To my graduated NTers...

Originally Posted by BasedBieber

Does anyone have an econ. major? I'm thinking about switching from bio...but I have no idea what career to pursue after college.
BA's in Econ & Communication (UC Davis '10..... home of the pepper-sprayed

IMO, nobody will hand you a job w/ either of those degrees alone, so definitely load up on internships that suit your interests.

During college, I tried out Financial Analysis (Morgan Stanley), HR (small non-profit healthcare provider), and Technical Support (Apple) before settling on Sales Operations at a medium-sized data networking company upon graduation.

Left that company a few months ago and currently part-time in Sales/Marketing for a Health Sciences while also starting a Koi Fish shop/garden on the side.

Econ is a very flexible, open-ended major but again, experience is key.
Originally Posted by Tom Robinson

Any Criminal Justice majors?

CJ and police cadet.

Likes: Working unsupervised 90% of the time, great coworkers, job security, great benefits, networking and advancement opportunities.

Dislikes: Politics and brown nosers.

Next year is the academy shun and I can't wait 
Originally Posted by Jhustle23

BA: Psychology

MS: Psychology in Applied Behavioral Analysis (this June)

Currently am a special education aide at a school district and behavioral therapist/consultant.

PROS: Get to work in the community, go to Disneyland with clients, malls, stores, etc.

CONS: Severe behaviors: aggression, self injurious behavior, tantrums, etc and the worst is terrible parents.

Hope to get a job as an autism specialist or behavioral specialist in a school district after I graduate.

Autism is where the money is at right now, so many ppl are pumping money into it because of celebrities focusing on this. That's a good route
B.S. in Criminal Justice, Masters in Public Administration

Im a Probation Officer with the State of MD

Pros: Govt Job, Working/helping youth, applying the knowledge of laws/policy

Cons: Sometimes overworked, High cases, State policies can change at the drop of a hat, sometimes kids are a bunch of hellians
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by vkhoj

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Degrees: Biochemisty/Microbiolgy and Doctor of Medicine (MD)

JOB: Physician

Pros: Saving lives, making a difference in peoples lives, pay for now,

Cons: insane amt of volume, long work hours but good vacation
What med school did you attend and what field did you decide to go into?
Went into Radiology. What was but soon may not be part of the ROAD specialties. Not gonna say where i graduated from but i will say i graduated 2nd in my med school class with a 3.95 GPA *humble brag*
Yeah I heard the job market is feeling a little tight now where people are opting for fellowships and even for second fellowships, but what field isn't facing looming cuts and mid-level encroachment. 

But real talk...DAT AOA STATUS DAWG, nothing to be humble about. You put in the hours and you deserved it. 
Graduated with a B.A in Mass Communications in June 2011.

JUST left my position as an after school teacher to focus on grad school transfer and personal things in life.

Anyone work in Higher Education/Student Affairs?
anyone have a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology? i know its a broad/general major but what job opportunities have you guys came up on?
Originally Posted by vkhoj

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by vkhoj

What med school did you attend and what field did you decide to go into?
Went into Radiology. What was but soon may not be part of the ROAD specialties. Not gonna say where i graduated from but i will say i graduated 2nd in my med school class with a 3.95 GPA *humble brag*
Yeah I heard the job market is feeling a little tight now where people are opting for fellowships and even for second fellowships, but what field isn't facing looming cuts and mid-level encroachment. 

But real talk...DAT AOA STATUS DAWG, nothing to be humble about. You put in the hours and you deserved it. 
Yea man the job market is really tight right now but it will open back up. Most people were doing fellowships to begin with in radiology 90%+ and now with the new board changes i suspect that will approach close to 100% but  havent heard of many people doing two fellowships like they do in pathology. Our salaries are dropping but we dont really have many mid levels eating into your system.
Originally Posted by StreetSmarts

for all you IT career field people I need help can someone pm me advice on getting experience and their past jobs, skills, etc 

Me too.
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