Tropic Thunder *New Trailer*

Feb 3, 2005
I think this is gonna be hilarious.�And�anyone who takes offense is wildin (i'm black, if that matters)

ive been looking forward to this movie for AWHILE,i wouldve already dubbed it an instant classic had owen wilson(who was also supposed to be in the movie)dropped out because of hs suicidal tendacies. with ben stiller directing this film

remember the last movie he directed was zoolander
you do the math
Robert downey jr coming back with a vengeance, first ironman now this....I'm going to rehab
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Controversy aside....where was the humor in that trailer?

You didn't think it was funny at all? I chuckled. It ain't "oh %#!$, i gotta see this one at midnight cuz I'm over here crying off thetrailer" funny, but I chuckled.

I mean I ain't thrilled they got Robert Downey Jr. playing a black dude. I didn't know that was part of the actual plot, I thought they just dressedhim up as black and he was supposed to be legitimately black in the movie.
why is their contraversy over this movie? people make fun of the jewish, italian,Corean,Chinese, Japanese, native american communitys etc, but when it has todo with someone whos black its this BIG travisty? imo anyone who finds this offensive needs to check themselves, trailer looks good though, Iron Man 2 gonna beoff the chain too.
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