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DC fans already using bootleg Cap in their memes. :lol:
Trying to turn him into an Influencer :rofl:
People go the TV Show "The Bachelor" to become rich as IG influencers.

I have to think saving the universe from Thanos the mad titan
and bringing back half the living organisms on earth back from non-existence

has to be enough to get at least like a Fashionnova ambassadorship or something. :lol:
People go the TV Show "The Bachelor" to become rich as IG influencers.

I have to think saving the universe from Thanos the mad titan
and bringing back half the living organisms on earth back from non-existence

has to be enough to get at least like a Fashionnova ambassadorship or something. :lol:

He needs to go to the corp office of that bank and do some commercial's. "Avengers Bank here!" or whatever. CUT THE CHECK!
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I mean black panther is the most well off..

then Tony..

then strange..

We talking about those under jurisdiction of the US. The current Black Panther luckily doesnt have to deal with the US based Avengers government politics.

And Tony is dead.
DC fans already using bootleg Cap in their memes. :lol:
In a way shows you how tough it is for one creator to translate another's vision. Whedon probably started watching **** like raw footage of Flash flopping around like what the hell am I supposed to do with this? Vs Snyder "trust me, run like this, it will work".
If they weren't blindly following Steve and taking Tony for granted they would've made a connect with someone in the gov. on their side. Get a cash fund for them.

Burnt bridges with Thunderbolt Ross. Ain't get cool with the other Ross.

I hope Sam don't go asking Sharon for money.

or I mean they could have gotten to know Tony and Tony woulda left them something

i mean look at far from home.. Tony left Pete the glasses.. happy showed up with the check for that foundation and Peter was getting picked up in a private plane

im sure rhodey ain’t out chere struggling
Avoided this thread like the plague until I watched it, I know how we rollin now no spoiler gang in here lol.

-falcon racked up bodies in the opening scene, good action. Off the record too.

-if that’s how military shrinks roll then they are wild lol like going against all kinds of professional and ethical standards there

-Bucky is a damn tragedy, was totally lost on why he befriended this old man until the apartment scene :frown: just sad all around. The chick is cute though he should’ve headed back ASAP lol

-gonna need whoever is the current MCU tech guru (shuri?) to put some kind of implant to get rid of Bucky’s nightmares and guilt lol

-I’m interested to see more of Bucky adjusting to the current world especially because he’s truly alone no Steve or government/military around to give him structure

-surprised Disney went there with Sam and his sister at the bank but it hit pretty well. Wasn’t explicit at all but the hard truth/reality was obvious

-is US Agent official or are we throwing out the name from the comics lol Captain Fauxmerica gonna be exposed quick. Dude prob just some washed high school football star anyway.

-this is probably where Sam turns around and says eff it to the govt and the system and goes around with Bucky handling business :pimp:

overall it was good and I liked it more than I thought would. Looking forward to how Sam and Bucky cross paths.
Not writing it off in any way but the first episode to the Falcon and Winter Soldier didn’t sell me on the series . That whole new Cap thing though must gon deliver something serious.
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