was clinton an overrated president?


Oct 1, 2012
wasn't it the Clinton administration, obsessed with multiculturalism, that dictated where mortgage lenders could lend, and originally helped create the market for the high-risk subprime loans now infecting like a retrovirus the balance sheets of many of Wall Street's most revered institutions?

Tough new regulations forced lenders into high-risk areas where they had no choice but to lower lending standards to make the loans that sound business practices had previously guarded against making. It was either that or face stiff government penalties.

 President Clinton put the "Community Redevelopment Act" on steroids , a well-intended Carter-era law designed to encourage minority homeownership. And in so doing, he helped create the market for the risky subprime loans that he and Democrats now decry as not only greedy but "predatory."

Nobody ever talks about the republicans taking the house in 1994 either.

I like Bill , but it seems like he was a system quarteback . He was placed in the right offense and did a good job

of managing what he had.I'm not republican nor democrat but it seems like the republicans backed Clinton

as one of their own and was liked by both parties.

Overall , do you feel he get's too much praise? Where the 90's the glory day's ? Or where they the prequel

to the horror movie?
I feel like clinton says the N word alot....with the "-er" ending though 

idk why...i just get the feeling he does

Do you think Presidents should take credit for things that happened UNDER them too? I think you're assuming people actually know what presidents can be responsible for. Its really not THAT much. 

It seems you're making a largely financial argument.

He made a lot of mistakes we're paying for now, but on sheer talking points on the economy for example, even though most people don't understand that presidents are largely unable to immediately control the economy (besides ruining by wars or something incredibly stupid) and he rode that wave.

He benefitted off of the rise in the tech sector too (despite the bubble). 

Oh and this meme that clinton was RESPONSIBLE for the subprime crisis? Pretty much a MAJOR stretch. He certainly removed glass-stegall, but to lets not get too carried away.

The BANKS knew what they were doing and they heavily preyed on entire municipalities and european cities. They abused their freedom and caused this mostly on their own.

On the other hand he made a budget surplus (not debt surplus obviously cause thats never going to happen 
) but thats still a great stat to have. 

NAFTA? Depends who you ask. 
People are in love with his personality, so they bypass all the facts. At the end of the day he was a awesome president IMO.
because of that boy bill i can enjoy a nice cold mexican beer whenever the hell i want to.

overrated my ***.
Can you blame monica? 

He could have smashed that woman in the clip. EASILY. 

Dude is a massive policy wonk. People still think that if he ran today, he'd win.

That says something.

or maybe Bush just messed up so badly that people hold clinton even higher. 
Black folks forget that Clinton bombed the Sudan.

Talking bout Clinton was our first black president GTFHWTBS.
1. He won office during a down economy, and then rode the Dot Com bubble to soaring height economic heights. That bubble burst at the very tail end of his presidency. A recession was looming, no matter who followed him in office.

2. Meanwhile, while riding his great economy, he completely ignored the military and national security (especially the rising threat of terrorism). You can rail again GWB all you want for 9/11, but it's not like Bin Laden woke up one day in March of 2001 and thought "hey, let's fly some planes into the WTC." The threat was out there, and Clinton ignored it. And by the time anyone started putting pieces together, it was too late. The embassy bombings in 1998, and the USS Cole attack in 2000 is all you need to know about what he did, on a security level. Those were precursors

Ultimately, Clinton had the gift of timing. He got out before an impending economic crash and before 9/11.
1. He won office during a down economy, and then rode the Dot Com bubble to soaring height economic heights. That bubble burst at the very tail end of his presidency. A recession was looming, no matter who followed him in office.

2. Meanwhile, while riding his great economy, he completely ignored the military and national security (especially the rising threat of terrorism). You can rail again GWB all you want for 9/11, but it's not like Bin Laden woke up one day in March of 2001 and thought "hey, let's fly some planes into the WTC." The threat was out there, and Clinton ignored it. And by the time anyone started putting pieces together, it was too late. The embassy bombings in 1998, and the USS Cole attack in 2000 is all you need to know about what he did, on a security level. Those were precursors

Ultimately, Clinton had the gift of timing. He got out before an impending economic crash and before 9/11.
Son, the whole world was sleeping before 9/11. 

Clinton started Alec Station at the CIA and Bush dismantled it around 2005/6 after deciding he didn't care about Bin Laden.

Watch the PBS Frontline Documentary on the NSA (national security agency). They knew quite a bit about OBL. 
Black folks forget that Clinton bombed the Sudan.

Talking bout Clinton was our first black president GTFHWTBS.

He also bombed the former Yugoslavia and got impeached. But everyone gives him a pass cause he got his D wet. wth

Plus his wife is a b****
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Bill Clinton would win 60-40 in the next election if he could run. Complete landslide. I think the 8 year rule sucks.

He's the man, best President in my generation by far.
Son, the whole world was sleeping before 9/11. 

Clinton started Alec Station at the CIA and Bush dismantled it around 2005/6 after deciding he didn't care about Bin Laden.

Watch the PBS Frontline Documentary on the NSA (national security agency). They knew quite a bit about OBL. 

Knowing about someone and DOING something are two different things. Similarly, actually being able to do something about it was also a problem (on American soil).
if i'm not mistaken lil homie allowed the privatization of prisons and kept status quo with the "drug war" so nah he aint aiight with me .
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Clinton WOULD win a reelection campaign handily. Fortunately, our laws won't grant more than two terms. Never a good idea to let one person/small group of people hold power over a nation for too long.
Very good topic, indeed he did allow excessive deregulation of the banks, which did have a downside, however on contrary it did help the placement of loans, thus economical growth was possible.

As a president I think he made great speeches and could really talk to the people and he did many things which earned him respect, which was deserved.
I want OP to explain where the CRA forced banks to make
these loans to Black people and how Black people created the financial crisis.
Yea I personally like bill but when he was in office I was a little kid (24 now) so I don't know much about him but many people love bill, I truly feel all the cons of the Clinton administration is like every president we ever had in office, constant probs with the economy, war, etc but with all that saying I even voted for Hilary based on how much I loved bill...there I said it flame suit on lol
I want OP to explain where the CRA forced banks to make
these loans to Black people and how Black people created the financial crisis.
Its apart of this meme that also asserts that Barack won a case back in the 90s to force backs to stop discriminatory lending to minorities.

I don't doubt that there should be rules in place to allow lending to folks who can't pay, but part of the civil rights act was to prevent that sort of stuff from happening in clear and present discriminatory acts

Then banks said, well screw it, since "we lost that case" then we'll just flood the market with subprime loans...BUT these conservative conspiracy theorists are asserting that citizens crafted the entire process of a credit default swap and not Ms. Blythe Masters herself. 
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