Welcome to the new NikeTalk!

Can anyone help me with the signature thing. Even if I delete my current one and just add one character I get an error saying my sig is too many characters long? Anyone know why
Any way to get rid of these white borders?? Wrecking havoc on my eyes trying to read in the dark...
Are post counts still being updated? Not a big deal but mine is way off. I should have about double :lol:.
How do I make sure I don't receive an email EVERY time someone posts in a thread I posted in?

I don't mind getting notified on the site (used to be called "SITE ONLY") but I don't need an email.
Is there a way to browse the different sections instead of constantly going to the forums page? All I get when I hover the forums up top or the menu on the left is Quick links, Mark Forums read, etc..
Where would I find the timeline of most recent activities in a thread? I remember on the old NT if you were on the home page and went down you could scroll threw a timeline of most recent threads. I would peep it to see what new/interesting threads popped up every 24 hours. Does this exist still?
Does anyone know how to display more posts on a page? When I'm on PC it gets quite annoying having to keep changing pages after only 10 or so posts per page.
I am in the same boat would like to bump it up to 100 personally, instead of the default 20. I understand it is a work in progress so just barring with it until a later date.

I don't remember for sure but weren't the thread titles in red on the old platform? Thought that was easier on the eyes... I could be bugging out though and it might've been white anyone remember?
I believe they were white back in the previous version as well.
Not getting email notifications from NT. Anyone else having the same problem?
I will try and answer as many questions as I can if the admins don't mind possible double post. I "thought" I wasn't getting new email notifications but I just checked my Spam folder in Gmail and saw all of them in their. I moved them back to my inbox and will monitor, might need to specify NikeTalk as not Spam.

How do I make sure I don't receive an email EVERY time someone posts in a thread I posted in?

I don't mind getting notified on the site (used to be called "SITE ONLY") but I don't need an email.
It is my understanding you need to check for every thread to send you email notifications unless you change the setting prior to replying to an email. I have it setup any thread I reply to automatically email me updates.
It is my understanding you need to check for every thread to send you email notifications unless you change the setting prior to replying to an email. I have it setup any thread I reply to automatically email me updates.

I want the opposite. I don't want ANY email notifications.

Someone helped me figure out how to do it manually for each thread I post in... but isn't there a way to just say "no email notifications ever" ?
I want the opposite. I don't want ANY email notifications.

Someone helped me figure out how to do it manually for each thread I post in... but isn't there a way to just say "no email notifications ever" ?
Does this work?

Forums > Watched Threads > Click the "There may be more to view" link. Then on the right side click "Manage Watched Threads" and then "Disable email notification".
I really don't understand the delay in our name change.

Hi, so sorry about the delay. We missed a programing aspect of the feature and have since fixed it. Can you try changing your username now? Thanks!
Where would I find the timeline of most recent activities in a thread? I remember on the old NT if you were on the home page and went down you could scroll threw a timeline of most recent threads. I would peep it to see what new/interesting threads popped up every 24 hours. Does this exist still?

Hello, this is a great question and observation. Unfortunately, we don't yet have that type of activity feed that would allow you to view that. We do have the What's New area here: https://niketalk.com/find-new/9639/posts - Could you let me know if that's what you were looking for? Thanks!
Is there a way to browse the different sections instead of constantly going to the forums page? All I get when I hover the forums up top or the menu on the left is Quick links, Mark Forums read, etc..

Hi there, thanks for the feedback. We realize that this is one of the most requested features at the moment: to have an easy to access navigation that will allow you to get around quickly on the site. We're sorry that we couldn't take that feature over from the old platform but we hear you and will work on getting this done quickly. Thanks!
Hi there, thanks for the feedback. We realize that this is one of the most requested features at the moment: to have an easy to access navigation that will allow you to get around quickly on the site. We're sorry that we couldn't take that feature over from the old platform but we hear you and will work on getting this done quickly. Thanks!

good to hear, da jump menu is frankly painful without it....that pawn sign logo on da upper right needs to be in da jump menu.
This is a nice surprise. Site looks amazing, thanks NT team.

Thank you so much for the kind comment. We worked really hard on the site. We're far from done but I'm glad you like what we have so far. I'm so glad you enjoy the new NT!

I seem to still be getting email notifications for threads I read even though I turned them off. Anyone else having this problem?

Can you let me know if this is still a problem for you? I went and checked off any email notification settings in your account so you should not be receiving any emails anymore.

That's not exactly it :/.
Like on the old site when I was on my profile page, it wasn't showing my threads in order based on when people replied to them like "watched threads" currently has (as in who replied most recent).
But rather it showed a list of all the threads that I had personally replied to in order of when I replied, with the number on the side of how many posts I haven't read yet.
I was just wondering if there was a way to access that style of thread viewing for new posts rather having all my threads show up in order of when new posts were posted.
I ask because on the "watched threads" page it's showing a bunch of threads I haven't followed in a long time. Rather than go unfollow them all I was wondering if there was an option like the old site had.

Thanks for the quick response!

I'm sorry I didn't find the right page for you yet. It sounds like you're seeing a "My Activity Feed" that we had on Huddler. It's not a default on here (yet). We'll take into consideration to offer an activity feed that will help our users to find their own content quicker. Thank you!

Also, when I bookmark Niketalk on chrome, the NT symbol isn't in the picture for the bookmark anymore :frown:

The favicon isn't up yet. Once we resolve some big issues, we'll get right to you about the favicon. You should see it update automatically once we push out updates (which is really quick now!)

Does anyone know how to display more posts on a page? When I'm on PC it gets quite annoying having to keep changing pages after only 10 or so posts per page.

We don't yet offer a user preference that allows you to select how many posts per page you will see yet. Right now, the default is at 20 PPP and we don't have plans to change that yet. Thank you for being patient while we continue to improve NT!

Is there anyway to mark old convos (PMs) as read?

I sent a new PM and now my entire history of them is marked as unread. Bit of an eye sore to my OCD

Yes, we can clean that up for you. I'm so sorry about that! I know too well. All of my messages are also marked us unread and it's killin' the OCD'er in me. :tongue:

Darn, tried changing my username but Methodical Management already seems to be in use!

NOooloooOoOo!!!!1!!! That was my choice in username. Sigh, back to the drawing board.
good to hear, da jump menu is frankly painful without it....that pawn sign logo on da upper right needs to be in da jump menu.

The pawn sign logo? You mean the three dots? :D We're going to build a full navigation menu, kind of similar to how we had it before. It's a lot of work so we want to get it right. Thanks for being so understanding!
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