Unpopular Opinion(s) Thread

That saying "whoever smelt it, dealt it" is really asinine. If I notice a fart, it's because I smell a fart. How does that make me the prime suspect.

You could be using it as a deflection tactic calling it out first to throw suspicion
Street lights need to be revisited.

We're still running off of the same technology and sequence since it's been put in place.
how they chased that racist dude w/ the ar-15 was just dumb, and that bigot was even dumber for sticking around after he murdered 2 of the 3 he shot.
Oreos are wack
Nestle crunch bars are wack
Captain Crunch is wack
Twix Bars are wack (unless it's the peanut butter version w/o the caramel)
ppl of that say "video games use to be better" r just nostalgic idiots.
sonic 2 or sonic 3 and knuckles aren't better than every sonic game that came after it?
ffVI, VII and chrono trigger aren't better than any rpg that has released in like the last 20+ years?
mvc2 isn't better than anything that came after it from Capcom?

i'll share my own unpopular opinions:

-black ppl in the u.s. are at a point or should be at a point where there are three options:
stay and fight and I don't mean protesting
lay down and accept

trump is a dictator and runs an authoritarian regime
there can be no kumbaya moment. we live in a country full of white supremacists at every level. their hearts and minds will not change. at least a third of the country will not change. that's being generous.
people here are deaf, dumb, blind and gullible.
1. sonic 2 or sonic 3 and knuckles aren't better than every sonic game that came after it?
2. ffVI, VII and chrono trigger aren't better than any rpg that has released in like the last 20+ years?
3. mvc2 isn't better than anything that came after it from Capcom?

1. sonic adventure 1 & 2 are the best some games i've played & i've played them all up until sonic hero's (if shadow's game doesn't count).
2. i hated the format for ff games especially being that they were on pig screen, i played pokemon instead.
3. those condensed fighting games are eh to me (very limiting), as soon as i played super smash bros there was no turning back. i did use to like tekken though.
No ****, you understand the context though.

Brah, you said it was illegal, and when I said it’s not illegal you respond with “no ****.” Wut.

If you’re saying you should be allowed to count cards and the casinos should be forced to take your action, I disagree.
Interesting take. How would you even change it

Now a days theres a million sensors on our cars. Street lights need the same sensitivity. Theres 5 times as many people from when lights were first constructed. Sensitivity > timers.
Should have put "illegal" in quotes, as that's what they'll tell you before whooping your *** on the way out. "Hey that's illegal pal". Obviously doesn't mean they violated a real state law. Just the "law" of that casino.
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