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Anyone else think its crazy Tony would rock with the accords with Ross.

Like Bruce had to tell Tony about everything that went on between those two.

To me that is the biggest piece of slander Team Steve missed. :smh:
Tony probably thinks he could eventually oust Ross and run the show. He's shown he can work with the American government no need not to pay heed to the U.N.

If this all leads to Tony Stark Director of SHIELD it'll be worth it.

Tony did react to his dad's face being smashed in by looking away. His mom being choked out is what enraged him.
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I just wanna see red hulk..

Also hope Zola gets his suit thing
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Anyone else think its crazy Tony would rock with the accords with Ross.

Like Bruce had to tell Tony about everything that went on between those two.

To me that is the biggest piece of slander Team Steve missed.

i pointed that out day 1 
Tony probably thinks he could eventually oust Ross and run the show. He's shown he can work with the American government no need not to pay heed to the U.N.

If this all leads to Tony Stark Director of SHIELD it'll be worth it.

Tony did react to his dad's face being smashed in by looking away. His mom being choked out is what enraged him.
whatever goverment organisation they built to control the avengers, its not called SHIELD right? 
They used 'shield' at the end of AOU

But I could easily see the general Ross stuff not coming up

And don't forget bruce went MIA from AOU.. Plus we don't know how much carry over there really is from that movie
Anyone else think its crazy Tony would rock with the accords with Ross.

Like Bruce had to tell Tony about everything that went on between those two.

To me that is the biggest piece of slander Team Steve missed.

i pointed that out day 1 
Man I stayed out this thread until I saw the movie twice.
but the biggest bit of tony slander that has not yet been said is how easily they got distracted by giant man

their #1 priority was to get bucky and steve so they should have just flown by super slow moving giant man and went after cap and bucky

only BP had his eyes on the prize 
Nah, a Giant Man that just threw a fire truck at you when he was regular size is a problem that needs to be addressed right there and then, even if just for the safety of the non flyers.

I refuse to believe Bruce wouldn't have discussed the circumstances that lead to him becoming the Hulk at least once when him and Tony were together.

Hell these dudes get off on talking about scientific theories and solutions,
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In the first Avengers film Coulson gives Tony all those files about super humans. I'm sure General Ross was brought up in there.

Also in CW when Tony asks Natasha if she could recruit Banner to be on the team and she replies back do you really think he'd be on our side, I'm positive that's about Ross.
Well in no universe does Tony Stark have a good relationship with his father, so I get that. Per Iron Man 2, Howard never even told Tony he liked him :lol: But even then, that's still his dad and he probably had some amount of natural love and respect for him.

Oh I know, just found it weird that all he said was "I don't care, he killed my mom." I thought after just seeing that video, he's at least say parents or mom and dad.
Oh I know, just found it weird that all he said was "I don't care, he killed my mom." I thought after just seeing that video, he's at least say parents or mom and dad.

Everyone's different. But if it were me and my parents, my reaction would be along with Tony's "I don't care, he killed my mom". Nothing against my dad. Love him dearly, but boys love their moms.
In the first Avengers film Coulson gives Tony all those files about super humans. I'm sure General Ross was brought up in there.

Also in CW when Tony asks Natasha if she could recruit Banner to be on the team and she replies back do you really think he'd be on our side, I'm positive that's about Ross.

Yeah If Ross would have walked in that room and Banner was there... 9 out of 10 there would have been a Hulk out.
In the first Avengers film Coulson gives Tony all those files about super humans. I'm sure General Ross was brought up in there.

Also in CW when Tony asks Natasha if she could recruit Banner to be on the team and she replies back do you really think he'd be on our side, I'm positive that's about Ross.

Yeah If Ross would have walked in that room and Banner was there... 9 out of 10 there would have been a Hulk out.

Yup. :lol:
Tony probably thinks he could eventually oust Ross and run the show. He's shown he can work with the American government no need not to pay heed to the U.N.

If this all leads to Tony Stark Director of SHIELD it'll be worth it.

Tony did react to his dad's face being smashed in by looking away. His mom being choked out is what enraged him.
whatever goverment organisation they built to control the avengers, its not called SHIELD right? 
No but I assume Tony's solution would be to just bring back SHIELD, a HYDRa free, a better SHIELD. It'd be easy for him to negotiate.

Anyone else think its crazy Tony would rock with the accords with Ross.

Like Bruce had to tell Tony about everything that went on between those two.

To me that is the biggest piece of slander Team Steve missed. :smh:

i pointed that out day 1 :lol:

Man I stayed out this thread until I saw the movie twice. :lol:
but the biggest bit of tony slander that has not yet been said is how easily they got distracted by giant man

their #1 priority was to get bucky and steve so they should have just flown by super slow moving giant man and went after cap and bucky

only BP had his eyes on the prize :lol:
Nah the #1 priority according to Ross was to arrest Steve, Bucky, and Sam. Those were the 3 dudes still on the run. Of course since they brought Clint, Wanda, and Scott in to it they would be arrested too.

BP wanted to kill him so of course as he himself said didn't care about anyone else. It's why he made sure to tell Ross Natasha betrayed them which is why her status is the most unclear after all this. We know she don't agree with Steve about the accords and she probably can't rock with Tony's team. She's a operative without a country.
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Oddly placing Peggy's funeral in there and the depth of Bucky and Caps friendship fell a little flat to me. It would've been way more impactful if they could've somehow fit Rumlow killing Peggy than her dying offscreen. Also, I wish TFA gave more depth to their friendship. I know Cap cares deeply about this dude, but we didn't see them that much. We just have to believe they're bond is that deep. I had a similar problem with Shield in Cap2. I know the importance that SHIELD has in that world, but I didn't feel it's importance. That's the only gripe I have with that film.
The second time I saw CW, someone in the theater laughed when they showed the text Cap received. "She went in her sleep" or something like that. :smh:

I didn't have a problem with it, but it was kind of sudden and a strange way to get that information across.
Steve and Tony gonna be bffs again before IW.

Only reason they spent all that money on cgi to deage RDJ so they could point out how he has a tech to access and fix memories.

Tony gonna help Bucky and whomp whomp whomp.
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The second time I saw CW, someone in the theater laughed when they showed the text Cap received. "She went in her sleep" or something like that. :smh:

I didn't have a problem with it, but it was kind of sudden and a strange way to get that information across.
I'm guessing they wanted to be a bit cryptic but that's something you call someone about not text :lol:
I forgot to mention how un satisfied I was with cross bones. It was pretty much pointless to have his scene other then Wanda using him to accidently blow up the building.
I forgot to mention how un satisfied I was with cross bones. It was pretty much pointless to have his scene other then Wanda using him to accidently blow up the building.
well i mean that is literally the point of his character 

That's why I don't see why people were upset over killing the winter soldiers at the end, they are too busy with big picture plotlines that they just used crossbones as a plot device so there's really no point of saving some no name characters for the sake of a future threat unless they already have it planned out. 
Well again Crossbones isn't some big compelling villain with a bunch of classic stories to his name.

Yeah they had potential to do something with him in the MCU but they swerved on that and made it simple and straightforward; he was a SHIELD agent, secretly HYDRA, had a bit of a grudge against Cap, got beat up by him, then Cap dropped a building on his face, survived and became a terrorist with now some real hatred against Cap, so much so the next time he sees him he's ready to ditch his deal of selling a bioweapon just so he could blow himself up with a bomb he apparently keeps on him any time he goes out just in the hopes he took Cap with him.

The end.

If anything it's a great contrast to Zemo who also hates Cap (and the rest of the Avengers). Rumlow took his shot the next time he saw Cap just by having a bomb on him while Zemo planned for over a year. Imagine if Steve dies :lol: Half of Zemo's plans goes up in smoke and he has to adapt to screw with Tony.

I wonder now if Zemo was the buyer that made Crossbones go steal the bioweapon in the first place? :nerd:

Overall, comic fans who are aware of Cap's stories and aren't the biggest fans of all of it have to commend the MCU guys for pivoting off that so so origin and then basically taking the best Cap stories they can that meshed with Feige's vision and endgame to make some great Marvel movies.

There was no room for Cap movies where he gets hooked on drugs, becomes WolfCap, Nomad (although a sequel of him travelling America, seeing how the country has changed since the 40s, losing faith in his country and giving up the Cap name could've been a dope and deep sequel), feels tortured over the loss of Bucky and makes Rick Jones his new Bucky, fights the Serpent Society, etc. They had some guidelines and no room for the regular ****. So they're pushed to do better and play with the genre's available (mostly channeling Brubaker's great run) and they end up unexpectedly good.
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