Transformers 4

Definitely not going to be the same without the same cast of charecters. I didn't really care for the movies past the first one anyway though... Maybe the new cast might refresh the series a bit. 
New TV Spot

Lockdown says that optimus was built and "they" want him back.

New TV Spot

Lockdown says that optimus was built and "they" want him back.


That would be the most logical.. But it's Michael bay.. So.. Logic gets thrown out the window.

Still can't get over Optimus riding grimlock... :smh:

Makes no sense..grim lock was never THAT much bigger than Optimus
New TV Spot

Lockdown says that optimus was built and "they" want him back.

oh boy i hope so 
 would be dope. get away from all the sam witwicky BS, the cheesy humor and let's see some real TF lore.
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Slight cheesiness, they had Hound voice reveal as well. John Goodman sounds good
Damn i cant wait till next weekend finally DINOBOTS and galvatron all i need next film is ultra magnus and hotrod kill off bumblebee i believe unicron sent bounty hunter after autobots
I honestly HATED all 3 Transformers movies. I didn't watch the first until a year after it released. Went to the movies hoping the 2nd would be better and I wanted to walk out half way through, it was horrible. The 3rd my girl rented from Redbox, I watched it but don't even remember a thing about it.

I don't know if I'll watch the 4th. Maybe if my son wants to or with Marky mark it might be better. Idk. I'm definitely not a fan of the franchise at all.

They need to scrap it and make a Beast Wars movie. I loved Beast Wars.
embarrassing to the TF franchise. so sick of all the lame humor and human storylines. hopefully they focus more on the transformers themselves in the new one. afterall this is a transformers movie. 

ps that forrest battle scene with optimus was pretty bad *** tho even with some **** editing and bad angles. this is actually my favorite scene from all 3 movies. when optimus busts out both energon blades and turns up on them doe.
 need more of this and less of the lame stuff.
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I agree. I enjoyed that scene. I also agree that there needs to be more development of the Transformers but we won't get that unless someone else takes over in a reboot.
I just hate how they pretty much fight generic bad robots :smh:

They have a list of note worthy enemies and use none of them correctly. Half the stigma of the cartoons is lost doing so. The decepticons were just as interesting if not more so than the autobots
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Agreed. I mean they could have at least given us Thundercracker and Skywarp even it was just in name.

how did you decipher what he said @BLASTERCOMBO
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