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Cap called up Hawkeye and told him to leave his wife and kids including a baby so that he could defend Bucky. We talkin bout Bucky. Not the world, but Bucky. What kind of man is Cap? He's a scumbag. Hawkeye can't even go home to his family now. Smh

It's because he felt guilty he was too weak to save him from falling off that train.

Dude can hold helcopters but was too afraid of falling to jump down there and throw Bucky back up.

Steve's cowardice let his mans become a one armed half crazy zombie :smh:
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Steve's solution to making it up to Bucky for letting him fall off that train is getting the friends he's made since thrown in jail and labeled as criminals by over 100 countries throughout the world :lol: Dude is Scumbag #1 in the MCU.
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This is all stank's fault. Everything was good until he made locking up Wanda bae one of the conditions.
i dont see how his suit is weak

took a few full force hits from cap using is shield to shut it down

that's going to heavily damage anything outside of maybe black panther's suit in the MCU 

if anything blame tony for being stylish and having his weak point big and bright right in the middle of his chest like a video game boss :lol:

I'm talking about before that. The final blow and Bucky's metal hand trying to pry out the reactor core was believable but Steve gripping and crushing one of the jet boosters and similar hits destroying other parts of the suit were pure bull **** and don't give me Steve's super strong cuz if that was the case when Hulk hit Tony once he'd be dead.

His suit when inside it is way more durable than that.

Yeah, rhodes ordered that shot. Would've been way bad for Falcon. Now i'm wondering if rhodes wanted Falcon put to sleep permanently.

Falcon even flew down and asked Stark if he was aight and got blasted for it. Smh at Tony
That's just a continuation of Avengers attacking each other when a fight is done; Hulk punching Thor in Avengers and I think it happened one other time.

They made these suits real booty to make it easy for scumbag Steve, went out of their way to show he and Bucky were taking out key parts of the suit. While the IM suit has taken hits from the Hulk without that happening.

no clue why they even have apparent 'upgrades' from his suit at the end of AOU, if the suit is going be significantly weaker 

AOU suits (he started with the XVIII.. and then had the XLV for the end battle)

in CW he had the XLVI:
Yeah, they couldn't come up for a reason why Tony would have an old or weaker suit so they just nerfed it.
Finally watched Civil War, and I can honestly say now......................**** ZACH SNYDER.

Snyder had one job with Bats vs. Supes, one ******* job.............and the Russo Bros. did a better job at it in Civil War than Snyder ever thought he could.

I don't think Civil War is the best movie ever but it's so much better than Batman Vs Superman they should be embarrassed.

BvS was just too smart for you guys... :smokin

Superman: Is she with you?

Batman: I thought she was with you.

Wonder Woman: Yo, Bruce... Do you not remember the email conversation we had? C'mon!
:smh: :lol:
Steve Rodgers let one of the worst enemies in the MCU damn near kill him and his mans.

The dude that almost took out Steve on the train didn't emm have a name in credits.

Steve needed Bucky to save him from Hydra Backpack Cannon Soldier 2 :lol:
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Steve Rodgers let one of the worst enemies in the MCU damn near kill him and his mans.

The dude that almost took out Steve on the train didn't emm have a name in credits.

Steve needed Bucky to save him from Hydra Backpack Cannon Soldier 2 :lol:

Did you stay after the post credits scene bro? Cap broke Hawkeye out of prison.
Not Hawkeye's fault that Iron Man is such a giant ******* that he had to come out of retirement in an effort to bring the tyrant to his senses...
Counting down the days until Tony causes another global mass extinction event.

Did you read my post?

Did you watch the film bro? Hawkeye is now a wanted fugitive because Steve was so damn selfish and cared more about Bucky then anything else. What kind of scumbag gives a "friend" the choice between themselves and their children? :smh: Guilt tripping at its finest. But you know Steve just can't let a hair on Bucky's precious head by harmed after all, damn everybody else. Got his entire team thrown in jail to feed his sick lust.

Thank you cause he clearly didn't get it
watching again, Scumbag Tony Stank was high strung and angry all movie. while cap kept his composure all movie
LOL..........Tony Stank.  They need to run with that joke for future Marvel movie appearances from Tony, best scene from the ending
all you needed to know from the movie.


needed the computer to calcuate his moves. and still got work put on him in the end. begged for the shield back. ***** *** Stank
So wait, because Tony Stark uses his technology to fight Captain America he's somehow the lesser man? Well damn, I guess that we're just going to ignore Captain America using drugs to fight since the 1940s :lol: Along with that shield he got from Tony's dad and the fact that for the past few years he's been operating out of first Tony's tower and then his other facility :rofl:

Let me guess though, that's all ok because it's Cap right? :smh: Dude doesn't even own a single thing he purchased for himself. He's basically a leech on all of society, taking what he can and giving nothing back.
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all you needed to know from the movie.


needed the computer to calcuate his moves. and still got work put on him in the end. begged for the shield back. ***** *** Stank

Complains about using the suit while Steve is using a weapon that was made for him by the guy he's fighting father.

How about this, Steve Rodgers has never won a fight in life by himself against a decent opponent.

Crossbones was about to blow his *** up until Wanda saved his life at tje the cost of 11 innocents :smh:

Damn Steve is a **** boy
tony is implanted with nano machines. he got the cheat codes to life. he's a walking MGS big boss.

cheatin *** punk.
Was I the only 1 that felt that if Black Widow was ever really in danger of dying soon all of a sudden Hulk was going to land from leaping from some other continent he was in and just smash whoever was about to kill her
That would've been hilarious but badly written :lol: Really funny cuz he probably kills whoever that is.
Really would of been dope of Thor was in it. I think hems worth is absolutely killing it as him. Movies are whatever, but I actually do like TDW.

Would of been funny seeing the avengers battle.
Movies ain't all that good to me but Hemsworth fits Thor almost as good as RDJR fits Tony.

Sorry, bro. I think that's just nitpicking. I don't think he could've had his suit flying to him while he's in a helicopter. :lol:

He probably could've jumped out of his helicopter and had his suit flying to him, but why?

my issue with the helicopter scene was having to push the button considering how far his suits had come.. like with the glove thing, essentially have to pull a 'suit case' armor move

wasn't he talking to his AI through his sunglasses just earlier in the building?
At this point I'm calling it his helicopter suit. Probably had it in there since IM2 suitcase suit era.

I wonder if Tony was also secretly keeping tabs on DareDevil the way he was with Spidey

Wouldn't be surprised.
All things Coulson should be doing :lol:

Can't wait until Tony finds out he's alive.

If Steve had the same morals that Tony has, only two men would've walked out of that bunker alive.
Forget he was one swoop away from decapitating the man you guys claim "won"
Well sure if Steve smartens up and puts Bucky out of his misery for all of the ppl he has killed. Then yeah.

The difference is Steve didn't mean to drop Bucky

Tony meant to create Ultron :wink:
Not the Ultron that came to life though.

Notice how Steve lashes out about any of these things that threatens his ability to run around the world like a maniac causing death and mayhem in the name of doing what's right and the safest hands being his own.

Deluded arrogant ****.
I'd rather be a fugitive for two years than a paraplegic for the rest of my life :rolleyes
Did you not watch the end where Rhodey said he'd do it all over again cuz he knows he's right?

You keep trying to put Rhodey's injury on Tony but Rhodey would've still been on the side he felt was right if Tony sided with Steve trying to capture them all. The same way he's opposed Tony in the past to a degree.

Steve didn't break any laws. He was trying to find the guy who really bombed Vienna and Tony and Ross was doing nothing :rolleyes
Yes he did. He didn't sign the accords so he and his team's activities are unsanctioned and illegal.

They resisted arrest at the airport, then 2 crossed sovereign country lines and operated in Russia, and then he broke out his team from the Raft; a prison break. All crimes.
Just so we all know. Tony beat the **** out of both cap and bucky

He beat them like they stole something. :smokin
Word. As far as unfair fights go he had them limping away feeling bad.

2 on 1 and they look like they lost.
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I can't believe I might have to wait till 2018 to see Cap again... But I'll be forced to watch scumbag Tony corrupt poor Peter Parker in Homecoming next summer.


Peter, stay strong. Don't believe Tony's lies.
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tony is implanted with nano machines. he got the cheat codes to life. he's a walking MGS big boss.

cheatin *** punk.

Geniuses do Genius ****.

Howark Stark fathered Steve Rodgers.

Steve Rodgers is literally nothing but a 98 pound ****** without Howard.

No suit, no nanomachines and Tony is still a genius, billionaire playboy.
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