This Jussie Smollett Situation is REALLY Bizarre...

After 14 days in Cook County

Any of the Karens in the Karen thread see this kinda time? This plays into his gaypac persona though so it may work out for him.
I don't know. Sounds kinda suicidal.

Same **** I was thinking :lol:. All jokes aside, this dude is obviously crazy. I wouldn't be surprised if he said that knowing he already planned to commit suicide. All so he can further his ******** about being a victim, and people trying to silence him.
I was thinking if he went this far. He might want to be a martyr.

He definitely is extremely narcissistic, so in his head he might think if he kills himself people will ride for him. It's no telling what's going through his head when he thinks of what he did to his career.

Did Jurnee speak out about this at all?
Son thought his white grandma would save him

She had to let everyone know she marched with MLK :lol:

Dude should be ashamed for putting his fam through this... I'm 100% sure that he did this on behalf of a certain someone in office who he was/is friends with. Last name rhymes with Ferris
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