Unethical Life Hacks

I was in line at target today, self checkout and they caught some guy who was paying for pants, but tucked into the pants were like 2 pairs of other pants. :lol:

Lmaooooo that’s slick not even gonna lie

If it wasn’t for target having the best undercover sercurity guards on the planet homey would’ve skated. Every time I’m in there i see them catching somebody
How to get off a parking ticket/moving violation.

I had gotten a moving violation back in 2014 cause my little sister didnt put my seat belt on in the back seat. cop gave me the ticket anyways but i didnt plea guilty cause i didnt want any points on my license.

i kept pushing the date/everytime they told me to come in to fight the ticket and didn’t allowed the system to tale my hard earn money. eventually i had to show up to court and fight the ticket most times youll get lucky and the cop will not show up to tell the judge reason why he gave you the moving violation and the judge will dissmised the moving violation and your money stays in your poket and you avoid getting points added to license.

Now if the cop does show up and you have to plea your case to the judge make sure you start speking a native tounge like spanish or arabic usually the judge will ask you do you have a personal translator cause he doesn’t understand your language at all. if you dont have one he will or might decide to dismiss your case due to lack of lost of translation.

in my situation im nigerian i speak my own native tounge which is youraba, hard to translate sometimes. but i know english very well. what i did i spoke broken yourba and english. the judge ask do i have translator? cause ge didn’t understand me at all i gave im the the dylan look every time he said something or asked a question.

best believe the judge dismissed my case i didnt get any points added to my driver license and i didn’t have to pay for the moving violation. the female cop was so salty when i won. only had to take driver defense course so it wont be reported to my insurance company.

seems unethical but its smart thinking in my head.

No idea how this worked, most gov't places have over the phone translators and I think it's required by law that they have somebody available to speak your language whether in person or over speaker phone. You mighta lucked up with a lazy judge who doesn't want to make that phone call
No idea how this worked, most gov't places have over the phone translators and I think it's required by law that they have somebody available to speak your language whether in person or over speaker phone. You mighta lucked up with a lazy judge who doesn't want to make that phone call

True. but this is DMW court in nyc by coney island thay i went too. Not a state court or a city court.

i had to think of something cause i wasn’t willing to plea guilty and pay $200+ for a moving violation and ponits on my license. The justice system is already f’ed up. i didn’t commit a crime or harmed anyones life. My little sister simply forgot to put her seat belt on and i was tired that day when i had to to take her to school. which i wasn’t suppose to. if i was aware that morning from working a 10hr shift i would have made sure she put her seat belt on. im not irresponsible.

maybe i got lucky but GOD was looking out for me, unless u a traffic cop or cop you sound salty.

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Calm ya boobs kid, can't be salty about a story somebody told online.

You def got lucky. Coulda had a judge who's a stickler bout the rules and wasn't gon cave in. *shrugs*
Calm ya boobs kid, can't be salty about a story somebody told online.

You def got lucky. Coulda had a judge who's a stickler bout the rules and wasn't gon cave in. *shrugs*

okay old man don’t forget to rub the bengay on your face.

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If English is your first (and in most cases, only) language, take English as Second Language courses in college. You can probably wing it up to a 4.0gpa in them classes al the way up to the 400 level not even showing up except on test days. Tests be like, write down the alphabet, say your ABC's, write in cursive. Pad your gpa up real nice. Just pay attention to your syllabus and show up test days

and the ticket thing would work too. You use your cheap, nosebleed section 301 ticket with real barcode to get in, then you have a printed one in your pocket with just a different section number. The ushers at the beginning of the section dont have scanners. At most they're just looking at it to help you get to your seat faster.


Although this would come back to haunt you if a future employer requires college transcripts.
If English is your first (and in most cases, only) language, take English as Second Language courses in college. You can probably wing it up to a 4.0gpa in them classes al the way up to the 400 level not even showing up except on test days. Tests be like, write down the alphabet, say your ABC's, write in cursive. Pad your gpa up real nice. Just pay attention to your syllabus and show up test days

and the ticket thing would work too. You use your cheap, nosebleed section 301 ticket with real barcode to get in, then you have a printed one in your pocket with just a different section number. The ushers at the beginning of the section dont have scanners. At most they're just looking at it to help you get to your seat faster.
a buddy did this and the class was harder he said ..had to write papers for a political science while I took the non esl class and just had multiple choice tests

Although this would come back to haunt you if a future employer requires college transcripts.

I did this for Spanish; I've been able to speak at least basic Spanish since I was a kid, so in high school and college I took Spanish 1-3 and got A+ every time :lol: professors always gave me so many compliments for my hard work.

I don't know how it would work for intro to English classes though. Every language class I've been to required physical attendance and constant participation. I'd have to fake a foreign accent for an entire quarter, which is pretty difficult :lol: At least in Spanish it's pretty easy to fake it, since you can just intentionally pronounce things in a gringo accent.
My buddy did that when his roommates left on a lease and lady only took the deposit and didn’t go after 1.5 months of rent
aint posting any my hack life skills which isn’t unethical its call being street smart imo.

people out here thinking they are perfect human beings and what not and they some sorta God like saint. smh.
I heard this is where scumbags could chat freely. How refreshing.

I've always wondered how packages don't get stolen more often
Some junkies around here just got caught stealing xmas tips left for trashmen. :smh:
If the weed man is scrawny....slim Jesus type cat....he might give you a couple ounces as a sample on GP under the correct pressure.

Yoooo I'm crying because my herbman is a tall slim Mexican dude and the reason he is my weedman is because of his generous free samples :rofl:

Man got the long jesus hair, beard and everything:rofl:

Alright sign up for their beach club and say it’s your bday today or this week
Youl get a free meal
Up to like 15 dollar meal all you gotta do is buy a drink comes out to like (2.49 ca tax) and you can use it repeatedly because they won’t scan it
They have a code they put in; I was told by the employee; can be eating shrimp,Mahi etc everyday for 2.49 or less
It works I’ve done countless times
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