Trillest Coaches In Sports

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

thats an ignorant stance for Guillen to have when one of the reasons the Marlins brought Guillen in was to help boost their standing in the latino (Mostly Cuban) community down south

Yes He can say whatever he wants and offend who ever he wants, but he represents a company/team/city who must answer to said community for his "free speech"
same community who buys tickets, who supports the team he is employed by, also including Stadium and team sponsors who could feel the negative backlash.

again anyone who feels castro isnt as bad as we are lead to believe, please let me know how many Cubano people or families you have spoken to or know with 1st hand experiences of their homeland

It's one thing to read a couple books or take a 3 credit college course, but its another to couple what you've read with 1st and 2nd hand Life experience from people who fell under Castro's subjugation

back on topic, if being an ignorant, uneducated human being is what's defined as "trill" then yeah, Ozzie's your guy


Over the decades there have been hundreds of thousands of Cuban lives lost at Castro's hands -- be it by firing squad, sickness and famine, or drowning trying to swim over here.

To that Cuban community in South Florida, the dude is bad.  Plain and simple.

It's not our place to try to qualify how "bad."

Which is the point.

I understand 100% why they feel the way they do, and they are just in their viewpoint of the man. 

I'll even take it a step further...Ozzie should be fired.  
I don't know why, but John Chaney came to mind

Dude was nuts.
Y'all need to take that Harbaugh garbage elsewhere. Schwartz would have snapped his neck if they would've let him through.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

thats an ignorant stance for Guillen to have when one of the reasons the Marlins brought Guillen in was to help boost their standing in the latino (Mostly Cuban) community down south

Yes He can say whatever he wants and offend who ever he wants, but he represents a company/team/city who must answer to said community for his "free speech"
same community who buys tickets, who supports the team he is employed by, also including Stadium and team sponsors who could feel the negative backlash.

again anyone who feels castro isnt as bad as we are lead to believe, please let me know how many Cubano people or families you have spoken to or know with 1st hand experiences of their homeland

It's one thing to read a couple books or take a 3 credit college course, but its another to couple what you've read with 1st and 2nd hand Life experience from people who fell under Castro's subjugation

back on topic, if being an ignorant, uneducated human being is what's defined as "trill" then yeah, Ozzie's your guy

I can respect that, and I definitely don't have the second half of that equation (speaking to Cuban families). I certainly wasn't trying to undermine the injustice that Castro has put these people through by any means either. I was simply speaking to the ways that the United States has manipulated the situation and the history of the situation to construct their own representation of Castro.
I unbderstand why the Cubans in South Florida hhate him justifiably, I just have a hard time making Castro out to be evil guy when I live in a country that locks black men up like they were cattle.
And Cuba's poor? Really? So is every other country in the Caribbean for the most part
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

I unbderstand why the Cubans in South Florida hhate him justifiably, I just have a hard time making Castro out to be evil guy when I live in a country that locks black men up like they were cattle.
And Cuba's poor? Really? So is every other country in the Caribbean for the most part

What does one have to do with the other?  I'm talking SPECIFICALLY from the standpoint of the Cubans who fled their country who now reside in South Florida. 
This whole Ozzie thing pisses me off for reasons other than what you guys are discussing. The guy said something stupid which I understand but it's sad to see MLB go through these measures for PR purposes when they have a rampant epidemic with DUI's that they do absolutely NOTHING about.
Originally Posted by JJ1223

Y'all need to take that Harbaugh garbage elsewhere. Schwartz would have snapped his neck if they would've let him through.

Yeah right, Schwartz got punked in his own backyard.  Harbaugh and Co. gave Schwartz the business and all Schwartz could do was stand there with that stupid look on his face.  Schwartz wanted no problems that day or any other day after that. 
^ ha ha ha AEA18. Good one. Can't argue with Bun B...

ESPN posted a story about survey they commisioned. Link here & story below.

Ozzie Guillen is viewed unfavorably by nearly half of Cuban-Americans surveyed in an ESPN-commissioned poll, but nearly two-thirds of Miami residents, and 56 percent of Cuban-Americans, think Guillen should keep his job despite comments about Fidel Castro that earned the Miami Marlins' manager a five-game suspension.

Only 27 percent of Miami-area Cuban-Americans view Guillen favorably, while 28 percent view him "extremely unfavorably," according to a survey of more than 900 adults in the Miami media market. The survey was conducted on Tuesday by ESPN and the Global Strategy Group and included more than 200 Cuban-Americans. The overall margin for error is plus-or-minus 3.2 percent.

The survey found that nearly three out of four Cuban-Americans found Guillen's comments that he "loves" Castro and respects him for staying in power for as long as he has offensive. Half found the comments very offensive.

Despite that, 69 percent of sports fans and 62 percent of baseball fans said Guillen should keep his job. One-third of Cuban Americans said he should be fired, but 56 percent said he should remain the manager of the Marlins.

Guillen returned to Miami on Tuesday to hold a televised news conference, where he apologized and attempted to explain his comments, which were made to a reporter for Time magazine.

Guillden's apology was enough for 62 percent of sports fans, and 56 percent of baseball fans. However, only 43 percent of Cuban-Americans felt his apology went far enough.

In terms of the five-game suspension, the survey found that 29 percent of respondents felt the suspension was too light; 37 percent of Cuban-Americans felt it should have been harsher. A majority of respondents felt the punishment was fair or even too severe.

The survey also found that 26 percent of Miami residents, and 37 percent of Cuban-Americans, said they would attend fewer Marlins games because of Guillen's comments.

The automated survey asked respondents to use their touch-tone phone to respond to pre-recorded questions.
I love Ozzie because he speaks his mind no matter what. If dude doesn't like you, he'll let you know. He won't sugar coat anything, he keeps it 100% real and I feel like sports needs people like that sometimes
Ozzie needs to tone it down. His mouth got him in real trouble this time however he met with the Ladies in White the other morning & they accepted his apology which should pretty much put this thing to rest as the first step. He needs to be active in the community though to make a lasting impression (& win ball games).
Like I said he is legitimately sad that he angered the people, no doubt, and its fair game for them to have wanted his head. But we as people need to evolve from what caused that train of thought. If you want to sit here and categorize Castro to Hitler to pure evil I cannot stop you, all anyone ever ask is consider the whole of the source. Cuban or not
What merit if this is a situation which needs to be solved is simply listening and trusting influential victims going to serve. Are these people going to understand why the embargo is crippling for the country? Why they have family/ friends live in an exasperated communist economic state, and its mostly due to America not sucking some of Castro's %%%% up and dealing with the man.
Or are we still influenced by McCarthyism and think everything Communism is bad.

Regardless of what I think, in his particular situation he need not speak about anything political including Chavez.

If Ozzie was brought in for anything but his managing merits then I would think as much crap as he talked in Chicago he isn't happy about the situation.
^ Castro has had thousands of people shot because they disagree with his politics. Who cares what the U.S.'s stance on communism is.

He killed people simply because they disagreed. Castro went in and seized land. He forced wealthy and middle class business people, landowners, and merchants into poverty to level the playing field. Therefore a whole population of people think he is bad. Cuban expatriates don't need the U.S. to convince them of that.

Your opinion on whose fault it may be that things got as bad as they currently are doesn't matter. If you want to really get into arguing it the embargoes are a result of the executions and land seizures. They came AFTER the fact. You can argue in circles over whether the U.S.'s foreign policy in the early 20th century forced Castro and Che into taking the measures they did in the first place, therefore leading to embargoes and etc.

but how does ANY of that change the fact that as an end result millions of people think the man is a horrible human being and as such a public figure in their community should have been more considerate and careful in choosing his words? Guillen was wrong. I don't understand what you're arguing.
I'm still trying to figure out how Castro gets brought up in an interview about baseball...feels almost like a setup.
Ozzie Guillen
Bobby Knight
Jose Mourinho
Jimmie Johnson
Nick Saban
Originally Posted by AG 47

I'm still trying to figure out how Castro gets brought up in an interview about baseball...feels almost like a setup.
Apparently he's said it before when he was in Chicago
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