UPS and FEDEX Unappreciation Post ... Delivery ppl are the opps

I’m hella thankful that I haven’t had any packages taken so far. But I do constantly get my next door neighbors packages, which I don’t get because I have tiles with my house number on them right next to my door and the delivery drivers always will place them right under the numbers. I’m cool w my neighbor so I always make sure to get him his packages when they do it.
Has anyone ever filed a claim with FedEx? If so, what ends up happening? Their workers stole two pairs of sneakers from me within the last few weeks. The first pair wasn’t mine. I helped my homegirl get some sneakers…so I thought. The second pair was mine. Both statuses say delayed & the last location was on FedEx truck for delivery. Neither packages even made it to my house.
There’s something about a customer complaining that makes people NOT want to side with you. I think we’re just wired to be turned off by complainers.
I don't if things have changed, but I had a Fed-Ex package stolen or not delivered about 9 years ago. When I called them, they told me the seller had to file a report with them.
I bet more manufacturers will open up a pickup somewhere close to you in your city and you'll have the option to pick up your items directly. Obviously some have done that. Order from ndc or SNKRS and pickup at a Niketown.
Never shipped anything via UPS/FedEx nor had anything stolen from any major carrier..

Only complaint was the 7-8PM delivery times with UPS at my old apartment complex...I guess since I lived really close to the distribution center, my area was last on the list.
I bet more manufacturers will open up a pickup somewhere close to you in your city and you'll have the option to pick up your items directly. Obviously some have done that. Order from ndc or SNKRS and pickup at a Niketown.
I see this happening too. Cut more middle man out and just have it directly go to the consumer. I’d actually prefer this in most cases.
I bet more manufacturers will open up a pickup somewhere close to you in your city and you'll have the option to pick up your items directly. Obviously some have done that. Order from ndc or SNKRS and pickup at a Niketown.
so instead of an app giving you the "lost" status
ppl gonna drive to the store only to have a college kid tell them " they are not here"
Never had any problems with my **** not getting delivered but I’m afraid to start selling my kicks bc what if they lose my **** lol
I still work for FedEx express


But I use to work as a vendor driver for fedex ground
So I know how it goes over there too
FedEx is 100% the opps. I had a pair of shoes get delayed and couldn't get an answer when I kept calling but they came a week later. Now my homeboy on the other hand almost got his Ps5 sniped. They left his box outside of his gate and never rang the doorbell. He just happened to check his cameras and tell his wife to run out there before it was too late.
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Well ran into a issue today with UPS/USPS.

Pair of shorts I ordered was marked as undeliverable as it apparently shipped with no recipient address. Checked in with the local post office and they couldn't find the package.

Maybe it gets delivered today somehow but refund seems likely at the moment.
No recipient is usually a shipper issue. Happened with Amazon before and I'm like how? I have shipped 1000s of packages. Somehow a printer or person ****** up a word or left off a number.
FedEx really just attract the most thieves, I don't get it.
Going back to this I'm wrong, every place has thieves, some places just have better deterrents like better tracking, investigators, cameras and consequences etc.

Keep forgetting I used to work at UPS; 1 dude stole, 4 others saw but said nothing and they all got let go. Don't remember if they all got charged.
No recipient is usually a shipper issue. Happened with Amazon before and I'm like how? I have shipped 1000s of packages. Somehow a printer or person ****ed up a word or left off a number.
They printed out the package information and there was completely no address on it. Not sure how it made it to Houston.
Well ran into a issue today with UPS/USPS.

Pair of shorts I ordered was marked as undeliverable as it apparently shipped with no recipient address. Checked in with the local post office and they couldn't find the package.

Maybe it gets delivered today somehow but refund seems likely at the moment.
Well the shorts arrived today with my address on it.

Sales tag was cheaper than what I paid for it, gonna try to get a price adjustment lol.
Been having a influx of packages coming in, most I can remember in any holiday season. So far, so good...
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