Some dudes are simpletons if they can’t see the deeper meaning of this show and are upset it didn’t tie more things in or had more cameos, this joint was NEVER about that, this thing was about ONE thing, GRIEF....they literally represented the 5 stages of grief BEAUTIFULLY and when it came to acceptance it was poetic and perfectly done....she walked away free, in pain but was the closure everyone who lost their soulmate hopes to one day find....why? BecuAuse YOU simply has to go on, My mother’s grief comes to mind, how she lost my dad unexpectedly only months after building their home, the incredible pain she must have felt and how she had to move on....I simply can’t imagine it and bring me to tears, a good friend of mine lost his wife of 20 years just last year after a surgery and the thought of his grief still breaks my heart, this is the dynamic of life this show taps into....maybe those that are “mehhh” about it, haven’t found that soulmate they fear ever losing.