Thread for positivity

Im down

some words i typed when i woke up the other day been going through alot of things but i remembered this...

Life will constantly throw you curve balls,things wont happen the way you want,people wont like you no matter how hard you try,you will not get what you deserve,you will suffer... But remember these things will always come to pass,they may resurface from time to time but it is these challenges or rather...this lack of receiving things that we fight so hard for that make us just that... Fighters and as long as you have the will there will always be a way..


and also this.... (i know its probably been posted somewhere else)

Not many people understand struggling and how it feels to have relief, temporarily or for good, i've never been homeless but i've been close to it a few times, just the fear is enough, this video shows how a little bit of generosity can bring a man to tears of happiness

I saw the guy from the Rocky movie again today and was able to give him a ride. Really can't express how thankful I am to be alive and try to right some of he wrongs I've done in the past.

"Every Warrior of the Light has felt afraid of going into battle. Every Warrior of the Light has, at some time in the past, lied or betrayed someone. Every Warrior of the Light has trodden a path that was not his. Every Warrior of the Light has suffered for the most trivial of reasons. Every Warrior of the Light has, at least once, believed he was not a Warrior of the Light. Every Warrior of the Light has failed in his spiritual duties. Every Warrior of the Light has said 'yes' when he wanted to say 'no.' Every Warrior of the Light has hurt someone he loved. That is why he is a Warrior of the Light, because he has been through all this and yet has never lost hope of being better than he is."
Paulo Coelho
Don’t feel defeated by an inner state, don’t feel like all the options are shut. Those feelings aren’t you, we might experience them, but they’re different to the thing that’s observing them - the consciousness, the real you. That means they can be gotten rid of and the light they hold back can become stronger. Darkness can be defeated, including inner darkness. As the darkness goes, the light becomes stronger, in you and in the world. It can take a bit of time to get rid of a state, we need to understand something to get rid of it, but keep going, don’t feel defeated, pursue defeating it to the end. Try to wake up the consciousness, study yourself with awareness and keep going to change into something wonderful. Keep going, persist when it’s tough and don’t feel defeated. You have every chance to succeed.
Outstanding thread suggestion, I love the idea. There isn't to many threads that catch my eye, but this one is an anomaly. People should really contribute more stories.  

I am a very genuine person, so whatever I can do to help better another individuals day, I without a shadow of a doubt will contribute. Whether it is; giving my seat to the elderly on the bus, or holding the door open for the people behind me. I perceive everything in a gracious manner. Consciously, you'll become aware, and apprehend everything in a courteous manner. Making you joyous, and enlightened about nature, and your surroundings. Remember, the little things in life are usually overlooked; but, even the slightest glimpse of hope, helps us restore faith in humanity. Because at this rate, our universe will presumably bear a resemblance to a War Zone by 2048.

"Peace & Love, man."
Outstanding thread suggestion, I love the idea. There isn't to many threads that catch my eye, but this one is an anomaly. People should really contribute more stories.  

I am a very genuine person, so whatever I can do to help better another individuals day, I without a shadow of a doubt will contribute. Whether it is; giving my seat to the elderly on the bus, or holding the door open for the people behind me. I perceive everything in a gracious manner. Consciously, you'll become aware, and apprehend everything in a courteous manner. Making you joyous, and enlightened about nature, and your surroundings. Remember, the little things in life are usually overlooked; but, even the slightest glimpse of hope, helps us restore faith in humanity. Because at this rate, our universe will presumably bear a resemblance to a War Zone by 2048.

"Peace & Love, man."
Thanks for posting this man. I let off the pedal since i started this thread, but stuff like this makes me remember what this is all about. 

FWIW, every since I gave that dude a ride i've been giving him a ride almost daily. One of the purest souls i've met, and he hasnt lost his spark despite his physical status. He trips me out cause you can tell he's genuinely thankful for the ride, and I'm equally genuinely thankful that the opportunity to help someone has consistently presented itself. I'm gonna start looking for more opportunities to pay it forward.
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