[h1]Daredevil is the best (and bloodiest) show Marvel has made yet[/h1]
"In the first minutes of
Daredevil, a masked Matt Murdock fights down three men. It's not effortless. He’s not an Asgardian or even Captain America. But each blow comes with the speed and precision of someone more than human. The fight is hard and intimate — bones crunch and blood splatters — in a way that takes a toll. It’s the kind of spectacle you wince at. By the time he’s punching his last victim, over and over again, you might think, "God, he’s never going to stop is he?"
"From the very beginning, the show, Marvel’s first Netflix series, is preoccupied with questions of morality. But more than anything else, it’s a show about how far things need to go before they get better. Set in a bombed out New York, the city, we’re told early and often, is in desperate need of saving. Corruption has crept its way into every corner of life — law enforcement, commerce, even basic things like housing — and how to root it out is at the show’s core. But
Daredevil’s morality can’t easily be defined as good versus evil. When your protagonist is a blind vigilante who beats down thugs as much for sport as for a higher purpose, you’re talking about evil versus lesser evil, or about doing abject, unforgivable things for the greater good. In its uncompromising depiction of that struggle, Marvel manages to make this series great."
I'm getting a Cap 2 vibe from this. I mean that in a sense where you can just tell that it's good from the trailers and all that. I just can't picture this not being good. Does this premiere April 9th at midnight or whenever Netflix decides to put it up?