Weekly Wrestling Thread Oct 12-18 | 10/18 TNA Bound For Glory - Sting vs AJ Styles, Joe vs Lashley

Oct 15, 2000


Ben Roesthlisberger did a decent job of hosting Raw last week. I don't expect the same tonight. I have no idea who these broads are, but Nancy O'Delland Maria Menounos host Raw tonight. This is nothing more than a shameless attempt to get the WWE mentioned on their crappy Access Hollywood show. Do theyreally think that the people who watch Raw watch Access Hollywood, or vice versa? It's so frustrating. At this point, they might as well have the twinsfrom the Suite Life host Raw because that would seem to match up with the WWE's target audience (I'd say Miley Cyrus, but I'd enjoy that wayyyyytoo much).

In the feud that will never end, John Cena will face Randy Orton for the WWE Title in a match that will never end, a 60 minute iron man match at BraggingRights in 13 days. I don't think these are the guys you want working an iron man match. I can only imagine how many rear chinlocks we'll see fromOrton. And speaking of Cena, his promo last week to open the show regarding the Hell in the Cell match was one of the most irrating, annoying, unproductivepromos I've ever heard. He made the feud seem like a complete joke instead of talking about how serious the feud is. Well considering the Hell in a Cellmatch was a joke, I guess the promo matched.

The Miz won the US Title from Kofi Kingston in one of the main bright spots of Raw. They gave the two an ample amount of time, and the two put on a very good,well told match. Hopefully The Miz is given a real chance to shine. It's long overdue since being buried by Cena.

It looks like it's Jericho/Show vs DX at Bragging Rights. The latest news report is Vince is looking to make the tag titles the top titles in the WWE(yes, you read that right). This would seem to go along with that theory.

I'm sure we'll have some sort of terrible 5 on 5 diva match.

I've said my interest has been low in the WWE before, but this streak is really putting me on the brink of being a fan any longer. I'll give itthrough WrestleMania to see if they can turn it around. That's five months. Show me what you got WWE. My expectations aren't very high.

WWE has changed the name of February's pay-per-view from "No Way Out" to "Elimination Chamber." The show will be held on Feb. 21.

According to the latest issue of Power Slam, SmackDown commentator Jim Ross' contract with World Wrestling Entertainment is set to expire in November. As of last word, he has not signed a new deal.

Expect the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships to take a back seat to the Unified Tag Team Championship in the coming months. According to an anonymous WWE Creative member "Vince is in one of his phases right now where he thinks of an idea and gets it into his head that it's the greatest idea ever. Right now that idea is tag team wrestling." Vince was also reportedly diasppointed in the title matches at Hell in a Cell but was very impressed with the DX/Legacy match. Creative has been instructed to pick one main eventer each for the WWE and WHC titles and give them a long reign with the rest of them forming tag teams and competing for the Unified tag titles. So far the plan is to have Orton retain the WWE title with Cena moving to SmackDown to team with R-Truth while Punk wins the WHC from Undertaker which will lead to a Brothers of Destruction reunion. Creative also touched on the idea of having Orton and Punk form a team with the intention of grabbing all the titles.

Opinions on the tag team revival are mixed. Some are concerned that the increased prescence of the tag titles will reduce the luster of the main championships while others, mostly the fans of "old-school" wrestling, are excited over it. Some members like the idea as it will give room for midcard and upper-midcard faces to challenge for the main titles and get pushed to main event level which would be for the best overall for the business. Others were concerned that younger tag teams like Cryme Tyme and the Hart Dynasty would get lost in the shuffle with main event teams competing for the titles.

Source: Wrestling Observer

Another survey has been sent out to WWE fans asking to help rename yet another PPV. This time it's the May Judgment Day PPV.

According to the list on the survey, fans can pick from the following names: Judgment Day, Riot Control, MultiMania and WWE War Games.

The fifth edition of the "WrestleView Spotlight" for October 2009 is now available for archive featuring an interview with Bret "The Hitman" Hart.

This new "WrestleView Spotlight" interview was conducted by WrestleView.com columnist Jose Marrero ("Wrestling Rumblings") and WrestleView.com's Editor in Chief Adam Martin.

In the interview, Bret Hart addresses some recent rumors that he has been back in talks with WWE about a possible return to television.

"I wouldn't believe anything you hear at this point. I would say that is just hearsay. There is some kind of a role I could play in wrestling and who knows, maybe someday I could think about doing something like that," Hart said.

"Physically wrestling is something I can't do. And it isn't a question of when I can do it. It is over with. I talk to WWE about certain things. There has been no talks of me hosting any shows or coming back in any kind of a serious way."

Other topics discussed in the interview include:

* His upcoming appearances in Connecticut and Germany
* Where he stands in regards to a return to WWE
* Why he is limited in what he can do in wrestling today
* Discussion about the "Hulkamania" tour by Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff
* Why he thinks watching Hogan and Flair work won't be entertaining
* If he ever has any interest in taking part in a wrestling promotion
* His feelings on WWE using the Montreal incident on PPV this year
* Why he requested not to see Shawn Michaels at the WWE Hall of Fame
* Why he chose to not appear at WrestleMania 22 the following night
* His thoughts on an incident at the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame
* His feelings towards Vince McMahon today
* A funny story about his late brother Owen Hart
* If he thinks WWE will ever induct Owen Hart into the Hall of Fame
* His take on WWE's steroid policy back in the early 1990s
* What he thinks of the drug testing in WWE today

here is the full interview...

I find it funny that WWE is trying to market towards kids now, yet there were more kids watching RAW in 1999 then in 2009.
Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

I find it funny that WWE is trying to market towards kids now, yet they more kids watching RAW in 1999 then in 2009.

so true

wrestling isn't the same anymore,austin/rock feud >>>>orton/cena feud
with Cena moving to SmackDown to team with R-Truth


Another survey has been sent out to WWE fans asking to help rename yet another PPV. This time it's the May Judgment Day PPV.

According to the list on the survey, fans can pick from the following names: Judgment Day, Riot Control, MultiMania and WWE War Games.

--WWE has made legal threats to the Wine School of Philadelphia. Seems the school has a class called "Sommelier Smackdown," and WWE sent a cease-and-desist letter to the school term "Smackdown." Keith Wallace, founder and director of the school, said WWE doesn't have a legal leg to stand on because they don't own the term "Smackdown."
--There is an AP story that will be hitting newspapers around the country on Monday on the new WWE direction. Story is at http://tinyurl.com/yjbta9y The story is actually hilarious, including Vince McMahon claiming the current product is more sophisticated. While I don't disagree that in the big picture, the new direction is the right move business-wise, it's sort of embarrassing to see the press cover it at face value that the new direction has made a difference with more kids watching. Ten years ago, at the peak of the raunch, about 38% of the WWE audience was kids and now it's 30%, and that's 30% of a significantly smaller overall audience, and both live attendance and PPV numbers are way down from that period. Ten years ago the mean age of a Raw viewer was 24 and today it's 39. So don't pretend that this new direction has led to more kids being into WWE. If it seems more at the live shows that is more a function of the 18-49 audience that watches on TV no longer attending the live events or buying PPV shows in as great numbers, and that's a function of not having as big stars to the public as in the past. The idea by making the product more tame that you get more kids viewers sounds great on paper, but in reality, the effect is the opposite, as we learned in the Monday Night Wars era where when WCW had the more "kid-friendly" product, they couldn't draw any kids at all as compared to WWF. Vince did acknowledge part of the reason for the change is an inability to compete with UFC, which shows how their public viewpoint of UFC has changed in just the past few months.
That story seemed all good and believable, except Cena going to Smackdown, and to team with R-Truth? Does anyone actually believe that?
Originally Posted by thacamel

That story seemed all good and believable, except Cena going to Smackdown, and to team with R-Truth? Does anyone actually believe that?
Yeah that's the only part I don't see happening.

Plus don't they legit hate each other in real life anyway?
WWE Wargames is not a bad idea, it would be one of the few positives with this sinking ship of a product.
WWE Wargames would become my favorite WWE PPV unless Halloween Havoc ever comes back, but neither of them will, because Vince hates using anything that has todo with WCW that doesn't involve recycling archive footage.

What's the story behind the beef between Cena and R-Truth?

Passing on tonight's Raw because Jets vs. Dolphins and copping Uncharted 2 >>>>>>>>>> WWE.

And on a sad note, the Botchamania guy's YouTube account was suspended.
no Wargames unless they actually have a Wargames match

random thought: what was the purpose of bringing Masters back?
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