check in where I'm at, in my mind: I'm like wtf, why does it matter where I'm at? But I was honest and told her I was kickin it with her girl friend, then she starts telling me to wear protection and stupid **** like that, and I told her we're just simply kickin it, once again still didn't register in her thick skull and she thought I was giving her attitude, so things between me and her got a little shaky. The next day comes, I got a text her her girl friend tellin me that my room mate called her in the morning and started cussing her out and calling her a ho and all that ish. So she pretty much burned the bridges between me and her and her friend. I wasn't really trippin about that though because her friend was almost as annoying as she was(they both drained my energy). Anyways, the day after that after coming back home from my night class, my room mate hits me up telling me that her bf is having car trouble and she wants me to call him. I was being nice, so I did call him and see if he needed anything like jumping the car. He said he is already getting it towed, and I'm like ok cool. and I tell her that and she said "ok..." in a condescending way. Then she tells me that he's the one that gives her rides to school and asks me if I can give her rides to school. I told her ok, because we're room mates and we both go to the same school, so that means that I wouldn't have to get out of my way to do something for her. Then she has the nerve to tell me to drive her bf to school, who lives in the next few cities up and wants me to drive him back down to school then back to his house for the next couple of weeks. I told her that I can't do that because that's out of my way. Then she starts getting angry with me and starts yelling at me and telling me how ungrateful I am and that I should be grateful to live with her and **** like that, and that the rent is cheap(most places in this area is around 400-500 which I'm paying, and this is excluding electricity) so I'm not getting like some awefully crazy *** hookup. At this point I had it with her BS and called her out on it, I told her that I just live here and that I'm not her damn butler, I pay to live here, it ain't free. So then she gets mad at me and starts hitting up my homie telling me that I threatened her and **** like that, but my homie knows me well and just brushed it off, and for the next couple months we stopped talking, and it was real awkward everytime I see her at home or on campus. Then when she finally passed her driving test(she's 21) we celebrated it at a cheesecake factory and she seemed to cooled down for a bit. Then she wanted to hangout and talk to me one on one to discuss things out and she talked about how people in her fraternity didn't like her and that she always thinks that someone's talkin trash about her, and I just gave her an honest opinion and told her that she just over analyzes too much, and then she became the evil psycho ***** again. So now, I'm just gonna play it cool and do my own thing and avoid her azzzzz like the plague. THE END.


-Met room mate chick through a homie.

-She said she was cool, drama free. (LIES!)

-She think she got cakes and everyone tryna smash! (nahhhhh)

-Accuses me for being a homewrecker without any evidence.

-3/10 chick, would not smash even when hammered.

-She tryin to make me her errand boy!

-Burned bridges between most of her friends through insecurity.

-Stopped talking to her for a few months.


-Celebrated at the Cheesecake Factory, we made up.

-Thought we made up and everything was all good again.

-She fcked it up because her insecurity got the best of her, and is still a crazy psycho biaaaatch.

-Writing this while I'm living here right now in the pool house in her backyard.

Moral of the story: Anyone who says that they are drama free are usually full of it.

So what are your guy's experiences with a room mate?
Bruh you said her homegirl was a 2/10 and you still kicked it with her? Of course ya roomate gonna think you a dog tryna smash her homies lol

And she got you paying rent while you live in the pool house in her backyard, cmon fambs? Get outta there
This is from my junior year in college:

It was originally my friend and I living together, but he had to take the year off, so I had to bring in a replacement that I knew.

He ended up being a pest, the type of dude that gets too drunk too often and causes you to get involved in drunk fights/drama. I still put up with it cause at that point, I had no choice unless I wanted to pay $1900 a month by myself.

Dude came in to the apartment high as #$%& off acid one night and started throwing my luggage, speakers, etc at me to wake me up to help him "@$%& a @$%&@". When I didn't agree, he caused 1300 worth of damage by kicking the walls, breaking electronics. Etc. I opened the door and pushed him out and locked it, but he kicked through the window and kept at his rampage anyway. I was gonna call the cops but I didn't have it in me, so I called up his mom and told her "you either come and pick up your son right now or I'm calling the cops asap". Poor lady drove 2 hours from LA to my apartment at 5 in the morning to pick her son up. Dude begged me, he said "I'm so sorry man, it will never happen again" buy I knew him too well to know that it would.

She wanted to pay for everything, but she barely made any money as a grocery clerk so I didn't want to be too harsh. I sent her the bills for half the repairs and paid for the other half myself cause I didn't want to deal with this clown any longer. I just wanted him gone ASAP and was willing to let go $650 in order to maintain my mental health. Trust me, there's a lot of details I'm leaving out, you would've done the same
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Yeah I do lol. Got all my **** there, pretty much settled in, don't really feel like making a transition, plus I don't gotta share rooms. I guess it's worth the BS, just gotta brush them off and chilllllll
1st yr of my second degree. They required a mandatory letter to get people kicked out. Here's the one I wrote:

To: Bulldog Management

                "I have been a bulldog resident for nearly two years now, and my roommate, Taylor for four years. This year we decided to move in with each other and for financial purposes decided to have a third roommate. Taylor and I are very easy to get along with, reasonable, easy-going guys who have never had serious issues with any of our previous roommates during our tenures here at Bulldog Village. However, recently we have encountered serious issues with our current randomly selected roommate, Rob.

            Taylor and I have never experienced a roommate of Robs’ caliber of uncleanliness and disregard for others. As a roommate, I couldn’t imagine one worse than Rob. At the beginning of the year all of us mutually agreed that we would buy our own food and only eat the food that we bought ourselves. We quickly learned that this mutual agreement meant nothing to Rob as he consumed our food day after day without our consent. We approached Rob about the issue and he said “well, you guys can have my food too”, Rob has no food at our apartment. Taylor and I have tried again and again to approach him in a civilized manner to handle the issue at hand, but to no avail, Rob simply doesn’t care. Food is not the only issue; Rob has no problem using any and all household items not purchased by him including: plates, towels, soap, shaving cream, toilet paper, tissues, toothpaste, laundry detergent, and much more. It is one problem when Rob uses my things, but not only does he use my items he chooses to blatantly not be courteous by not even putting my things back at their appropriate place. Just recently Rob used my laundry detergent without my consent and instead of putting it back where it belongs (in the closet) he left it in the living room, spilled in the corner. Rob has never done any of his dishes, ever, leaving Taylor and I to do them even though we have talked to him on numerous occasions about it. If he were to at least bring the dishes to the sink that would be one thing, but he leaves his dishes littered around the apartment.

            Last month our apartment received a violation for having cigarettes right outside our house, Taylor and I do not smoke; only Rob does. We received another violation soon after, and a final warning recently stating that our apartment will be assessed a cleaning fee upon next violation. Even with the two violations, and final warning cigarettes continue to pile up outside of our apartment and Taylor and I find ourselves in a position taking responsibility for messes that are not our own. Taylor is in his final year of college and I am getting my masters in nursing here at Fresno State so we do not have the extra time to clean up and handle the different problems that Rob poses to our apartment.

            To say Rob is unsanitary is an understatement. Instead of throwing his snot filled tissues and cigarettes in the appropriate receptacle (the trash), he throws them on the ground. He has never bought or chipped in anything for the house, but has no problem using everyone else’s’ things.  There have been occasions where I have bought milk for myself and have not been able to drink one sip of my own milk due to Rob drinking it all without my consent. If Rob were to chip in buying supplies for the house or make an effort to be more sanitary Taylor and I would be more than happy to work with him, but we have been with him for several months now and talked to him time and time again about the different issues yet still he shows no remorse or any willingness to make changes.

            Our house has a constant odor that is stained to the carpet due to him ashing cigarettes on the floor and general uncleanliness.  We have asked him for the monthly PG&E payments and he has never paid them on time, causing Taylor and I to have to pay for his share and for him to have to pay us back. Recently, I woke up to get ready for class and there was a puddle of urine in our bathroom where Rob had apparently “missed”. Taylor and I are very reasonable guys, and have tried through and through to work with Rob to be a roommate that we can live with, but it is simply not possible. I cannot begin to reiterate that the examples of issues that I have noted in this letter are just the tip of the iceberg and do not go into depth of the different problems that Rob has posed us. I send this letter to plead with bulldog management to have Taylor and I move to a different apartment, or for Rob to move out because it is simply not plausible for Taylor and I to continue living with Rob. Please consider our request.


Your disgruntled attendant,"
OP, unless you're bound to a contract, why would you stay?  I mean, finding another place will be a hassle, but it'll be worth it so you don't have to deal with her.

Side note: I don't get why dudes want to live with girls that aren't their gf or wife anyway.  Let's say you live with a dime and end up smashing.  Someone's gonna catch feelings and then it's just gonna be a headache if you guys break up...
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