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Thor movies are let downs because of what they could been.. But I look at both like cap 1, where they were aiiright but subpar from what they should have been

To me, IM3 is the only bad marvel movie.. However, if it wasn't a marvel movie it would actually be an aiiright Shane black film (which is why critics loved it)

If they changed a couple things about IM2, I think they could have had a good film.. And there are bits a still really like (it's below the Thor movies and cap 1 because of what it actually was.. But they make a couple changes and it would have easily been better)
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Thor 2 was one of the biggest cinema disappointments of my life. That opening battle with Bor and Malekith and the lazy *** narration and the elves looking like Power Rangers monsters was trash.

The soundtrack was trash. The villain designs were trash. The plot was awful.

Even if by some miracle Ragnarok is good it'll be too little too late. There's no such thing as a good or memorable trilogy that is 2/3rds awful.

Of course not. It's not like anyone hypes up the IM trilogy.

I just want it to be good so that I enjoy it when I see it whether it be in theaters or later.
If Thor 3 ends up being good, I'll be giving it props for ending on a good note.

It's never too late to turn in a good movie. That's just pessimistic thinking to me.
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I like Thor 2. Thought it was dope. I haven't seen the first in a while, but I remember not being a fan. Will have to check out soon.
I liked both Thor 1 and 2 when I first saw them, but they definitely don't hold up as well on a second viewing.

I've seen Civil War 3 times now, and still loved every minute of it.
I'm still trying to figure out Iron Man 3.

I hate that movie and it was a critical and commercial success

I don't even know a person in real life who likes it

That **** is so strange.

Thor 1 was ok, nothing out of the 2 films had moved me to be hyped for the third though. It's just missing something. I thought it was too much of a fantasy aspect, but I like GOTG (except for the villain, dance scene, and we are the world hand holding way they defeated him), and still want to see more of that world. Asgard is just ehh.
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Man its been a while since I watched the Thor movies but I always felt that in setting up Asgard that they rushed it and because of it, it didn't feel real.
Like someone said if IM3 was called something else would have been a fun sci if movie. :lol:

For me the movie was solid until the Twist in the middle, then I completely checked out in anger :smh:

For little kids its was great, for causal fans who didn't know much from comics it was great, and critics love Shane black movies
The Hulk and Thor?


I hope Marvel goes through a phase of these "hybrid" sequels and what I mean by that is Civil War was Captain America 3, but felt like Avengers 3 or Iron Man 4. Thor 3 looks like it could be Hulk 2 as well. I just hope they keep including other heroes in each other's movies.
Like someone said if IM3 was called something else would have been a fun sci if movie. :lol:

For me the movie was solid until the Twist in the middle, then I completely checked out in anger :smh:

For little kids its was great, for causal fans who didn't know much from comics it was great, and critics love Shane black movies

I didn't read the IM comics at all and knew nothing about the Mandarin until the movie was approaching release and I still thought it was trash.

The twist was just so dumb it ruins the movie for me
Like someone said if IM3 was called something else would have been a fun sci if movie. :lol:

For me the movie was solid until the Twist in the middle, then I completely checked out in anger :smh:

For little kids its was great, for causal fans who didn't know much from comics it was great, and critics love Shane black movies

Pretty much. Remember I told my date something similar after we saw the film.

I liked the opening, with the flashback to the New Years Party and Tony's monologue over it, and the beginninf of the present day with Tony working on his new armor as well. After that though it all just progressively went downhill. :smh:

Really would like to see an Iron Man 4 to close that part of the franchise off properly.
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Nah.. I wouldn't call it a sci fi movie..

But totally a Shane black movie.. If you're a fan of his you would enjoy

But it was a bad IM movie

Like the first hour of fan4tastic would be a decent stand alone sci fi movie.. But it's a crap f4 movie
Similar to IM3 I actually enjoyed the opening to F4 and with another hour or so that film might've actually been decent.
Cmon guys the Thor movies are quite plausible, we can look pass them and look forward to the next. It's IM 2 and 3 where we can look back and be like f*** they really made those.... They're a burden to great films like Civil War
F4 had so much promise. So many people were intrigued by the tone and premise. That movie is almost unforgivably bad.

I went into IM3 wanting a classic and was massively disappointed.

Same with Thor. Thor is such a great comics character and even the new Jane Foster stories are top shelf comic book fantasy. The movies are just glittery nuggets of ****.
Nah.. I wouldn't call it a sci fi movie..

But totally a Shane black movie.. If you're a fan of his you would enjoy

But it was a bad IM movie

Like the first hour of fan4tastic would be a decent stand alone sci fi movie.. But it's a crap f4 movie
This is a good reason why I don't hate the movie.

Not that I love Shane Black movies or anything but I loved the first IM and it gave a lot of potential and then that was undid with a bad story and villain with IM2 so even with Avengers hype I had the lowered expectaation of IM2 on my mind and left thinking it could've been worse. The idea that it was a good SB movie but bad IM movie kinda blurred simply cuz I went back to how I feel about IM2 and how I felt about IM before he had a movie.

Still dislike it but I don't have it at the bottom of MCU movies.
IM3 was really bad but it could've been salvageable with a few fixes

It wasn't a mess top to bottom for me

Such a shame. IM3 started out so promising. The beginning with the music was coo.
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It sucks cause with where they are with dr strange, you could have done the mandarin with the mystical magical stuff.
The more I think about it..

They really missed an opportunity to have this film trigger tony building the 'bleeding edge' armour

As I said before, they should have had his regular suit for the film be essentially just like Natasha from AOU.. But then in the final battle because they get locked in that thing, so replacement parts can't get to him and/or are being destroyed by either cap or Bucky before they actually reach him

That makes him realize he has to take the tech for his suits even further, which end up with the bleeding edge armour.. Which will be needed for thanos
Iron Man deserves redemption. I think RDJ, Jon Favreau, Kevin Feige, Marvel Studios, everyone who's been part of delivering Iron Man films wants redemption.

When they make Iron Man 4, it will be a classic. :pimp:
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