What are some ways you save money? Vol. 373821326894423

  • Cut out the little debbie dollar store runs
  • Picked up thrifting at second hand shops, goodwill, salvation army, etc
  • Pack own lunch for work
  • Eat several small homemade meals a day instead of three big ones
  • Pay bills on time to avoid any late fees or other related charges
  • Splurge on one item per month to keep the itch at bay
  • Use public transportation
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cooking your own meals.

Find a constructive hobby for your free time so you don't have the urge to go out with friends and waste money on drinks and cramped up spaces (aka) parties.

Making a shopping list before going in any store can save you from buying things on the whim.

If you are paying down debt, making principal only payments in addition to your regular payment can help you pay tings off quicker.

Save loose change. If you use coin rollers, you'll be less tempted to spend them and when you want dollars you can take them to the bank and skip that 8.9 cents per dollar they charge at the coinstar machine.

Buy your own yard equipment and take an early morning to do your own landscaping instead of paying people $25 every weekend to cut your yard.

Give yourself an edge up when your fade starts to ..well ...fade away to keep from having to go to the barbershop

Reading is really beneficial and can help you to save money in ways you never knew. Don't be scared to read.

Having a girlfriend, wife, etc is costly. Budget accordingly.

If you are a single man, realize that when you get a family, they won't be able to do all the renegade stuff you did to keep within the constraints of your bachelor budget. They need your money more than you need it which is your role so know what you are getting into. Sex tricks humans into thinking they can be with somebody forever. Slap yourself a few times and take a cold shower when you start thinking like this. it is irrational.

Learn to mix and match clothes with out labels and super elaborate graphics. A graphic tee is easier to spot than a solid color mix up. 5 solid colored shirts and pants mixed the right way can def outlast 10 of the trendiest outfits.
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Purposely leave my wallet at home/in the car. I cant spend money if I dont have it on me


So that's why my friend forgets his wallet so much when we go out to eat... >:
Why buy garbage bags?
Your grocery store will give you free plastic or paper bags! Use them for your garbage instead of buying bags to put your garbage in. (be careful of wet/food items in paper bags over a period of time. look, you're getting a bunch of them, so use a smaller can and make more trips. good exercise!)

Cut your own hair!

Bicycle/Public transpo (if feasible. i know it's not for everybody, but it's TRULY liberating if it works for you.)

You really only need 1/2 the allotment of laundry soap (liquid or powder) that the instructions need.

Don't just go to the store that's nearest you; buy the things that you need from a store by going to a different store each week. find out which stores sell your things the cheapest, then only go to those stores when you need the things they sell cheapest.

work out at home and on the streets!

Brand names REALLY don't matter. You'll be fine with the no name or store brand.

Make your own calendars. (personal favorite! new holidays? Beerman's Sojourn went really well for me last year.)

Craigslist free section: things you need, and things that you might be able to sell to others!

unplug all unused electrical items everytime they're not in use. really, if you have your phone, why do you need your microwave to tell you what time it is? (actually, get rid of your microwave all together. worthless.) ........... also, use candles more. small little ones. How much light do you really need?

save every gift bag anybody ever gives you. instant gift bag for somebody else!

i will never buy wrapping paper again. too many newspapers, magazines, or free posters available. honestly, nobody else uses them for that, so you'll at least be unique!

the less weight in your car/vehicle = the better gas mileage you get. (hint: lose weight too!) so clean out your trunk and back seat whenever you can.

this one's a bit tricky in the legal department: paying for garbage service? just find somebody else that is and secretly add your refuse to theirs! (hint: eliminate all personal documents or identifying information). remember, if you're using those grocery store bags, it keeps your garbage down to manageable amounts!

Shave less. by one day. maybe two.

utilize your public library for music, media and books and magazines.

volunteer at events that include being fed, like church groups, community service organizations, etc.

stock up on sugar/condiments everytime you are dining out at a restaurant. i have so much tapatio right now.

buy food stuffs to make your own meals. avoid eating away from your home at all costs. when you must, bring snacks like fruits, vegetables, or rice with you so that you can curb any hunger until you get back home.

make friends with people at businesses that you frequent. their discounts might become yours if you are friendly enough!

what do you really need a smart phone for? texting and calling can be so much cheaper!

make your own cards for special occasions. nobody reads storebought ones anyways! it's all about what you write in it and how it's decorated.

steal office supplies from your employer. you probably already do this anyways, but seriously, when you need something, check to see if work has it first.

your body doesn't really need liquids other than water, so just realize everytime that you're drinking something other than water that you're spending more money than you have to. (unless it's at one of the previously mentioned free food volunteer events.)

you probably don't need insurance if you're really really really careful. (health/auto/appliance warranties)

if you need new hangers, ask a local dry cleaners if they have any extra.

matches are free. lighters cost money.

my gf has her own chickens. we haven't bought eggs in 9 months.

textbroker.com to earn some side scrilla.

next time somebody needs a present for something, look through your old things first before buying them something new. if it's a personal thing, then you get bonus points for sentimentality!

do your own taxes. Seriously, if you're reading this, then it's not that hard for you.read the instructions, and go online for assistance, but wow, you're paying how much for that? save copies of all of your financial docs year over year, and just do it yourself. (hint, your previous year forms and info might even be available for free from the irs or your state agency, so take advantage!)

recycle bottles and cans.

search the web for corporate/employment discounts with major services like utilities, phones, cable, internet, insurance, etc. see if you can find somebody willing to pose as your friend/family to help you get the discount.

Get use out of all of the things you have before you decide that you NEED something new. you really don't.
^My dude VILLANSFINEST really just wrote us a book on how to be the cheapest dude on the planet. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Use someone else's trash can? Steal tapatio from restaurants? Use news papers to wrap Christmas gifts? :x :rofl:

C'mon man... Some of those things you said are good pointers, but man you gotta be trollin with some of those... Yeah we wanna save money but it doesn't mean we wanna lie, steal, and make horrible ethical decisions to save ourselves a few pennies. We gotta still behave ourselves and maintain some humanity during these hard times. :smh:
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This is something I'll never do because I'm a honda enthusiast, but get rid of your car!! It's expensive, especially if you have a loan and insurance. PLUS gas, tires, oil, oil filter, registration every year, sometimes safety and emissions. You know repairs will eventually come whether it's a leak or broken part or light bulb or windshield. It's ridiculous how much it is for a car when you think about it! damb............:smh:
^My dude VILLANSFINEST really just wrote us a book on how to be the cheapest dude on the planet.

I agree about being too frugal. Plus it just seems like a miserable life to live.

Spending money isn't a bad thing. Cutting out a few things goes a long way.
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how much do you spend on toilet paper? unless the answer is zero, there are people out there that have figured out how to spend less.

i just have ideas, friend.

and it's not cheap if you don't have the money to spend.
cereal with water
wear your underwear/shirts while you shower, and hang dry, no need for doing laundry
go to starbucks, or supermarket when they are closing, they usually toss all their food out for that day
cereal with water
wear your underwear/shirts while you shower, and hang dry, no need for doing laundry
go to starbucks, or supermarket when they are closing, they usually toss all their food out for that day


how much do you spend on toilet paper? unless the answer is zero, there are people out there that have figured out how to spend less.
i just have ideas, friend.
and it's not cheap if you don't have the money to spend.

Stop trying to cover up your trolling.

There is no way any decent human being would recommend stealing your company's supplies, stealing hot sauce from restaurants, and using paper towels from your local hotel bathroom as your personal toilet paper at home.

You might as well tell people on NT to go to their local elementary school, wait for kids to come around the corner, beat them up and steal their shoes so they wouldn't have to spend any money on back to school shopping for their own kids.

You seem like you have no boundaries, and you will stop at nothing to save money and not ever have to open up your wallet. You are definitely not the kind of person I would ever want to be associated with or talk to and I consider myself a pretty conservative person with money. You are just taking it too far bro.

Real good advice bro. Very helpful and classy. I'll just give you the benefit of the doubt and say you are trolling.
Cook instead of going out.
Don't buy stuff that you don't need or wont wear.
Try to drive less; buy a Hybrid if you drive a lot.
Stay in instead of going out.
^My dude VILLANSFINEST really just wrote us a book on how to be the cheapest dude on the planet. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Use someone else's trash can? Steal tapatio from restaurants? Use news papers to wrap Christmas gifts? :x :rofl:
C'mon man... Some of those things you said are good pointers, but man you gotta be trollin with some of those... Yeah we wanna save money but it doesn't mean we wanna lie, steal, and make horrible ethical decisions to save ourselves a few pennies. We gotta still behave ourselves and maintain some humanity during these hard times. :smh:

I agree about being too frugal. Plus it just seems like a miserable life to live.
Spending money isn't a bad thing. Cutting out a few things goes a long way.

SMH at that long list. #ghetto

well, people have opinions. would any of you care to offer your suggestions?
people come from a lot of different backgrounds and experiences. i like to think that my suggestions will appeal to a wide variety of individuals.

how about this, i promise that if you get married, i WON'T use the crappy old george foreman grill that my apartment tried to give to me as a lease renewal bonus as your wedding present.



double bonus: i will promise not to wrap it in crappy boring brown paper with old dc snowboarding posters cut out in heart shapes. not because it's tacky or cheap, but because you probably wouldn't like it. don't worry, i know a few people that did like it.

Whenever I take out a chick I'm not serious with, i don't treat her dinner or whatever. We either split or go dutch.
not gonna lie, villansfinest got me thinking. i could easily cop 2-3 rolls of TP from work when I'm low. They stack the reserves under the sink in the bathroom. I do the same for school supplies. Get all my notebooks/pens/etc from my work's supply cabinet.

Other ways

no cable, just internet
stopped blazing
pre game before going out
unplug electronics when I leave the house
live w roommate
cut my own hair
if i do eat out, only from spots that can make two meals
download music, stream movies & tv (for free)
I read this before. It neglects to mention that he was making 100K a year though which he was

True, but its relative. If he makes 100k and has 90k in debt hes just as in debt as the guy who makes 40k and is 35k in debt...they both have a dti ratio of about 90%.

I dont want it to seem like I’m judging you because I'm not and I don't know your situation, but that list is straight miser status. It’s like suggesting people only flush deuces and not when they pee so you can conserve water... that isn't practical lol
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