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but as far as the villians, zemo is the only real one i sympathize with

the avengers obviously needed to at least be answerable to someone and not just above the law.. i would be pissed too if i lost my family and these people dont have to even answer for shh, to some degree

killmonger made some great points, but dude was psychopath out for revenge and then was just mad at the world.. he was just a smart dude

thanos never actually attempted to look for another solution to a problem he saw
but as far as the villians, zemo is the only real one i sympathize with

the avengers obviously needed to at least be answerable to someone and not just above the law.. i would be pissed too if i lost my family and these people dont have to even answer for shh, to some degree

killmonger made some great points, but dude was psychopath out for revenge and then was just mad at the world.. he was just a smart dude

thanos never actually attempted to look for another solution to a problem he saw
Killmonger as was good with up until he was ready to kill everyone on earth not black (or whatever his plan was I’m kidding) :lol:
Kinda sorta. SW didn’t show them a lie, she kinda just showed them the truth and left them to figure it out themselves.

she wanted to make a mess but didnt realize the amount of gasoline she was throwing on the fire

you had someone who saw some shh AND was already very concerned and decided to mess with that person's head

tony has clearly done shhh wrong, but he at least tries to make amends and recognizes that he/they have done shh wrong
Killmonger as was good with up until he was ready to kill everyone on earth not black (or whatever his plan was I’m kidding) :lol:

to me, when killmonger killed his girl THAT is when i knew what really was up with dude..

he was just mad at the world.. he didnt actually give a shh about the stuff he was saying.. he just wanted his revenge and to watch the world burn

it was mirrored to a degree with w'kabi's character
I said it before about Thanos but the flaw in his solution(s) was halving the population to sustain resources but that didn't solve anything cuz eventually across the universe sentient life would begin to over populate again. That's inevitable. It doesn't really address the lack of resources problem.

Then his little angry next plan about wiping the entire universe and making a new one wouldn't change anything unless he created sentient life that didn't use those resources.

What Thanos should've simply done was use the stones to create unlimited resources. No need to snap anyone away.
I said it before about Thanos but the flaw in his solution(s) was halving the population to sustain resources but that didn't solve anything cuz eventually across the universe sentient life would begin to over populate again. That's inevitable. It doesn't really address the lack of resources problem.

Then his little angry next plan about wiping the entire universe and making a new one wouldn't change anything unless he created sentient life that didn't use those resources.

What Thanos should've simply done was use the stones to create unlimited resources. No need to snap anyone away.

He was called "the Mad Titan" and not "the Rational Titan" for a reason :lol:

it only works in the comics due to Mistress Death reasons
Had a random thought today....what if Even Peters (Quicksilver from Fox Universe) was cast as either Wiccan or Speed in WV? That would be interesting. Then they bring back Aaron Taylor Johnson as MCU Quicksilver....idk just a thought....

On another note, Both Peters and Johnson were both in Kick ***, I've seen the movie before and never made the connection
He was called him "the Mad Titan" and not "the Rational Titan" :lol:

it only works in the comics due to Mistress Death reasons
I prefer the comic version cuz of that. Give me a mad Thanos just obsessed with death so much he's going to impose his will on all of reality.

Not this cosmic eco-terrorist thinking he's doing ppl a favor.
I sympathize most with Killmonger. Though I think he went about it the wrong way to a degree, when you think that the world we live on does move on a European skew, and how we as Blacks have been been fk’d over for generations, and other groups as well (Native Americans in particular), wanting to both get revenge, and rearrange the power dynamics of the planet makes a lot of sense. Peaceful is what everyone talks about and wants, but let’s not act like the planet got to this European “dominance” via peace.
Killmonger literally was like, “everyone in Wakanda is living the life, while all our Black brothers and sisters are out here struggling the most all over the world. Let’s take this Wakandan technology and weapons, arm everyone out there up, and let’s start running things.”
I was hoping that Death would be incorporated in the MCU. But again, Thanos da Simp wouldn't look good on the big screen lmao.
Yeah. I noticed rather soon none of the Marvel cosmic beings were gonna show up. All got ditched in early drafts.
Feige aint about that CW teen angst life
I feel there was a way to spin that depiction and make it look Helen of Troy-ish.
Killmonger is definitely the most sympathetic of MCU villains so far.
I totally get and semi-agree with Killmonger but I feel there's more sympathy or should be for Zemo.

If that had happened to me, I would've went after the Avengers like the Punisher. Whole family killed and for what? Especially since it doesn't even seem Zeno knows the real reason Ultron was created and how it got ****** up either. I would've been looking for ways to get super powers and any edge to kill them.

Its a bit more personal and relatable.

Killmonger was taking on a global and historical task that I feel more strongly resonates with black ppl and other demoralized and marginalized groups. Not everybody would sympathize.
I totally get and semi-agree with Killmonger but I feel there's more sympathy or should be for Zemo.

If that had happened to me, I would've went after the Avengers like the Punisher. Whole family killed and for what? Especially since it doesn't even seem Zeno knows the real reason Ultron was created and how it got ****ed up either. I would've been looking for ways to get super powers and any edge to kill them.

Its a bit more personal and relatable.

Killmonger was taking on a global and historical task that I feel more strongly resonates with black ppl and other demoralized and marginalized groups. Not everybody would sympathize.

I should probably rephrase - Killmonger is the MCU villain the universe itself has cast in the most favorable light. I agree Zemo's personal story is likely more sympathetic, but his depiction throughout the entirety of CA:CW was not nearly as pro- as Killmonger's was in BP.
I was hoping that Death would be incorporated in the MCU. But again, Thanos da Simp wouldn't look good on the big screen lmao.
Simplifying his motive to that would of ruined everything. That sounds like something DC movies would do. Pretend it’s “deep” :lol:
IMO, Zemo’s motivation is very sympathetic, but it is a little off in that it’s not like the Avengers are blowing sht up for the fun of it. The, unfortunate, collateral damage is usually the result of them fighting/battling potential planetary threats. Also unfortunately, but in a lot of ways the destruction is unavoidable. The main blame should be on Ultron (or Loki in Avengers 1, or Thanos in the last two Avengers), for if he wasn’t doing what he was doing, the Avengers would’ve never been in that fight to begin with. And yes, I know Ultron is a result of Tony’s and Bruce’s actions, but as far as we know, Zemo and others aren’t aware of that fact. I almost wish they gave Zemo’s motivation a little more airtime, because I think more people would see that he makes a lot of sense, and I don’t think a lot of people realized that he’s essentially just like the mom that approached Tony at the beginning of the movie, the only difference being that Zemo took things into his own hands in getting justice for what he blamed on the Avengers.
Killmonger literally was like, “everyone in Wakanda is living the life, while all our Black brothers and sisters are out here struggling the most all over the world. Let’s take this Wakandan technology and weapons, arm everyone out there up, and let’s start running things.”

except we know his life story and saw his actions

it wasn’t just about THAT

he felt he got done wrong and wanted revenge and didn’t care who or what had to burn.. I mean dude literally shoots his girl because she slipped up and got in the way.. didn’t even try to shot klaw in the head or something.. nah dude wasn’t about to waste time when he had a plan that she was getting in the way of

and then he just wanted to destroy the world and saw a path to that

obviously a smart guy.. but killmonger’s father is sympathetic figure but he should have went and spoken to his brother
IMO, Zemo’s motivation is very sympathetic, but it is a little off in that it’s not like the Avengers are blowing sht up for the fun of it. The, unfortunate, collateral damage is usually the result of them fighting/battling potential planetary threats. Also unfortunately, but in a lot of ways the destruction is unavoidable. The main blame should be on Ultron (or Loki in Avengers 1, or Thanos in the last two Avengers), for if he wasn’t doing what he was doing, the Avengers would’ve never been in that fight to begin with. And yes, I know Ultron is a result of Tony’s and Bruce’s actions, but as far as we know, Zemo and others aren’t aware of that fact. I almost wish they gave Zemo’s motivation a little more airtime, because I think more people would see that he makes a lot of sense, and I don’t think a lot of people realized that he’s essentially just like the mom that approached Tony at the beginning of the movie, the only difference being that Zemo took things into his own hands in getting justice for what he blamed on the Avengers.

see I disagree we have a very clear example of people who don’t have to face the consequences of their actions, police

for zemo his world ended but the avengers didn’t have to answer to anyone in the slightest degree

i mean most we saw the avengers having to answer to people was IM2 Tony has those senate hearings and then BW has to testify after WS when the info comes out

killmonger clearly made excellent points, but dude was clearly mad over his father‘s death which his father clearly played a role in by helping klaw
I agree with the parallels to how Zemo views the Avengers, and the police. I just think the difference is if I got mad at the police for RETURNING fire at bunch of terrorist who were shooting first and shooting up the place, and a family member got struck by a stray (THAT I DIDN’T KNOW EXACTLY WHO FIRED THE RESPONSIBLE BULLET). I think I’d have the right to be made at the police, and would want and wish they would handle the situation differently, but in this example it doesn’t seem like it’s all their doing. But that’s just how I view this Zemo situation in particular.

As for Killmonger, you’re right, he did also have a personal vendetta. But he also had that other motivation I mentioned. It’s cold that he shot his girl, and I think he’s wrong for that, but if he felt his mission was bigger than her, than he felt it necessary she was an L worth taking. Hell, we don’t even know how long he knew her or how “deep” that relationship is. He could’ve been with her just for her tech know how with hacking the security stuff. So she could’ve been meaningless to him. Killmonger didn’t do anything or say anything that made me feel like he WANTED to destroy the world just for the sake of destroying it. He kept talking about sending weapons around the world to make Blacks and Wakandans the top top. One could argue that the way he was going about it, sending all this firepower around, could result in the end of everyone though. Still I view all his words and actions showing he had two motivations (revenge and making Blacks and Wakandans the world powers/dominant group), was focused on both, and coldly was totally willing to do anything to accomplish them.
I mean he could have said to himself t’challa ain’t his ole man AND maybe I should try explaining things to him

his father didn’t think he could reach his brother and so he decided to work with klaw.. but at least he tried to explain his actions

killmonger came in with anger and that was the only route he choose to go.. he didn’t even try telling w’kabi that his old man AND him were rolling around with klaw

w’kabi was also blinded by his hatred for klaw that he choose to ignore a whole lot

i think killmonger was an extremely smart and charismatic guy.. but we’ve seen numerous examples historically where a good message gets corrupted for power and political gain
but with regard to zemo, he was in intelligence.. And as was pointed out by Thor and vision, things went to a whole other level because of the avengers and others

i think he was prepared for usual shh.. but clearly things went to a whole other level and you got these dudes who just showed up and are running around

what vision said:
Vision: "In the 8 years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron Man, the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially. And during the same period, the number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurate rate."

Steve: "Are you saying it's our fault?"

Vision: "I'm saying there may be a causality. Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict... breeds catastrophe.”

what Thor said:
Thor : (To Fury) Your work with the Tesseract is what drew Loki to it, and his allies. It is the signal to all the realms that the earth is ready for a higher form of war.
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