Thread To Stop Saying Yambs

I used to hate the word "yambs" and all the B's at the end of words ending in M, but I stopped caring. I don't use the word, but it's kind of funny to me now. :lol:

We need to just embrace it and start a yambs coalition, consortia, or partnership. Like the shoulder clap coalition. I don't know if my name would be Abrayambs Lincoln, Yamb'ron, or Yamby Davis Jr.
I hate it but I said it to a homeboy the other day and the look I got, like"ninja what is that"
Then from lurking dude should know not to join then make lame threads

IYO and I can feel that.  IMO I feel this thread is needed "yambs"  is a lame term.

+1 OP keep fighting the good fight!     


**** has been corny since it was created.

Bring back the waiting period.

joined in january :stoneface:
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i don't get word other than vagina is the actual term for it so in reality the terms *****, snatch, poon, etc. have all technically been run into the ground. if the next man wants to call it yambs, and type it at that, what does that do to you? what does it do to you emotionally or mentally that requires you too request other grown *** men stop typing it? i'm interested. very. but hey, if you think yambs is lame that's cool. that just makes you a yamb for getting worked up enough to whine about it.

also it's not like a full joke with a punchline...people just use it to say vagina. how ran into the ground can an interchangeable word even be? :lol:
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