"We Need To Talk'' Unappreciation.

Originally Posted by The Kid Fiasco

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

In my mind I'm like, "!@@$ - here it comes."
I'm late.
I'm pregnant.

I tested positive for ____ .
My boyfriend went through my phone.
I Haven't gotten those.. yet... But usually my boys get that text.. and Immediately the

Instant buzz kill for em'.. kills the mood

hmm but you've gotten the "test positive for __" ? i don't see it in bold...
When I hear those words, I usually know the break up is coming....or im getting caught up for something I did.....

then sometimes its over petty stufff...SMH!
When I hear those words, I usually know the break up is coming....or im getting caught up for something I did.....

then sometimes its over petty stufff...SMH!
the worst, is when you wake up and head to work, then you got a long day ahead of you and they hit you with that !@!%!%@+
got you distracted all day at work
the worst, is when you wake up and head to work, then you got a long day ahead of you and they hit you with that !@!%!%@+
got you distracted all day at work
Originally Posted by SplashySplash

Originally Posted by 51and3rd

Originally Posted by proper english

August & September = breakup season wifey season

NTers, be prepared to hear this. 

Winter is the months where you want a wifey. Summer is when you want to be single. Seems like you got the game !%%%%+ up. Or maybe because I'm from Ohio?

Right....What are you talking about?

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I hate when women do this. I had a girl who would literally say it EVERY damn day. It would range from serious things like- I am late- to !++ like I saw these cute shoes I like can you look @ them too bebe?!!!??!?! I would be like this ++%!+ loves to see me squirm. It's aight I got that ++%!+ on video @!#+*#% her physics professor.
Perhaps you could tell us More.

Originally Posted by SplashySplash

Originally Posted by 51and3rd

Originally Posted by proper english

August & September = breakup season wifey season

NTers, be prepared to hear this. 

Winter is the months where you want a wifey. Summer is when you want to be single. Seems like you got the game !%%%%+ up. Or maybe because I'm from Ohio?

Right....What are you talking about?

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I hate when women do this. I had a girl who would literally say it EVERY damn day. It would range from serious things like- I am late- to !++ like I saw these cute shoes I like can you look @ them too bebe?!!!??!?! I would be like this ++%!+ loves to see me squirm. It's aight I got that ++%!+ on video @!#+*#% her physics professor.
Perhaps you could tell us More.

Me thinking that they're pregnant is ALWAYS the 1st thing to come to my mind...even if I strapped up...

Me thinking that they're pregnant is ALWAYS the 1st thing to come to my mind...even if I strapped up...

Originally Posted by bunchedpanties

I like to hit him with "you got something you wanna tell me?"

Always respond with no or a compliment.  "you look really good today" 

As to the  "we need to talk" comment.  I hate that girls say it like middle of the day.  Why not wait and say it like 5 mins before you can see them.  Get the text at work at 9am.....whole day blown.....spending all my time making up excuses/contemplating what the hell she is thinking.
Originally Posted by bunchedpanties

I like to hit him with "you got something you wanna tell me?"

Always respond with no or a compliment.  "you look really good today" 

As to the  "we need to talk" comment.  I hate that girls say it like middle of the day.  Why not wait and say it like 5 mins before you can see them.  Get the text at work at 9am.....whole day blown.....spending all my time making up excuses/contemplating what the hell she is thinking.
Originally Posted by bunchedpanties

I like to hit him with "you got something you wanna tell me?"

Oh man my girl pulls this on me all the time, and like i know exactly what it is that she's referring to but i always say no... lol no way im gonna openly tell on myself again
Originally Posted by bunchedpanties

I like to hit him with "you got something you wanna tell me?"

Oh man my girl pulls this on me all the time, and like i know exactly what it is that she's referring to but i always say no... lol no way im gonna openly tell on myself again
The worst part is when they text you with that & take hours to reply. My stomach be on some mean *#&@ for hours haha
The worst part is when they text you with that & take hours to reply. My stomach be on some mean *#&@ for hours haha
Originally Posted by luxurious24

Originally Posted by bunchedpanties

I like to hit him with "you got something you wanna tell me?"

Oh man my girl pulls this on me all the time, and like i know exactly what it is that she's referring to but i always say no... lol no way im gonna openly tell on myself again


...I've tried that ''open and honest full disclosure'' @$*$ before - never again.

I've stopped all the grimey @$*$, but if there's ever a situation I'm jammed up in in the future:


Deny, deny, deny...

Originally Posted by luxurious24

Originally Posted by bunchedpanties

I like to hit him with "you got something you wanna tell me?"

Oh man my girl pulls this on me all the time, and like i know exactly what it is that she's referring to but i always say no... lol no way im gonna openly tell on myself again


...I've tried that ''open and honest full disclosure'' @$*$ before - never again.

I've stopped all the grimey @$*$, but if there's ever a situation I'm jammed up in in the future:


Deny, deny, deny...

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