Those who live a christian life, how do you feel?

Doesn't trust a man who was born 500 years after Jesus' existence.

Trusts a compilation of stories written 2-300 years after Jesus' existence.

And let's not forget: the contents of the Q'ran have been a lot more consistent than the contents of the Bible.

Make it make sense...

There are a couple ways to dissect this discussion. The most critical element and the disconnect between the gentleman is "Jesus' " diety. Both believe Jesus lived and performed miracles. But one says he is God and another prophet..

Prophet- a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God (Oxford)

Its vital to examine what Jesus says about himself. Not what people attribute to him, but who does he says he is:

I am the way, truth and the life- J 14:6

I and the Father are one- Jo 10:30

Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” So they picked up stones to throw at him, but Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple.- J 8:58-59
(Moses asks God for his name, He says I AM in Exodus. Jesus calls back to the same thing here in John)

Jesus claims he is equal to God in different ways that was understood by the common people and the religious leaders of his day. This was the grounds in which the Pharisees wanted to kill him. They called him a blasphemer and heretic. The islamic apologist videoed (and the Quaran) is attempting to preserve Jesus teachings in a spiritual framework that it doesnt fit.

Due to Jesus claims of being equal with God, that disqualifies him from being just prophet of God. By definition, he cannot be an inspired teacher or proclaimer the will of God, and lie claiming to be God at the same time. Thats would be a contradiction, if he were merely a prophet. He would have to be who he says he is or a liar. He's either Messiah or a madman. That part is a choice left up to each individual. But only a prophet isnt a viable option.

There were several logical fallacies made that Im surprised werent called out.

The claim the oldest bible is written in greek is true. However, the term "Bible" cannotates the collection of books comprising both the old and new testament. The new testament didnt exist when Yeshua/Jesus lived obviously. The Bible that Yeshua and every believer read in his day was the Tanakh (The Torah, Prophets, and Writings). That was written in Hebrew.

Aramaic was the local language and hebrew was the formal language. We know Yeshua/ Jesus knew both languages and at least read hebrew as reflected in Luke 4 when he reads the book of Isaiah in the temple.

The bible that Yeshua read was oral tradition handed down through generations. Torah and Tanahk are still memorized and handed down til this day.

Theres a lot of cultural context missed by both parties. Its even worse on the christian part though becuase he supposed to know all this.
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