They looked enough alike to me. Thats awesome that Marvel did that . As for the black actors that want a role, theres always the sequels. my wife was saying this while watching, the only thing this movie was missing is Viola Davis. I can think of a few more people that would probably be in Wakanda. Janelle Monet, for one. Also, Beyonce will be Disney fam after next year... jussayin..
But yeah this has zero to do with Cyborg, or any other black film for that matter. This was the perfect storm of timing, studio, cast, story. This story couldn't happen without everything preceding it and what we know is to come. And it was allowed to be free of the normal American BS because it takes place on the one Continent that the large majority of people look like us. Any other black superhero movie is gonna have to deal with the MAGA bs and politics, and discrimination, and racism.