Toronto Blue Jays vs. New York Yankees Series Thread (6/3 - 6/5)

Man really though it's depressing to think that in the LAST year at Yankee Stadium we might not make the playoffs

Is Hank really going to stand for that? Or will some trades go down before the deadline

Found a quote by a Yankee blogger that sums up my feelings about what I was saying earlier....

"Meanwhile, as the Mets pound Barry Zito, it points to the foolishness of signing free-agent pitchers to long-term contracts. And thatincludes Johan Santana. He's been pretty good this season. But great? Not really. Let C.C. Sabathia make his money someplace else. Keep the draft pick andcontinue to build.

It's painful to watch at times. Who thought that that on June 4 that Phil Hughes, Ian Kennedy and Joba Chamberlain would have only 16starts and no wins? But it's the only way that makes sense. Suffer now, celebrate later."
A lot of people felt (myself included) thought that the Yankees wouldn't make the playoffs this season. It just seems like a transition year to me,completely different managing philosophy, weak starting pitching, and it seemed like Cashman didn't make enough moves in the off-season to improve theteam. It's still early in the season but the Yankees aren't showing the urgency that they showed last year when Jeter was calling out his team matesand Torre was under great pressure to turn it around.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

A lot of people felt (myself included) thought that the Yankees wouldn't make the playoffs this season. It just seems like a transition year to me, completely different managing philosophy, weak starting pitching, and it seemed like Cashman didn't make enough moves in the off-season to improve the team. It's still early in the season but the Yankees aren't showing the urgency that they showed last year when Jeter was calling out his team mates and Torre was under great pressure to turn it around.

Too bad we suck too.
Yea I just don't see the team that can put together a big string of wins. The rotation and bullpen just have so many weaknesses.
A lot of people felt (myself included) thought that the Yankees wouldn't make the playoffs this season.
It is looking bleak.

Yanks are currently 6.5 GB of the WC

Tampa Bay is legit.

Shields and Kazzmir are sick and that defense is no joke.

but then again, it is still June and there is too much baseball left to play to begin speculating about the post season


good luck, fellas
[h2]All the excuses are gone[/h2]
Jorge Posada will be at the Stadium today and almost certainly will catch tomorrow's game against the Blue Jays.

Now that the Yankees are whole again, it will be interesting to see whether they take off. For weeks now, the players had a built-in excuse. A-Rod and Posada were out, they lacked right-handed power.

The weather is fine. That excuse is gone.

The schedule is fine. That excuse has vanished.

It's time to prove they're something other than the relentlessly .500 team they have been so far. It was at this time last season they started their run. There's a playoff spot out there waiting to be had, whether it's the division or the wild card.

The Yankees were 24-31 and 12.5 out games out on June 4 last season. They're only seven out at the moment. Now is the time.
Joba was impressive last night. The walks killed him but the home plate umpire wasnt giving him the same strike zone Halladay was getting. The Blue Jays playedit right though. They knew Joba was only throwing 65 pitches and waited him out hoping to get to the soft part of the bullpen and thats exactly what they did.He had some trouble with his control but that might have been because he was over excited in his first start.

I dont know how any one can reasonably look at this and say Joba and the Yankees wont be better off with him as a starter. The Yankees were 21-25 when he beganthis transition into the roatation. How important is an "8th inning guy" to a below .500 team? How many key leads was he going to hold with Kei Igawapitching? Starting pitching wins in baseball. How important was Mariano Rivera in the postseason to us in the last two year? He couldnt even pitch because theIndian and Tiger starters didnt give up the lead. Was Verlander, Carmona and Sabthia more importnat in both of those series last year than a great bullpenguy? Do the Red Sox win the world series last year without Beckett? He was more valuable than any Red Sox player last year in the postseason 10x more valuablethan Papelbon.

This was the plan all along. Joba was a starter in college and throughout the minor leauges. Baseabll America called him the best pitching prospect sinceBeckett. You really want to waste him in the 8th inning holding down leads we may never get?
This is the last year in Cashman's contract, Hank better not bring him back.

He has brought some good people into the Yankee Organization, but he makes a good move every 3-5 years.

I still cant believe he didnt even try going after Haren in the offseason. Focused the entire off-season on a deal that didnt even happen.

And what ever happened to Carl Anthony Pavano ? Dude has been on a 4-year DL. Guinnes record holder?

Miss a whole year cause you bruised your butt?
Didnt Kaz Matsui hadsurgery for anal fissure and miss 2 weeks?

Then when you're ready to pitch and they call you up you say you got into a car crash 2 weeks ago and broke 2 ribs?
Police, hospital, or car insure company don't even have any record of thataccident.
Carl Pavano

This damn bum..

I think he chipped a nail when he was too aggressive while nail-clipping.
Cano = DP
4 for his last 30

EDIT: 1st/3rd, 1 out... Jeter up... he BETTER get this run in


EDIT: Abreu, DP with 1st/3rd & 1 out =

This is the last year in Cashman's contract, Hank better not bring him back.
Had it not been for Cashman, the farm system would be depleted by now.

Cashman knows that you have to build through the farm these days...
hnydlr wrote:
This is the last year in Cashman's contract, Hank better not bring him back.

He has brought some good people into the Yankee Organization, but he makes a good move every 3-5 years.

I still cant believe he didnt even try going after Haren in the offseason. Focused the entire off-season on a deal that didnt even happen.

Cashmans a top 5 GM in baseball. He's made quality moves all over the place.

-Getting Abreu and Lidle for absolutly nothing which got us into the playoffs in 06
-The trade for Shawn Chacon and the signing of Aaron Small which is the only reason we made the playoffs in 05
-Calling up Wang and Cano out of no where in 05
-Sticking by Melky Cabrera
-Drafting Hughes, Kennedy and Joba plus the countless other promising minor leaugers

Some moves havent worked out (Javier Vazquez, Randy Johnson, Jaret Wright and Pavaon) but all of those except Wright were no brainer moves that every GM wouldhave made. Cashmans kept the Steinbrenners in check, god only knows the moves he would have made if not for him. Look at the influence he and Epstein have hadon baseball. All of a sudden young players are a hot item and one of those reasons was because GM's so how much sucess the Yankees and Red Sox have had thepast few years drafting and signing young talent and having them contribute at the major leauge level. You can read the SI article all about it here: The Red Sox and Yankees made a major strategic shift in - 03.31.08 - SIVault

And that Haren trade you wanted would have cost us more than the trade for Santana. Haren was already under contract for a few more years for cheap and BillyBeane demanded the world from us (and got a load of talent from the Diamondbacks), It would have made more sense to go after Santana
SMH at Melky

But Wang? WTH is wrong. Don't blame all those hard hits balls on someone else. He is our ace. He isn't supposed to get shelled like this.
Wang should be on the DL. He's not 100% since the finger and calf injury.

Yankees suck at managing pitchers.
Game is still close, I'm not gonna lose hope yet.

**Awaits the day LaTroy Hawkins's ERA goes below 6.00. I should drink to that***

And what did Melky do? I was away all morning and afternoon so I had no way to monitor this game's progress...
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