VMV INC. and the rest of these early sellers EXPOSED!

rmk is legit.

osneaker though? Never got a pair from there yet but everything Ive heard is theyre good
FYI there are a new batch of super fake space jams out right now. They have a blueish tint to the sole and the patent leather cut on the back is a lot higher than the real ones. They pass all of the old authencitiy checks like carbon fiber, spaced 23 lining up with ball on jumpman, 3rd lace hole, etc etc. I bought a pair of these and I knew something wasn't right when there wasn't even a tiny bit of yellowing and the sole was the wrong color. They are all over ebay, ISS, etc.
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FYI there are a new batch of super fake space jams out right now. They have a blueish tint to the sole and the patent leather cut on the back is a lot higher than the real ones. They pass all of the old authencitiy checks like carbon fiber, spaced 23 lining up with ball on jumpman, 3rd lace hole, etc etc. I bought a pair of these and I knew something wasn't right when there wasn't even a tiny bit of yellowing and the sole was the wrong color. They are all over ebay, ISS, etc.
Are these one of them?
can't be fake...i've seen da high quality yeezy II fakes, and those PALE in comparison to a pair of these....

now unauthorized runs? yea i can see how that can happen.


real pair of XI's VS fake pair of XI's...i've YET seen a FAKE use REAL carbon fiber....
can't be fake...i've seen da high quality yeezy II fakes, and those PALE in comparison to a pair of these....

now unauthorized runs? yea i can see how that can happen.

Fake and unauthorized runs are the same thing.

If the product is produced without Nike's knowledge and consent, it is not a Nike authorized product.

If you want to debate the semantics of "fake," "authentic," and "unauthorized," then have at it.

But, that is what they are. Unauthorized products. Nike would consider them fakes. Nike wouldn't allow you to return that product to a Nike store (presuming they knew where it came from). So, it is produced outside the brand. The materials used are irrelevant.

Most likely, these shoes are produced by the same workers using the molds contracted to them by Nike. They buy extra materials that may or may not be the same that they use to create the products they've been contracted to produce by Nike. Then, they make "extra" pairs with then outside the knowledge of Nike. We're talking about a brand here - it's something of an abstract concept that extends beyond the physical materials of the shoe. If Nike doesn't know they exist and authorize their production they are essentially fake.
can't be fake...i've seen da high quality yeezy II fakes, and those PALE in comparison to a pair of these....

now unauthorized runs? yea i can see how that can happen.
Fake and unauthorized runs are the same thing.

If the product is produced without Nike's knowledge and consent, it is not a Nike authorized product.

If you want to debate the semantics of "fake," "authentic," and "unauthorized," then have at it.

But, that is what they are. Unauthorized products. Nike would consider them fakes. Nike wouldn't allow you to return that product to a Nike store (presuming they knew where it came from). So, it is produced outside the brand. The materials used are irrelevant.

Most likely, these shoes are produced by the same workers using the molds contracted to them by Nike. They buy extra materials that may or may not be the same that they use to create the products they've been contracted to produce by Nike. Then, they make "extra" pairs with then outside the knowledge of Nike. We're talking about a brand here - it's something of an abstract concept that extends beyond the physical materials of the shoe. If Nike doesn't know they exist and authorize their production they are essentially fake.
son if its da SAME MATERIALS made in da SAME FACTORIES, then it CANT be fake.

there is a CLEAR distinction between a FAKE and a unauthorized pair of kicks.


da black soles you can argue were made WITHOUT nike's consent, and instead of DESTROYING EM since it was too many pairs they decided to sell em anyways.

does that make da black sole pairs any less REAL then da white sole pairs? no.

if i broke into a nike factory and whipped up a run of w/e nikes i wanted to, it doesn't make em any less real then da ones nike actually kept inventory of.

so that "oh they still fake" argument holds ZERO water.

if you're gonna label these sneakers what they are then label em CORRECTLY, which are GREY MARKET sneakers.
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Ninjahood tried to post some coolkickz.com specials for comparison.

You know damn well that isn't relevant to this discussion.

We're well aware that you have no issue with unauthorized pairs. You're stance is even more extreme than most because they could show you a space jam Xi fresh out of the factory today and as long as you could flip the shoe over and tap on the carbon fiber and hear a clicky noise, that's authentic to you.
Ninjahood tried to post some coolkickz.com specials for comparison.

You know damn well that isn't relevant to this discussion.

We're well aware that you have no issue with unauthorized pairs. You're stance is even more extreme than most because they could show you a space jam Xi fresh out of the factory today and as long as you could flip the shoe over and tap on the carbon fiber and hear a clicky noise, that's authentic to you.
carbon fiber is a EXPENSIVE commodity b.

nobody who doesn't already make REAL pairs has access to bend and weave carbon fiber.
carbon fiber is a EXPENSIVE commodity b.

nobody who doesn't already make REAL pairs has access to bend and weave carbon fiber.

Huh? That logic is ******ed. We aren't even arguing about the same thing. No one said they don't have access to machinery/materials.

You believe grey market pairs are legitimate, I don't.

Simple as that.
I have a pair of those space jams right infront of me. I literally was dumbfounded when I received them and noticed that there was ZERO yellowing after what is supposed to be 2 years. Then the BLUE sole started bugging me because I remembered that the real space jams from 09 had a clear, translucent sole with no color. Go on ebay and search space jams. These are starting to flood the market.

blue sole is NOT the same material because the real ones dont have a blue sole.
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I have a pair of those space jams right infront of me. I literally was dumbfounded when I received them and noticed that there was ZERO yellowing after what is supposed to be 2 years. Then the BLUE sole started bugging me because I remembered that the real space jams from 09 had a clear, translucent sole with no color. Go on ebay and search space jams. These are starting to flood the market.
blue sole is NOT the same material because the real ones dont have a blue sole.

Pull up the insole and let us know what is underneath it.
At least they got that right. The "09" Space jams they were pushing last year had the grey padding underneath like cool greys had.
carbon fiber is a EXPENSIVE commodity b.

nobody who doesn't already make REAL pairs has access to bend and weave carbon fiber.
Huh? That logic is ******ed. We aren't even arguing about the same thing. No one said they don't have access to machinery/materials.

You believe grey market pairs are legitimate, I don't.

Simple as that.
and what makes em "not legitimate" according to you..that they aren't on a nike manifest somewhere with a "coming soon" catalog

scan somewhere with your favorite celebrity instagramin' a pic of em.


if they came off da same assembly line as da pairs that dropped in 2009 regardless of when, and they're made of da exact same materials then

thats a real pair, can a REAL pair ALSO be a unauthorized pair? absolutely.

thats like saying a diamond grown from a lab is "fake" compared to a diamond grown from da ground, when they are made of da exact same materials.
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