*USA Basketball* WOMEN EARN GOLD v. ESP (101-72)! MEN EARN GOLD v. SRB (96-66)!

Calm down Buzz Killington

I was the one defending the tubby boy this whole summer
I don't care if you've defended him his entire career. You made a factually incorrect statement 
Teeeechnically, he didn't.

He didn't say Melo has missed the playoffs every year. He said 'non playoff making Melo', and Melo has missed the playoff 4 times, as you said.

So there is such a thing as a playoff Melo and a non-playoff Melo.

And he said Melo is going to back non playoff making Melo.

Regular old non playoff making Melo, suggesting it's a common occurrence. It's not.
'suggesting' is an interpretation, eliminating 'factually incorrect'

"The way I interpreted what you said is factually incorrect" is what happened, and how something is interpreted has nothing to do with facts.

He said 'non playoff making Melo', which has happened.

4 times.

How you interpret that is on you. He didn't say it's a common occurrence.
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I have seldom seen a USA team bark at and whine at the refs as much as I have today.

I don't like it.
Let me guess, cousins draymond deandre

But the one you got right been doing most of the barking.

Dre playing really cool, and Dray has hardly played.

But Cousins, I'm not going to say he's Sacto Cousins, but damn, he's been on one with the refs.

Someone who would surprise you got a T.
That Cuz airball was hilarious. Pau played off him like you do in pickup begging him to shoot. Cuz thought about it, thought about it again, and finally said screw it and put it up.

So weird to see some of these guys look so awkward/uncomfortable. Cousins is pretty adept at mid range and can even hit the occasional 3. Jimmy Butler looks like a poor man's Andre Roberson out there.
Dray is another one that looks lost. Enters the game and first thing he does is airball a 3.
Calm down Buzz Killington

I was the one defending the tubby boy this whole summer
I don't care if you've defended him his entire career. You made a factually incorrect statement 
Teeeechnically, he didn't.

He didn't say Melo has missed the playoffs every year. He said 'non playoff making Melo', and Melo has missed the playoff 4 times, as you said.

So there is such a thing as a playoff Melo and a non-playoff Melo.

And he said Melo is going to back non playoff making Melo.

Regular old non playoff making Melo, suggesting it's a common occurrence. It's not.
'suggesting' is an interpretation, eliminating 'factually incorrect'

"The way I interpreted what you said is factually is incorrect" is what happened, and how something is interpreted has nothing to do with facts.

He said 'non playoff making Melo', which has happened.

4 times.

How you interpret that is on you. He didn't say it's a common occurrence.
My bad. I said suggesting, but he didn't suggest it. He outright said it by saying "Regular old non playoff making Melo".

Regular, meaning it happens regularly. A synonym for regular is common. It's not common.

Jordan missed the playoffs on the wizards but you would never call him regular old non playoff making Jordan. It sounds ridiculous because it is.
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