Uber Driver killed by 13 and 15 yr old in DC

I know you ain't mention the Black Panthers :lol:

They were all about authority and accountability Fam. Damn near a paramilitary organization.



You realize socialism is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you and Dunce King is preaching right????

The jokes write themselves.
As mentioned with the other argument, the truth falls somewhere in the middle.

The system has been designed to destroy us.

Some of us can't get right. (The system influences a large chunk of that)

They don't want the Black Family to stay together. Never have, never will.

Individually, I wish we could do better though. Some of the ignorance hurts my soul.

But, I understand the context in which it comes from.
Interesting, PARENTS as in plural correct?

What if you didn't have both parents? How would you learn those "values"?

My Father passed when I was 16.

Fell into a deep depression

Dropped out of college

Got right into the streets...heavy

The next 10 years taught me the consequences

By the grace of the Creator, I am still here.

I highly doubt the lesson he was trying to teach me with all that is "blame whitey". :lol:


There are PLENTY of single mothers and fathers that produce excellent results...

High Values can come from single-parent households.

Low Values can come from dual-parent households.

How you start ≠ how you finish.

IJS once we become adults - the authority/accountability is on us.

I didn't follow the values my mother and father raised me to have...once my father passed I was lost...seen both sides and know for a fact it's about choices.
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"US History" has nothing to do with this.

It's 2023.

Authority w/o accountability is FAILURE.

Are you saying Black people have no authority to make decisions?

Are you saying Black people are too ignorant to be held accountable for their own choices?

I'm confused as to why Black folks should not be held accountable for the conditions of our own communities or lack thereof.

It's about VALUES fam.

There are PLENTY of Black folks who are doing just fine...because of their VALUES.

How did "US History" turn Shaquena into a single mother or make her rob an Uber driver at 15 years old Fam?
The logic ppl be using is so concerning lol…the same ppl who think black ppl SHOULDN’T be held accountable for their present day actions/decisions will hold present day white ppl accountable for actions they had nothing to do with (I understand they benefit) smh.

Don’t even know how MEN are comfortable and so willing to cast blame on others :sick:. If it starts randomly raining outside and I’m understandably unprepared, blame myself. If I’m walking the street, and I get robbed…blame myself (shouldn’t have been there or shouldn’t have been lacking). Accountability gives you power…
My Father passed when I was 16.

Fell into a deep depression

Dropped out of college

Got right into the streets...heavy

The next 10 years taught me the consequences

By the grace of the Creator, I am still here.

I highly doubt the lesson he was trying to teach me with all that is "blame whitey". :lol:


There are PLENTY of single mothers and fathers that produce excellent results...

High Values can come from single-parent households.

Low Values can come from dual-parent households.

How you start ≠ how you finish.

IJS once we become adults - the authority/accountability is on us.

I didn't follow the values my mother and father raised me to have...once my father passed I was lost...seen both sides and know for a fact it's about choices.

First off I am sorry for your lost and am not going to disrespect or disregard any pain you felt from losing your father. I am very close to mine and would be distraught as well.

HOWEVER You're using EXCEPTIONS to the rule to justify your stance.

Going by the DATA kids who come from two-parent households do better in school, get in trouble less and are more likely to become adults and have a similar relationship and the cycle repeats with their children. Those are just facts.Will there be kids who are successful from single parent households yes? Are they the majority? No. STATISTICALLY SPEAKING THEY'RE AT A DISADVANTAGE.

If me and you are completing a 40 yrd dash, and I get to start 10 yrds ahead the odds are I will win, is it possible for you to win? Yes but the ODDS are you won't. Glad you turned it around but for every story like yours there is 10 that didn't.
The Lead Attorney would eat this guy's lunch with nothing but facts.

Nobody ever said it was "women's fault" that the courts are the way they are.

Couldn't even get 5 minutes in before "da patriarchy" :lol:

Also, note how he says it was done to protect men with means that wanted to be able to get out of the way of situations (kids) they didn't want any parts of. That is why he said the system upholds the concept of Patriarchy than it being anti-male.

Plus women weren't in on creating those laws in the first place. Any laws created were created by man.

You know I ain't about that pandering approach but I definitely can see where he is coming from.
You ignorant, self hating fool. The programs once existed and due to their existence, it allowed for more success within the black community. Stop littering the thread with these posts. You’re showing how really stupid and out of touch you are.

No champ. It is actually YOU that is self hating. You don’t believe in BLACK POWER, you don’t believe in BLACK EXCELLENCE…….therefore you don’t believe in the BLACK COMMUNITY.

Some of these suggestions and programs that are being talked about for kids are pointless if we can’t even get these same kids in need to show up to school. That’s called bad business champ. They have to want it for themselves…..and a lot of them don’t. These is a new generation of kids out here that a lot of y’all simply are NOT in touch with.
No champ. It is actually YOU that is self hating. You don’t believe in BLACK POWER, you don’t believe in BLACK EXCELLENCE…….therefore you don’t believe in the BLACK COMMUNITY.

Some of these suggestions and programs that are being talked about for kids are pointless if we can’t even get these same kids in need to show up to school. That’s called bad business champ. They have to want it for themselves…..and a lot of them don’t. These is a new generation of kids out here that a lot of y’all simply are NOT in touch with.
You were advocating for putting black babies in shackles and chains. If that ain’t self hate, then I don’t know what is.
First off I am sorry for your lost and am not going to disrespect or disregard any pain you felt from losing your father. I am very close to mine and would be distraught as well.

HOWEVER You're using EXCEPTIONS to the rule to justify your stance.

Going by the DATA kids who come from two-parent households do better in school, get in trouble less and are more likely to become adults and have a similar relationship and the cycle repeats with their children. Those are just facts.Will there be kids who are successful from single parent households yes? Are they the majority? No. STATISTICALLY SPEAKING THEY'RE AT A DISADVANTAGE.

If me and you are completing a 40 yrd dash, and I get to start 10 yrds ahead the odds are I will win, is it possible for you to win? Yes but the ODDS are you won't. Glad you turned it around but for every story like yours there is 10 that didn't.

Appreciate you Bro.

Agree with those facts 100%.

You are absolutely right and I don't want to waste an opportunity to reach common ground.

My only disagreement is blaming white folks.

Main reason I couldn't rock with the Nation of the Gods and the Earths or the Nation of Islam. So long as they blame white folks for everything they are assisting the system.

Black Panther Party had it right - that's why they had to get gone. Solidarity is a threat to the system.

Values Fam.

If more of our men and women had high moral values ain't no way we'd be in the state we are in today.

I'd even argue we were better off before desegregation in a lot of ways.

Forcing ourselves into racist white folk's businesses and demanding they take our money, forcing our kids into racist white folk's schools and demanding they teach our children, our women aligning themselves with white women / the feminist movement and abandoning their families weren't the smartest moves in retrospect. :lol:

None of that is on "white folks".


Don't align with or reject "white folks" - align with folks of "good character" and reject folks with "low values"

Content of character (VALUES) > Color of skin
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Also, note how he says it was done to protect men with means that wanted to be able to get out of the way of situations (kids) they didn't want any parts of. That is why he said the system upholds the concept of Patriarchy than it being anti-male.

Plus women weren't in on creating those laws in the first place. Any laws created were created by man.

You know I ain't about that pandering approach but I definitely can see where he is coming from.

That's where his argument really breaks down the most for me...

Name a time in history when Black Men were a part of "da Patriarchy" in the United States.

The majority of white men aint even part of "da Patriarchy".

"Da Patriarchy" had poor broke white men killing each other so rich folks could screw us all over (Civil War).

"Da Patriarchy" had Black Women owning slaves / entire plantations.

Laws were created by the rich & powerful...the rest of us (white or black) literally had no dime in that dollar :lol:

The only reason white folks were created in the first place is to keep rich folks in power.

Before then they were British, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Irish, or Jewish, etc.

Divide and conquer.

Basically what Fred Hampton meant.
You were advocating for putting black babies in shackles and chains. If that ain’t self hate, then I don’t know what is.

When it comes to “15 year old babies” that do things like this and KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE just yesterday then yes I’m advocating for harsh punishment. Hopefully you would as well if it were someone innocent that you knew. Unless want to offer up some business program that doesn’t exist.
Do schools generally have any policy regarding truancy? My school for example required doctor's notes for multi-day absences and also required them after a certain amount of absent days.
I had a fairly high amount and the school contacted my parents for a meeting to discuss it. I had doctor's notes but from what I recall, they wanted to personally interview my parents to express their concerns. I also know of a student at my highschool who was eventually expelled for excessively violating their absence policies. I don't know the exact amount or anything though, only that he was repeatedly punished with after-hours cleaning tasks etc until he was eventually expelled for non-compliance.

We live in a world where people blame the entertainers who, instead of the companies who are actually manufacturing guns and ammunition. The engineers, etc.

Mikhail Kalashnikov is seen as a ICON for inventing the AK-47 (which he regretted inventing) but yeah, hip hip is to blame for our ills.

Name ONE gun manufacturer in the hood…. I f*** with Umar but I disagree. Rap has been around 40 years.

Gunplay been going on worldwide for hundreds of years. America had guns before rap, and will ALWAYS be a gun crazed nation.

My mom let me listen to rap as baby, as a youngster. But she ALWAYS taught me about the entertainment industry and the fact that it’s ENTERTAINMENT.

I agree with him about parents not monitoring their kids. Those YouTubers, influencers, podcasters, etc be equally if not WORSE than the musicians.

All social media is a cesspool. A kid can go on any social media network this instant and fine pornographic imagery. Whether it’s Twitter or Facebook. Not to mention all the sexual content on YouTube.

It’s a HUMAN issue. You can’t blame hip hop.
Do schools generally have any policy regarding truancy? My school for example required doctor's notes for multi-day absences and also required them after a certain amount of absent days.
I had a fairly high amount and the school contacted my parents for a meeting to discuss it. I had doctor's notes but from what I recall, they wanted to personally interview my parents to express their concerns. I also know of a student at my highschool who was eventually expelled for excessively violating their absence policies. I don't know the exact amount or anything though, only that he was repeatedly punished with after-hours cleaning tasks etc until he was eventually expelled for non-compliance.
I mean schools "require" notes but that is as far as it goes.
If kids don't bring them in, nothing happens other than the absence being listed as "unexcused."
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