Told ex I miss her but she just assumes I'm running game.....


Aug 22, 2012
Is there anything you can tell a girl to convince her you're being serious? She knows I have kept a lot bad slammies since we parted ways so Im not motivated by a dry spell but we have continued texting. It's been a year...I'd really like to get back with her now but don't know how to convince her to trust me or whatever would prevent her. All her friends getting engaged cause we're both 23..I know she's single..the other day she sent me a pic of her and friend which seemed like she was just trying to show me she was still cute

She absolutely refuses to answer my calls, idk maybe I should just give it up and appreciate the girls I do have
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What is the point of you telling her you miss her?

Do you REALLY want to get back with her or is it because you are having a drought? You think she would be convenient?

Her friends getting engaged at 23, that is too young. Live a little. Get it out of your system man. Forget the relationship
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What is the point of you telling her you miss her?

I wanna get back with her. Real talk. I think she's worried about me constantly running game so even if she still has feelings her guard is way up. She's like the only girl I've ever really loved. We broke up over foolishness....
Hope you told her in person, and not in text cuz that does seem lk your playing games. Just take her out and tell her how you feel.
Tell her straight up that you're being serious. Take her out for coffee or something and have a talk.
She'll respond to my texts. Sometimes even drunk text me stuff that makes me think she misses me. She absolutely won't answer my phone calls. What is that about? No boyfriend I know that for a fact.
talk to her in person. over text, it's too easy to look like you're just running game. in person she could see the passion in your eyes.
DC, I love her still. I have many girls, she's not even the prettiest or smartest..I love her doe. But her aversion to my honesty is a turn off. I was looking for one last hailmary approach then I was gonna give up.
Been in this situation many a times, bruh. The only way to achieve what you want is to... wait for it... Show her. Don't tell her, show her you want to be back together. Talk is cheap, man. Take her out, be the person she used to enjoy being with. Anyone can say lets get back together. Actions speak volumes, bruh. Best of luck with her, man. Its nice to have someone that cares. If you do get her back, don't make her regret it because chances are she won't make the same mistake twice. If she's smart anyway. Again, best of luck, brother!
What is the point of you telling her you miss her?
Do you REALLY want to get back with her or is it because you are having a drought? You think she would be convenient?
Her friends getting engaged at 23, that is too young. Live a little. Get it out of your system man. Forget the relationship
pretty much...

she prolly also has a guy... its not that she thinks you're running game...

she just has no reason to break away from the toher guy... he didnt do anything wrong...

she'll be back once she gets tired of him, or he messes up...
Dead her fam. It'll save you a lot of heartache in the future. If she wants to be with you she'll show it. Speaking from experience.
I hope you don't think you're the only one that has been smashing "slammies".

She doesn't have a bf. But say I dead her, I guarantee she'll shoot me a text in a week or two. Do I respond or no? "Tired of boosting your ego. Delete my number, because I deleted yours." ? I don't know how a girl would show she wants to get back with a proven game runner. That's asking a lot, like hey, this guy will prob clown you if you put yourself out there but go ahead and roll the dice? I doubt that would EVER happen
What is the point of you telling her you miss her?
Do you REALLY want to get back with her or is it because you are having a drought? You think she would be convenient?
Her friends getting engaged at 23, that is too young. Live a little. Get it out of your system man. Forget the relationship
:rolleyes man let people do them. 23 isn't too young if you WANT to get married. you act like marriage is a bad thing. they wanna be monogamous for good, who are you to say they're too young? if they feel they've found the one for them why go aimlessly searching for sex or whatever it is you think people will be missing out on by getting married at 23?
anyway...OP you might have to show her. idk what that would consist of, but just telling her might not cut it. but if you're just doing it for convenient plowing then save the showing. if she doesn't believe you, then so be it.
Big Meech, I don't care what she does. I do know for a fact she knows my stable contains badder and more successful girls than her. So off top she should feel flattered I still talk to her, imo. But again, maybe she just thinks I use her for entertainment, idk
Bro why try to get back with her if she's not gonna trust you? The real question is why be with someone who isnt gonna trust you or always have suspicion of you cheatn?
Show her your post on the sneaker forum you go on, telling a bunch of strangers who would more than likely clown you about how you miss her, want to be with her, and won't run game on her.

If she still thinks it's game after that, then she'll never believe you. her as best you know how.  Communicate, don't be afraid to put yourself out there, and be assertive.  Treat it like any other girl you'd try to sell her on you, if she doesn't buy it, then you lost.  That's the game.
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She doesn't have a bf. But say I dead her, I guarantee she'll shoot me a text in a week or two. Do I respond or no? "Tired of boosting your ego. Delete my number, because I deleted yours." ? I don't know how a girl would show she wants to get back with a proven game runner. That's asking a lot, like hey, this guy will prob clown you if you put yourself out there but go ahead and roll the dice? I doubt that would EVER happen
welp... sounds like she's keeping you around so when something goes wrong with the other guy, she'll have you to fall back on..

someone said it before. if she wants you, she'll show it. This aint a life time movie, B... you're not about to serenade her into getting back with you...

while you're over here worried about her, she's not worried about you until you arent there...

you need to keep in moving, my dude... keep getting your new yambs, and when she's ready, she'll let you know...

as far as the text messages, you aint gotta be THAT cold blooded with it. :lol: just let her know that you got a lot on your plate... you know she's doing her, and whenever she's ready to take you serious, let you know...

bong... no more worries about her wavering...
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