--v--v--Official True Blood Season 2 Post--v---v--

Is this a good show??? im a big fang of entourage, and wondering if i could get hooked on this one too?
Why everytime i turn to this show there's and orgy going on ?
Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

Jessica must get naked next episode.

I swear i #$@@%!# love Jessica, ever since the first time she came on the show
low-key that's the hottest girl on here right now for me

and whoever said it's about to get real funky in the next episodes is damn right, so many things are about to happen(though I don't know exactly whatthey are) that things are gonna get real interesting.

This situation with the pastor is interesting to me cause it has the makings of a Human vs Vampire war,
Lorena coming and #$@@%!# things up with Bill(she could get it too btw)
Jason and that hot *+@ Pastor's wife(I lied earlier, she is tied for the baddest chick on the show right now
Mary Anne situation is weird as %$%+ man, straight trips me out seeing her vibrate and the orgy with the black eyes
Lafayette being forced to slang V
The dude who is getting with Jessica is lucky as hell
What the %$%+ is gonna happen with Sookie & that one dude? How they gonna get out of that?

I'm hyped, next Sunday can't come soon enough

I'm tempted to read the book from where this episode left off just to know what happens next but I'll wait

This last episode just got me confused, but I understood everything so it just kind of messed me up lol. I hate episodes like that that just leave everythingon a cliffhanger because it just kind of makes it annoying that they don't get anything done

I already know how the Fellowship of the Sun knew that Sookie and that guy, whatever his name is, were coming. Thanks mom for the spoiler

It was obvious that Maryanne was the Bull monster because of her hands a few episodes ago. And now I realize the importance with the pig being mentioned.

Also, if you didn't notice Eggs was familiar with that area because he has already been to one of those orgies probably, but couldn't really rememberit.

I don't get the ting with them killing Sam and then showing that he gets away in the scenes. I also don't get why Maryann wants to kill Sam in thefirst place. She can keep doing whatever the hell she wants without killing Sam. I just kind of hate the storyline. But the other storyline is definitelygetting good with the Vampires and the Fellowship of the Sun
wildest episode of the season...it was moving kinda slow at first but now it has picked up with this one episode....peeped the comic con trailer and thisshould be really interesting
i just think theyre dragging things out a bit
like they are starting to blen book 2 and 3 together and i know they cant follow the books to a T because that would be boring, but i do wish this season wouldpick up some pace...
im just patiently waiting for the Eric & Sookie relationship

eff Bill... what he did to her...smh.... Eric all day ... Alexander Skarsgard is
Originally Posted by webnerd06

i just think theyre dragging things out a bit
like they are starting to blen book 2 and 3 together and i know they cant follow the books to a T because that would be boring, but i do wish this season would pick up some pace...
[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]im just patiently waiting for the Eric & Sookie relationship[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]eff Bill... what he did to her...smh.... Eric all day ... Alexander Skarsgard is[/color]
shhhhhhhhhhh. Is that just speculation or spoilers. I haven't read any of the books so please don't spoil the show
Dude was gonna take Sookies {()}

Godrick lookin more metro than Eric.

this gonna get crazy!

Did she really shoot Jason Stackhouse ?
NVM I see the trailer, he got shot with a paint gun
is jason dead?
godrick and eric are kinda hot
i still dont understand what lorena has to benefit from this?
and what is really good with eggs?
This dude godric
I wonder wth he was before a vamp, looks like some type of prince. (No pun)

And I can't wait for the war. Smh @ humans
StaXX wrote:
I think she shot him with a tranquilizer. Man this episode was good.

yeah on the preview for next week he had a little splatter on his shirt didn't look like blood or a bullet wound
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