Vermont passes a law to require labeling of GMOs

Aug 5, 2013
FINALLY one state has the balls to do this.

If you guys aren't familiar with GMO's you should be.

Antibiotics are injected into the bacteria of the crop causing the crop to be resistant to other antibiotics and some of the stuff that they use is a weedkiller called RoundUp. 

The EU and Russia has outright banned it citing that GMOs are too dangerous after testing on rats has led them to getting tumors, cancer, diabetes, obesity. 

We should definitely be in the know in what we put in our bodies and our kids bodies.

Here's a two minute video on GMOs

I remember a thread, years back, of a person who is incredibly rich, part of the 1%, and he was answering questions on this board and I remember he was laughing at how we don't know what we are putting in our bodies, and made it a point to say that his food is under his supervision.

Can anyone ID that thread?
Can anyone ID that thread of the guy that is stupid rich answering our questions?

I'm not talking about Ben Baller either, he is way richer
Can anyone ID that thread of the guy that is stupid rich answering our questions?

I'm not talking about Ben Baller either, he is way richer
at the saltiness/jealousy in that last line.
This should be common knowledge. Monsanto is a cancer to human beings, literally. We have let the la li lu le lo poison us without second thought. Slow poisons, to dumb us down and kill us off.
This should be common knowledge. Monsanto is a cancer to human beings, literally. We have let the la li lu le lo poison us without second thought. Slow poisons, to dumb us down and kill us off.
But it's not, Obama signed a bill protecting Monsanto in the midst of when everyone was talking about Gay Marriage.

Monsanto outspends crazily over opposers so that its kept under wraps.

Here's a petition that was just created for the Californians to require labeling that I found.
SB 1381, legislation introduced by CA Senator Noreen Evans, to label GMO's in California is going down in flames on Senate Floor. Bill is five votes short of passage. If the bill does not pass out of the Senate by Friday, House of Origin week deadline, it is officially dead for the year.
FINALLY one state has the balls to do this.

If you guys aren't familiar with GMO's you should be.

Antibiotics are injected into the bacteria of the crop causing the crop to be resistant to other antibiotics and some of the stuff that they use is a weedkiller called RoundUp. 

The EU and Russia has outright banned it citing that GMOs are too dangerous after testing on rats has led them to getting tumors, cancer, diabetes, obesity. 

We should definitely be in the know in what we put in our bodies and our kids bodies.
Can you link us to some of the peer reviewed articles that demonstrate the adverse effects of consuming GMOs?
I remember the thread where dude was talking about class division and how most people eat what is shoved in their faces, made me quite sad actually.

I signed the petition on the White House site a while back because I figured I would like to know what is in the food I am eating.

Not just for right now where the research is slow and economy based (large corporations spending dough to keep things on the hush), but for the future when people KNOW the FACTS and are better suited to make a conscious decision.

The same thing applied to the high fructose corn syrup and mono-sodium glutamate labeling, the whole purpose (to me) is having a scientific knowledge of the base chemicals to know what is really being effected.

Are these foods enhancing uncontrolled cell growth and division? Do they make us more susceptible to carcinogens?

Sorry for the rant but I love food and I want it all chemical free.
Great topic starter! Here in Hawaii we are trying to get it done by 2018 but are having trouble doing so. I agree with the fact that we as a people should have a right to know whats in front of us. However, we as consumers all have the responsibility of knowing what we are eating also. The more mindless spending we do, the more we are enabling these GMO companies to profit. 
Cali should of been on this :smh:
I believe they tried but lobbyists got in the way. Their roundup is linked to the influx of celiac's disease/gluten intolerance but no one's talking about that, they just talk about how much better gluten free food is...Monsanto's pesticides are basically yielding The Happening like weeds that need to be disposed of via flamethrower since they're od tall and strong.

View media item 991089
The American political makes me angry. We need to get our ish together, but with this microwave-media I'm really at a lost for answers. I watch the news with my roommate, as soon as I start talking about the last story, the next story is on and he couldn't care less. It's like, information is pushed through our heads so fast we don't have time to fully understand the impact of he story. Not to mention that everyday the news looks more and more like Tosh.0.

With things like this, it's easy to say "eat organic" but some neighborhoods don't even have grocery stores, they have to ride the bus x amount of stops to get food, you really think they have the money/mindset to say "I'm going to the farmers market to get some organic food" ...we won't even talk about Whole Foods as I don't even have the money to shop their.

It's really up to us, the generation to busy getting their news from twitter and facebook to look up and see the real world, to busy trapped in our own "likes" to think about a world outside of ourselves.

That is the curse of technology, all the information in the world, all the access you can handle, the biggest soapbox you can hope for and yet, we have nothing of value to say...

One day I'll figure out how to make people day.
Awesome to see. Thumbs up to Vermont.

I marched in San Francisco last weekend in the global march against Monsanto day. I think 2.5 million marched.

It doesn't just end there, though blacksheep08 blacksheep08 . What we've been taught to eat in general is not human food in any way shape or form. Forget the additives, GMO's, hormones etc. every animal on the planet has a diet specifically genetically tailored for their biology, yet we think we're excluded from the list. People should really ask the question; what are humans designed to eat?

Culture disconnected us from what we are, what we eat, and what keeps us alive. Purposely, by the way.
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