Two NYPD cops shot in the BX

It really isn't rocket science.
Dude stuck on this judging individuals nonsense.

We talking about real life here.

Let me start judging nazis individually.

:lol: Now it's a circle jerk but it wasn't any of that the last few pgs :smh:

When did I say it wasn't?....90% of the time I'm involved in a discussion on NT it becomes a circle jerk, usually with the same suspects too :lol:
Then leave like you said you were.
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You care so much it's disgusting :lol:.

if you didn't care you wouldn't faithfully take DC's bait. Son has you wrapped around his finger.

Look at you getting personal....

Let the feels consume you bro....been said you been right from page 1 about your main point...that's not what I ever argued about....yet you still here, bringing up DC, other threads and what
Look at you getting personal....

Let the feels consume you bro....been said you been right from page 1 about your main point...that's not what I ever argued about....yet you still here, bringing up DC, other threads and what

I'm just pointing out the fact that you let your emotions get the best of you time and again.

Unlike DC or Lucky I don't have it in for you. I can see that you're well-intentioned, but you don't know how to properly articulate your arguments.

You end up just putting your foot in your mouth and end up looking OD crazy.

If you want to take that as me getting personal, fine. I'm just pointing out what should be obvious by now.
Dude stuck on this judging individuals nonsense.

We talking about real life here.

Let me start judging nazis individually.
Then leave like you said you were.

Oh you condoning stereotyping....
Are you accusing me of stereotyping nazis or the NYPD?

inb4 they're just following orders.

I'm condoning calling a spade a spade. You seem to not be able to grasp that concept for some odd reason.
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Are you accusing me of stereotyping nazis or the NYPD?

inb4 they're just following orders.

I'm condoning calling a spade a spade. You seem to not be able to grasp that concept for some odd reason.

Stereotyping cops.

:lol: @ bringing up Nazis as some sort of comparison...I rather just ignore that one.
Stereotyping cops.

:lol: @ bringing up Nazis as some sort of comparison...I rather just ignore that one.

Figures you can't grasp the analogy.

Didn't expect you to be familiar with the Nuremberg defense or superior orders.

Would you be more comfortable using Guantanamo as an example?

What about those who joined the military after finding out that the War in Iraq was illegal?

Does "just following orders" still fly when you know that our nation has killed thousands of innocents with indiscriminate bombing in Iraq & night raids in Afghanistan?

At what point do you stop making excuses for individuals who still, in spite of the abundance of information available, willingly join unjust causes?
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Are you that gutless that you can't concede an argument without a backhanded condescending last retort?

You know you're wrong, be a man for once and own up to it.

I'm not wrong about ****, I'm not gonna hold 2 individuals I don't know personally accountable for the institution that cuts them a check...FOH

Are you THAT insecure that you can't simply let me back out of this BS pointless back and forth? :lol:


Once got it man, what more you want from me?
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Are you that gutless that you can't concede an argument without a backhanded condescending last retort?

You know you're wrong, be a man for once and own up to it.

I'm not wrong about ****, I'm not gonna hold 2 individuals I don't know personally accountable for the institution that cuts them a check...FOH

Are you THAT insecure that you can't simply let me back out of this BS pointless back and forth? :lol:


Once got it man, what more you want from me?

check pm
I'm not wrong about ****, I'm not gonna hold 2 individuals I don't know personally accountable for the institution that cuts them a check...FOH

Are you THAT insecure that you can't simply let me back out of this BS pointless back and forth? :lol:


Once got it man, what more you want from me?

Just miss me with any and all backhanded last words. If you want to bow out, then do it already.

Thought we left it alone last night and soon as I bounced you started up again.

Look at ya'll whispering... :lol:
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I'm not wrong about ****, I'm not gonna hold 2 individuals I don't know personally accountable for the institution that cuts them a check...FOH

Are you THAT insecure that you can't simply let me back out of this BS pointless back and forth? :lol:


Once got it man, what more you want from me?

Just miss me with any and all backhanded last words. If you want to bow out, then do it already.

Thought we left it alone last night and soon as I bounced you started up again.

Look at ya'll whispering... :lol:

check pm sike you aint ****
Are you accusing me of stereotyping nazis or the NYPD?

inb4 they're just following orders.

I'm condoning calling a spade a spade. You seem to not be able to grasp that concept for some odd reason.

Stereotyping cops.

:lol: @ bringing up Nazis as some sort of comparison...I rather just ignore that one.
Oh I don't stereotype cops. I judge and treat them based off of my own experiences 1st and 2nd hand.

I brought up Nazis cuz you seemed to be detached from reality.
Grew up in the BX and still have family (who have retired) & Friends in NYPD who feel the same way about the unfortunate situations going on here. But when it comes down to it its really unfair to judge based on a few bad idiots who let the power get to their heads. I understand that we should be angry about the way things seem to be headed but its just as wrong to want to suppress it with more violence which never works. Iv'e had situations (especially on Halloween) where im watching my boy get the spit slapped out him by police but he was running his mouth trying to be a badass. Did he get killed, no, but the point is some dudes (and i know a few) feel like they untouchable until they get clapped. Ive seen cops roll through the basketball courts 5 deep in a Tarus with guns in hand mean muggin and cursing and anybody they see. I was shocked and i was gonna mean mug back at them but the same homie who was getting slapped up was like " dont even look @ them! Keep yo head down and keep walking." I guess he knew which tree he could bark up. Seen numerous dudes get shot on halloween when the roving gangs form up & start destroying **** with no cops in sight.
MLK rollin' in his grave with the way some of yall are talking...

not everyone is going to understand sensible logic. We cant keep making the same mistake and expect different results. you see they killing us off why would you give them even more fuel to really comedown and murkin people left and right. Its not like its hasn't happened before. Learn form your history.
Oh I don't stereotype cops. I judge and treat them based off of my own experiences 1st and 2nd hand.

I brought up Nazis cuz you seemed to be detached from reality.

Nah bro, If anything I'm very grounded and know better to draw a line between institution and individual.

But enough of the back and all arguments on NT...they go nowhere :lol:
You seem to not understand the institutions very well, and how they operate

Which is at the core of most of the arguments involving you
The police are a scapegoat for a lot of deep seeded issues in this country. The police are literally not killing people en masse like the media portrays it. The statistics are out there, the likelihood of being killed by the cops in this country is less than 0.00002 percent, and the likelihood of getting killed UNARMED is even less. My mistrusts for the police doesn't stem from fear of being killed at their hands, they are just one of many tools of institutionalized racism in this country. Unfortunately I cannot support the public and black people's blind scapegoatism of the police when there are politicians, doctors, lawyers, judges, neighbors, teachers, who have just as much blood on their hands. 

If you think all cops are the same, then all white people are the same and deserve death and no sympathy. 

If a politician works to keep racist and oppressive laws & policies in place, then they absolutely have as much blood on their hands.

Same goes for doctors who pander to big pharma, to judges who turnstile nonviolent offenders in & out of prisons (especially minority offenders), to attorneys (district attorneys especially) who only look at the bottom line, to neighbors who gentrify & alienate minority neighborhoods and to teachers who refuse to work with disadvantaged children in the inner-city. They absolutely all have blood on their hands, no dispute there.

However, where you & I deviate and I believe we've had this discussion in the past, is this idea that a person's moral fiber & his duties as a officer are mutually exclusive.

This isn't thread isn't really about police killing people, that's simply a facet of this issue. The bigger issue is the unconstitutional tactics & measures police use that serve to only create further contempt and division between those who live in these neighborhoods and those who have sworn to protect them.

Furthermore, if they're not holding their own to the same standards, that's an issue.

And lastly, if the laws they're sworn to uphold are unconstitutional, then why join an agency that upholds such laws? I mean you of all people know that our justice system is broken. You know that what we're doing to the people in this country does not foster an environment for betterment.

People are getting lost in the system for petty **** and have little to no hope of making it out. That's an issue. I cannot condone that.
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I'm saying where's the outrage, cause all of those professions I named directly or indirectly kill more people than the police. If I post a story a doctor dying, no one goes yea he deserved it. Literally every white person in one way or another has as much blood on their hands as the police....the police are just a scape goat for both sides.

Post a story on a big pharma exec croaking, maybe you'll get a different response.

The difference is doctors don't belong to unions that lobby to keep unjust laws in practice.

Our police departments should be forced to de-unionize, maybe we'll see officers stepping up and endorse policies that will change our justice system for the better.

Thing is there's plenty of doctors who don't pander to big pharma, they don't HAVE to. Cops have to uphold the law, even it's unconstitutional. They have to be in a union, even if said union only serves to keep bad policies in place. They have to abide by the blue wall of silence.

It's not really an apt comparison. I mean our healthcare system is a joke and a lot of healthcare professionals are indeed more concerned with their bottom line than providing compassionate care regardless of a patient's ability to pay.

If anything, I think it's unsettling there isn't more outrage on that subject.
I haven't really been in this thread but I'm going to assume all is well?

Everyone is getting along?
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