Today I am Bruce Wayne...Vol: Feels Batman (Bit lengthy)(Pic)

Jun 18, 2011
So Ill start from the beginning...
Here I am in my pops' 97 Lumina driving back to work from break. In somewhat of a rush to get back to the office
but nothing too serious. Im on a 2 lane main rd approaching a red light. Ahead of me I see a schoolbus and
4 cars (in that order) in the right lane waiting at the light, and a clear left lane. I myself am in the right lane
approaching this.

Suddenly, the light turns green and my driver instincts kick in. I hit a quick left signal-left lane change maneuver
to accelerate past the left lane stack-up. (Why are they not moving!!!

[color= rgb(0, 0, 255)](Slow Motion, matrix/Clockstoppers moment starts..)[/color]

As I attempt this maneuver, I glance to the left of me and see a cop chillin in the parkin lot of a shopping center.

Glance to the right, and as im passing the schoolbus in front of the pack i notice the the stop sign is out..fuuuuuuuuu!!

(Slow Motion, matrix/Clockstoppers moment ends..)

I step on the brakes firm but its too late, Im already passed the sign. (Mannn I knoowww this cop saw me #$%@!)
Look in the rear view mirror... Red and blues flashin all crazy. I assume the position at the right side of the road and wait...

I am fully aware I made a mistake but Cops a ****. License, regi yada-yada.. "Are you aware u ran that bus stop sign?"
"Yes sir, it was an accident"... "What were u talking on your phone"(snarky as hell)..." No sir, not at all just headed back to work." \

(Goes to car goes thru procedure)

Comes back, hands me a ticket...I pop that lil envelope open like wuss good??
Eyes travel to the bottom...
... [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]$465[/color] #@#$%&! [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]dollars[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]bruh!?!?!?!?![/color]

@*!!?   $465?

thoughts? advice? Points-and-laughs?  I feel so defeated.. had to vent sorry.
I know that feel bro...

I did a 63 on a 60 MPH highway & got ticketed... I was only 3 miles over, going with the flow of traffic, yet the state trooper pulled me over and I got ticketed $95. Was so +!*%@* pissed.

but $465? LMAO

BTW..... #%$$ THE POLICE.
I know how it feels man...

-Just moved down to Denver from Canada for work
-Moved into a new apartment complex that has parking in front, but some of it is assigned and some isn't. I wasn't clarified at all that the covered parking was reserved/rented
-I work late/APAC shift and get home at 2AM in the middle of blizzard with flight out at 7AM.
-No parking in sight except one spot so I park there
-I get back in a week's time and notice my car isn't there on my way to work
-Call the complex and they said somebody towed me. I said fair enough even though the sales person never specifically told me...
-I get address of towing place and its 25 miles away on the other side of town! (there's a towing place 2 miles away)
-Taxi ride was $75 and towing/storage fee was $485 to get my car out...
Originally Posted by Kareem the Dream

So Ill start from the beginning...
Here I am in my pops' 97 Lumina driving back to work from break. In somewhat of a rush to get back to the office
but nothing too serious. Im on a 2 lane main rd approaching a red light. Ahead of me I see a schoolbus and
4 cars (in that order) in the right lane waiting at the light, and a clear left lane. I myself am in the right lane
approaching this.

Suddenly, the light turns green and my driver instincts kick in. I hit a quick left signal-left lane change maneuver
to accelerate past the left lane stack-up. (Why are they not moving!!!

(Slow Motion, matrix/Clockstoppers moment starts..)

As I attempt this maneuver, I glance to the left of me and see a cop chillin in the parkin lot of a shopping center.

Glance to the right, and as im passing the schoolbus in front of the pack i notice the the stop sign is out..fuuuuuuuuu!!

(Slow Motion, matrix/Clockstoppers moment ends..)

I step on the brakes firm but its too late, Im already passed the sign. (Mannn I knoowww this cop saw me #$%@!)
Look in the rear view mirror... Red and blues flashin all crazy. I assume the position at the right side of the road and wait...

I am fully aware I made a mistake but Cops a ****. License, regi yada-yada.. "Are you aware u ran that bus stop sign?"

"Yes sir, it was an accident"... "What were u talking on your phone"(snarky as hell)..." No sir, not at all just headed back to work." \

(Goes to car goes thru procedure)

Comes back, hands me a ticket...I pop that lil envelope open like wuss good??
Eyes travel to the bottom...
$465 #@#$%&! dollars bruh!?!?!?!?!

@*!!?   $465?

thoughts? advice? Points-and-laughs?  I feel so defeated.. had to vent sorry.
This story was over before it started
You goof'd man. 
just got a similar ticket. was the only driver on the road at 6 in the morning. going 35 in a 25 and as i changed lanes, i cut off this police car that was driving next to me trying to get me to slow down.  i didnt see him AT ALL. so yeah "are you aware that you were speeding and blah blah" No sir it was early and I guess i wasnt really paying attention and cutting you off was an accident. "well are you late for work is that why you are speeding?" no sir. "slow down"  Hands me the ticket

300 #+%++%% DOLLARS!!!!  Will post tagged pics soon
Working for a transportation department here, I see too many idiots on the road that could hurt or kill some of these kids. I'm shocked your ticket wasn't more than what it was.
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