Ultimate MvC3 revealed!

Originally Posted by sole vintage

i will wait for the super ultimate version
you forgot to add a turbo in there and an arcade edition

damn i gotta finish LA NOIRE fast, and turn it and MvC3 in....
Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

Let me start it off I wait two months for jil and shuma (lame) then I wait another two months in silence for the two remaining charectors to come out, now this Bs
Very dissapointed will still be coping though

2 more characters besides jill and shuma came out?
^ nah BRO but theirs two slots on the bottom corners reserved for new charectors unless they did that on purpose
Within 9 months of each other?
Real talk, if you go hard @ MVC3, there's no reason for anyone else to judge whether your UMVC3 purchase is justified, whether Capcom's milking, etc.
@ EOD, you're getting your money's worth, which is what really matters.
I'll wait on picking up, simply 'cause I suck @ MVC3. Terribly.

I'll stick to SSF4AE until August 23rd. Then it's time for SF3: Third Strike Online Edition.
Gots no time for this UMVC3 stuff.
Honestly, how did MvC3 turn out for you guys? I have never really understood Marvel games but I am DEEP into MK9
. I am looking to get this or SS4 Arcade. Any advice/comparisons would be greatly appreciated.
Originally Posted by hella handsome



This game is finally worth getting now. All they need to do is add in Cable and Commando and I'll be set now that Strider is in. 

I can't wait to use this guy though 

Isn't this dude a lawyer?

Either way that is cool tho
Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Honestly, how did MvC3 turn out for you guys? I have never really understood Marvel games but I am DEEP into MK9
. I am looking to get this or SS4 Arcade. Any advice/comparisons would be greatly appreciated.

Some people like it.
I hate it.
To me, it's just not as fun as 2. 2 was faster, had more going on, was just simply more fun.
I liked it at first, but after awhile, it started getting boring.
VERY, VERY, VERY poor character choices.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Honestly, how did MvC3 turn out for you guys? I have never really understood Marvel games but I am DEEP into MK9
. I am looking to get this or SS4 Arcade. Any advice/comparisons would be greatly appreciated.

Some people like it.
I hate it.
To me, it's just not as fun as 2. 2 was faster, had more going on, was just simply more fun.
I liked it at first, but after awhile, it started getting boring.
VERY, VERY, VERY poor character choices.
get ssf4 its the better game by far 
that orobos strider has lasts forever. can't wait to put dude back in the lineup.

Destructoid: I'm going to ask something you've probably already heard a few times since today's announcement: Why wouldn't this release just be downloadable add-on content instead of a disc?

Niitsuma: After the release of Marvel vs. Capcom 3 there were plans to release DLC. But, as you know, less than a month after the game was released we had the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. That had an impact on everything, and it threw off our whole development schedule. We decided that instead of doing the DLC we could put it all together in one package, add some additional stuff to make it robust and deliver it as a disc. 
[h1]SDCC: Interview: Niitsuma on Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3[/h1]http://www.destructoid.com/sdcc-interview-niitsuma-on-ultimate-marvel-vs-capcom-3-206630.phtml?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Destructoid+%28Destructoid%29

Also thinking about it, all the additional content is worth the 40 dollars and since fighting games like Marvel are tournament heavy it's easier to transport a disc with all the content than carrying around a console.
man the original game wasnt that great at all... all the classics characters in 2 was gone and now they trying to get the sheeps by this ultimate version..... just wait for battlefield 3 or nba 2k12
I'm really salty about this, BUT getting mad at Capcom is like getting mad at a fish for swimming in water.
Originally Posted by jae oh en

i guess they're saving mega man for the mega ultimate arcade edition.

They're never toppin MVC2....game was da apex of fightin games.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by jae oh en

i guess they're saving mega man for the mega ultimate arcade edition.

They're never toppin MVC2....game was da apex of fightin games.
MVC2 was broken as hell tho
everybody was getting bodied if you had Sentinel and Storm on the same team.
Ah they ruined it with the graphics. I think the older cartoony graphics looked way better.
I like MVC3. Mostly because it's a lot easier than MVC2 and almost any combination can win. Don't like how much damage a single character can produce with one combo though, and if xfactor damage is really lowered YESSSS lol. I got whooped online too much with an xfactored Hulk or akuma
Originally Posted by sreggie101

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

No Cable...

No Bishop...

No Cyclops...

No Gambit...

No Megaman...

No Psylocke...

No Venom...

No Carnage...

This. But most of all no this..

straight bull man
really mad about that....and the fact that jill isn't the streetfighter she was in mv2......and the fact that I have to rebuy the damn game. should've added the allstar cast from day 1.

..and who is this dude?

Virgil from Devil May Cry 3 (Also Dante's twin brother). Hopefully he's not a clone, and has his own moveset.
Originally Posted by NuMba1KiCkrocka

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by jae oh en

i guess they're saving mega man for the mega ultimate arcade edition.

They're never toppin MVC2....game was da apex of fightin games.
MVC2 was broken as hell tho
everybody was getting bodied if you had Sentinel and Storm on the same team.

word man.. that was soooooooo annoying..  I had to choose a broken character just to balance my stuff. pause..

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Go $$!* yourselves Capcom.
If this isn't available via DLC at a reasonable price, you ain't getting any more of my money. And I'm glad to see more people objecting to Capcom constantly adding adjectives before a game's title to make it sound like it's a new game. I hope that this game sells few copies just to show them that people won't stand for these ripoffs anymore. Although unfortunately it probably won't and I'm bound to meet some Capcom fanboy defending this reply to this post, like the computer "expert" who confronted me after I objected to them releasing Super SFIV as a separate game because it was "impossible" to add those characters as DLC. Impossible my %+%.

What a bunch of pricks. How the hell can they get away with this? All the people complaining about other companies who release map packs and stuff, they are not anywhere near the level of Capcom's douchebaggery. Imagine if the people who made Modern Warfare 2 release Modern Warfare 2 Ultimate Edition with 2 more weapons per class + a couple of new maps and perks. Easiest money ever made in the history of mankind.
Capcom is doing some fat cat $@#!.

60 dollars for a beta with a glitch  plus DLC

Like 70+ cash right there... Capcom jippin' dudes

And the new game is 40 bucks?

I might as well wait it out, sf x tekken gonna have some part 2 to it also watch.
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