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Given what we have seen from Tony over the course of 7 movies the fact Tony even engaged in hand to hand told you he didn't really want to end their lives.
Well he shot them with hand cannons multiple times and didn't have his feet rockets to fly so what else do you expect him to do?
Believe I saw someone mention earlier that he doesn't get why people would want Iron Man on their team :lol: As if Iron Man, Hulk, and Thor weren't doing the heavy lifting in Avengers and along with Vision weren't doing it again in Age of Ultron :rofl: We do realize that Tony Stark is the one that led the plans to end the threats present in both of those films right? And yeah, yeah he created Ultron. Whatever. Doesn't change the fact that he was integral to solving the problem he created. Asking why you'd want him on a team is as bad as that slander against Black Panther yesterday :smh:
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Team IM wants Tony to get a pat in the back for cleaning up his own mess :lol:

Damn, so cleaning up a mess you created isn't worthy of recognition these days? :lol: Were we not talking about accountability in this film? Guess y'all would've been happy had he just let Ultron run free :rofl:

Meanwhile, you've got Cap dropping hellicarriers in major cities and not owning up for a damn thing, but that's ok because it's Cap :smh:
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Seeing what cap has done in CW, AOU and WS dude should of had a way better roLe in fighting the chitari.

Dude is so cold blooded with the shield now.
You've got Tony Stark out here giving an entire room full of college kids grants so they can pursue their dreams and Old Man Rogers leeching off the people around him so he doesn't starve, convincing fathers to abandon their children, but somehow Tony's a villain :rofl: Y'all are something else. :smh:
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Cap called up Hawkeye and told him to leave his wife and kids including a baby so that he could defend Bucky. We talkin bout Bucky. Not the world, but Bucky. What kind of man is Cap? He's a scumbag. Hawkeye can't even go home to his family now. Smh
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Did you stay after the post credits scene bro? Cap broke Hawkeye out of prison.

Not Hawkeye's fault that Iron Man is such a giant ******* that he had to come out of retirement in an effort to bring the tyrant to his senses...

Counting down the days until Tony causes another global mass extinction event.
Did you watch the film bro? Hawkeye is now a wanted fugitive because Steve was so damn selfish and cared more about Bucky then anything else. What kind of scumbag gives a "friend" the choice between themselves and their children? :smh: Guilt tripping at its finest. But you know Steve just can't let a hair on Bucky's precious head by harmed after all, damn everybody else. Got his entire team thrown in jail to feed his sick lust.
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I'd rather be a fugitive for two years than a paraplegic for the rest of my life
If we're being cereal it would've been cake for IM to break everyone out of prison. Way less effort than whatever Cap must've done.

He didn't lift a finger and he knew everyone was rotting in there cuz of his mistake. :lol:

I can't wait for the next time they all meet. The stone-faces they all waiting to give Tony :rofl:
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Except Scumbag Steve is responsible for Clint's churrin' having no father. Tony didn't take out Rhodes' arc reactor.
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His mistake? Umm, no. :lol: Everyone was "rotting" in there because they broke an international law :rofl: The ****? Next you'll tell me that it's my fault if my friend shoots up an elementary school.
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If we're being cereal it would've been cake for IM to break everyone out of prison. Way less effort than whatever Cap must've done.

He didn't lift a finger and he knew everyone was rotting in there cuz of his mistake. :lol:

I can't wait for the next time they all meet. The stone-faces they all waiting to give Tony :rofl:

No one knows what his intentions were after he went to help cap, but that obviously went south after finding out caps boy toy killed his family.
Steve didn't break any laws. He was trying to find the guy who really bombed Vienna and Tony and Ross was doing nothing :rolleyes
Except Scumbag Steve is responsible for Clint's churrin' having no father. Tony didn't take out Rhodes' arc reactor.

Not just Clint. Scott Lang's daughter lost her dad too. Thank God that poor Child of Christ has a loving stepfather who won't be so easily twisted to the whims of a senile World War II veteran turned terrorist.
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Cap called up Hawkeye and told him to leave his wife and kids including a baby so that he could defend Bucky. We talkin bout Bucky. Not the world, but Bucky. What kind of man is Cap? He's a scumbag. Hawkeye can't even go home to his family now. Smh
Yupp, couldnt stand how this was the major plot piece.  Captains obsession with Bucky
  Also knowing gay *** Bucky killed Tony's parents
  Bucky is such a weak character too.  Terrible. 
Blasphemy. TWS is an awesome and interesting character. You team im losers are such crybabies. I don't even wanna imagine how crappy this thread would be if im actually won.
Cap called up Hawkeye and told him to leave his wife and kids including a baby so that he could defend Bucky. We talkin bout Bucky. Not the world, but Bucky. What kind of man is Cap? He's a scumbag. Hawkeye can't even go home to his family now. Smh

Uhh no this is just false. He called up Bucky and Hawkeye so he can get a squad together to take out the super soldiers lol

Not everything is about Bucky :tongue:
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