Tibetan Sky Burial (pics....kinda gross)

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I wouldn't mind going out like this....circle of life. Why let nutrients go to waste. I don't wanna be fed to vultures tho, that's creepy as hell. And I'm afraid of birds, not that it would matter when I'm dead.
yeah this was myt first thought, it's a beautiful idea.

dunno how family/friends would feel about this though.....especially watching it as my funeral? so out of respect for others maybe not.



the greatest story never told, peep the scroll man its greater than gold
That is a very...."unique" way of performing a ritual of passing. I'll be darned if it isn't somewhat disturbing though...
I like that, sort of.
You get into many birds and get disposed, or deficated, in many places and they get to keep your skull
Interesting but unexpected. Idk how much it could cost, but supposedly there's enough carbon in your body to formulate a diamond. If I could find someoneto do that, I would love to for my family to keep. It's better than having an urn full of ashes or my body being eaten away by maggots. Imma look thatup...
That's interesting. He was returned to the earth like it's supposed to happen. It was only a dead body. Physical form. Not like he fed the birds hissoul/spirit(what really matters)...
i would actually like to see a video of this that describes what each step of the process means to their culture.
personally tho i would prefer to be lowered into the depths of the ocean
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

That's interesting. He was returned to the earth like it's supposed to happen. It was only a dead body. Physical form. Not like he fed the birds his soul/spirit(what really matters)...
yeah it's pretty cool stuff. as buddhists they believe in reincarnation, so the body has no real value it's the soul that does.
Originally Posted by 18th letter


now pieces of that guy will probably become some grass, or a flower or a tree somewhere.

Some of you dudes are so close-minded.
Nah. Bury in the ground without casket is much better and cleaner than this. I def don't want to see my wife/husband/son/mother/father etc be eaten by somebirds and then see part meats, brain, bones, skull, etc of my love one laying around
pretty interesting. the guy cleaning up at the end has a hell of a job though.

that nacirema tribe though... good read. crazy stuff, especially when given the full anthropological rundown

took me two seconds though
Originally Posted by f3DJam

what are you guys talking about. that burial SUCKS
you're right...they should have sucked his brain from his nose... and wrapped him up like a... a broken ankle; the world is this way becausewe view it from different angles
Does anyone know how long it takes for the birds to go through a whole human body like that?
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