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He can match both. With no knowledge about each other, Surfer would overpower both (shooting the power cosmic) one on one but he can't match Hulk in raw strengthand Thor could raise his power to match Surfer's.

MCU Thor doesn't have all the magic comic Thor has though. Plus I'm imagining a MCU Surfer to be nearly the as the comic version.
why do I owe Amel reps.............We disagree way too much.

Accords wouldve had them going through a battle at least once (same as comic had them)

Need my man Frank Castle to come through on Team Vigilante Cap and take care of all them Tony supporters.

The stuff in the comics was a different beast

The registration act was if you didn't register you would be locked up

Now if you didn't sign the accords you wouldn't be locked up on that alone. It also depends on if you had acted without government approval.

So basically one would have you locked up for even existing and the other one was dependent on your actions.

The comics version of the characters for the civil war act was very lame. IM was pretty much an unquestioned villain and Cap was a bit hot headed.

The movie versions, without Bucky as a catalyst and Zemo egging them on, it would've just been disagreeing at the table like little *******. Worst comes to worst someone goes rogue to do what they feel is right and eventually everyone will band together when they see the threat is real.

When IM saw that the threat was real, he joined Cap's cause. Then he found out how his parents died and that's when it all went to **** cuz he's a little ******
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how did Tony catch a L when the other guy is missing an arm?

id also like to propose a moratorium on the word 'wash'. NT will run something in the ground faster than black twitter.

Why would Marvel care what DC does

same thing i thought
I will say this, without referencing the other Zemos of past, Helmut feels more like a generic villain that could be replaced by any generic villain, so to me it was kind of a waste to use that moniker on him. Sure they could touch on it in the future but I think as a comic book fan, him having a deeper comic book history would have made him a better character in this movie.

I guess (again being a comic book fan) I kind of wanted the hint of the Masters of Evil in the future too but with Zemos regular/cliched history, it seems less likely.

Can't help but almost compare him to Strucker, they didn't need to use the name if they aren't to go deeper to the character.

Maybe it's just me...

As for luck, I still think Zemo got lucky that Falcon told Tony where Cap and Bucky went. The ending was all dependent on that one event occurring and if Falcon had kept his mouth shut, his plan would have crumbled to pieces.
I can see what you're saying but to me comic Strucker and Zemo have always been a bit corny to me. So I didn't mind them doing away with Strucker and dialing down and changing Zemo a bit. To me enough of the core is there for both.

A lot of Cap's villains are either huge organizations or WW2 related villains. Limitations there so I don't mind the MCU taking liberties.
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Only L I saw WS getting was Black Panther with the suit on and off. That **** was embarrassing when he was getting them hands and BP aint even have the suit on...Or maybe he was trying to get away I dont remember :lol:
The way some people mock Tony for getting upset over watching his parents die has me thinking that they don't care about their own parents :lol: :rofl: Guarantee that if Aunt May was attacked and put in a grave that Spider-Man would hunt her murderer down like an animal. Next i'll hear that Scott Lang is a ***** for caring about his daughter :smh:
The way some people mock Tony for getting upset over watching his parents die has me thinking that they don't care about their own parents :lol: :rofl: Guarantee that if Aunt May was attacked and put in a grave that Spider-Man would hunt her murderer down like an animal. Next i'll hear that Scott Lang is a ***** for caring about his daughter :smh:

But but but Bucky was brainwashed...
You're right. I forgot about the overly conviently placed camera in the middle of know where that Bucky looks right into after being told to leave no witnesses. :lol:

With that being said, Zemo's plan didn't "almost **** up", it DID **** up. His plan was for everyone to be there when Tony saw the vid.

He only got Tony and Cap because pretty much everyone else was locked up.
If that was his intention it literally would've just been Tony trying to kill Bucky with the Avengers trying to stop him. I don't see that as a good plan. It's not like Vision or even Rhodey would've been like damn he killed Tony's mom we should try to murder him to.

Besides at that point the Avengers were already divided about the accords so without that final act it still would've been Tony's sanctioned team and Cap's retired crew who have the option of being fugtive vigilantes.
The way some people mock Tony for getting upset over watching his parents die has me thinking that they don't care about their own parents :lol: :rofl: Guarantee that if Aunt May was attacked and put in a grave that Spider-Man would hunt her murderer down like an animal. Next i'll hear that Scott Lang is a ***** for caring about his daughter :smh:

But but but Bucky was brainwashed...

I mean i'm not even arguing against that. My thing is that we're talking about watching your parents get murdered and the person that did it being in the same room as you, only a few feet away. What you do after that is going to be a completely emotional reaction. Which is really the entire purpose of Tony being there at all. I think anyone that says they wouldn't be upset and couldn't understand someone in that situation attacking their parents murderer is lying to themselves.
The way some people mock Tony for getting upset over watching his parents die has me thinking that they don't care about their own parents :lol: :rofl: Guarantee that if Aunt May was attacked and put in a grave that Spider-Man would hunt her murderer down like an animal. Next i'll hear that Scott Lang is a ***** for caring about his daughter :smh:

But but but Bucky was brainwashed...

I mean i'm not even arguing against that. My thing is that we're talking about watching your parents get murdered and the person that did it being in the same room as you, only a few feet away. What you do after that is going to be a completely emotional reaction. Which is really the entire purpose of Tony being there at all. I think anyone that says they wouldn't be upset and couldn't understand someone in that situation attacking their parents murderer is lying to themselves.
Yup, the motivations and actions of both sides were relatable in that situation. Great writing
Right? Brainwash or not. You watched your mother got choked to death. I think it was IM that's why some think that way. It's still IM vs Cap for them after all :rolleyes

Case in point. We are all cheering for BP when he was trying to kill Bucky :lol:
And why TF is Howard Stark rollin with wifey with the serum in the trunk? Was she involved with Shield? Don't know much about Tony's mom...Regardless, that serum needs to be treated in an Air Force 1 type security transportation...

Realistically yeah, Howard was being reckless as hell there :lol: And he easily could've had top level security. He helped found Shield and owned his own massive company :rofl: Son kind of asked for somebody to take him out.
When you think about it, going off the knowledge of TWS, Howard was screwed.

It'd be cool if we get more details on what's going on in the background and Howard found out SHIELD is HYDRA never got time to tell Peggy or Pym or Nick and was thinking he was secretly transporting the super winter soldier serum to a safe place or someone he trusted and then got got.

I still believe he stashed some of that serum somewhere in one of his properties; labs, homes, company storage, secret company pad, etc.

Wanda when she gets stronger with her powers would be able to take out Surfer right with her reality warping ability?
She only has those powers if she actually learns magic and then gets access to an unlimited cosmic/magic source.

Reality warping is not some common power of hers.
Anyone else just realize that Wanda must have forgotten she had telepathy for the whole movie :lol:
I don't think she can read minds like Prof X, just manipulate your mind so that you see ****** up **** or temporarily control a dumber person.

But yeah she did none of that in the airport fight and had the nerve to tell Clint she holding back :lol:
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I don't think she can read minds like Prof X, just manipulate your mind so that you see ****** up **** or temporarily control a dumber person.

Nah she read Ultron's mind when he was transferring to Vision's body and that's when she switched sides.

She also said that there was no mind that she couldn't read, and then was surprised when she couldn't read Ultron's,back when they first met Ultron in his robot body
I don't think she can read minds like Prof X, just manipulate your mind so that you see ****** up **** or temporarily control a dumber person.

Nah she read Ultron's mind when he was transferring to Vision's body and that's when she switched sides.

She also said that there was no mind that she couldn't read, and then was surprised when she couldn't read Ultron's,back when they first met Ultron in his robot body
Well I don't remember everything she said in AoU about her powers with that accent but she doesn't act like a mind reader or she just naturally not violating by reading ppl's minds all the time.

If she used it in the beginning of the movie she would've known Crossbones had a bomb on him.
The way some people mock Tony for getting upset over watching his parents die has me thinking that they don't care about their own parents :lol: :rofl: Guarantee that if Aunt May was attacked and put in a grave that Spider-Man would hunt her murderer down like an animal. Next i'll hear that Scott Lang is a ***** for caring about his daughter :smh:

Tony wasn't even upset over his dad, just his mom
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Well I don't remember everything she said in AoU about her powers with that accent but she doesn't act like a mind reader or she just naturally not violating by reading ppl's minds all the time.

If she used it in the beginning of the movie she would've known Crossbones had a bomb on him.

Which is why I said she forgot she had telepathy :lol:

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I don't think she can read minds like Prof X, just manipulate your mind so that you see ****** up **** or temporarily control a dumber person.
Nah she read Ultron's mind when he was transferring to Vision's body and that's when she switched sides.

She also said that there was no mind that she couldn't read, and then was surprised when she couldn't read Ultron's,back when they first met Ultron in his robot body
Well I don't remember everything she said in AoU about her powers with that accent but she doesn't act like a mind reader or she just naturally not violating by reading ppl's minds all the time.

If she used it in the beginning of the movie she would've known Crossbones had a bomb on him.
it kind of seemed like she can feel emotions rather than read specific thoughts

like she looked into ultron and felt destruction, rather than his exact plan for destruction 
The way some people mock Tony for getting upset over watching his parents die has me thinking that they don't care about their own parents :lol: :rofl: Guarantee that if Aunt May was attacked and put in a grave that Spider-Man would hunt her murderer down like an animal. Next i'll hear that Scott Lang is a ***** for caring about his daughter :smh:

Tony wasn't even upset over his dad, just his mom

Well in no universe does Tony Stark have a good relationship with his father, so I get that. Per Iron Man 2, Howard never even told Tony he liked him :lol: But even then, that's still his dad and he probably had some amount of natural love and respect for him.
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