This Jussie Smollett Situation is REALLY Bizarre...

"They" meaning a jury? People like comparing different crimes from different states as if the same district attorney and same court tries everyone in this country. Don't care if he gets jail time but glad the trial is showing how dumb he is and even dumber for still denying it was fake.
He may get more time than if this was a true event for the fake suspects. It’s interesting what the media and even DAs pick up on and truly push through with their agendas. They won’t even treat him like a criminal with probation. They want the book on this dude.

Some states just have the weirdest priorities. I remember being younger and calling 911 as a prank. A cop would come and talk with us kids and we likely never did it again. At the time , it was a serious issue. A good lesson to be learned. Now there’s a 30 minute wait to get through, and they never follow back up.

it feels like they’re going at this case stronger than many murders
I'd like to point out that the Police Superintendent (Eddie Johnson) who acted like Jussie was the worst and biggest criminal ever, was fired for lying about OWI and currently has a criminal charge for domestic violence and is being sued for raping a subordinate officer he was in a relationship with.

All of this to give him probation in a state he does not live in, community service and a fine. The latter two, are things he already did when he took the earlier deal.

Carry on Chicago.

This. They just want to make an example out of him. CPD aint solving real crimes but lets throw him under the jail.

Like slap him with a fine and move one
This is ridiculous can't believe they're still wasting time and effort on this. Give him his subway endorsement and move on. I'd understand if it was some middle of nowhere racist town but the third largest city in the country? Sad times were in its like actual mature adults are going extinct
There was so much wrong with that story.

Once I heard it was Antarctica that night in Chicago my spidey senses went up. I've never craved Subway(maybe their cookies), but to crave it on the coldest night of the year at 3am. I'd come up with something in the crib that would last me to morning.

Then the noose and bleach. People just walking around with string and bleach in 5 degree weather and them knowing about Empire? I had never even watched Empire. That's was one of those stories you hear and you just intake everything and let it play out, because you don't want to appear like Jason Whitlock.

Just wanted to emphasize and highlight as the good brotha Magic33 Magic33 pointed out so I’m not the only one that knowledgeable black people don’t eat at Subway. We simply know better, and as Maya Angelou said…..we do better.
This is ridiculous can't believe they're still wasting time and effort on this. Give him his subway endorsement and move on. I'd understand if it was some middle of nowhere racist town but the third largest city in the country? Sad times were in its like actual mature adults are going extinct
It's the price of fame. If I walked in a PD with a noose around my neck at 2am in 20 degree weather talmbout some dudes in maga hats just jumped me and called me a homo while I was on my way to subway I'd prolly be under a 24 hour observation hold..
Again, The parody video, is the best thing that came out of this whole ordeal. Legit can watch that video 10 straight times.

When dude playing the Nigerian brother said, “you can western union me, because I don’t have my papers”…..I lost it. The accent was on point. 10/10.


And the fact that the media refers to them dudes in real life simply as, “The Nigerian Bro’s” is funny as ****.

Hold up one of those little boys played Ritchie the little kid in Family Matters or no it was someone else.
This is ridiculous can't believe they're still wasting time and effort on this. Give him his subway endorsement and move on. I'd understand if it was some middle of nowhere racist town but the third largest city in the country? Sad times were in its like actual mature adults are going extinct

I disagree champ. When this all began Jussie wanted attention by any means necessary. I say the CPD and the district attorney’s office give him all the attention he wants and craved. Whether Jussie gets 2 years probation or 20 years in jail……he’s getting what he voluntarily signed up for.

On another note, it needs to be stated over and over again that Jussie Smollett tried to use the black community for sympathy and personal gain in this situation. When it’s time to get a group of people to protest or get a group riled up to do something quite often it is US that gets used and abused. He even tried to invoke the fighting spirit of 2Pac. That’s why alot of us don’t really care what happens to him. I say good riddance and the hell with him.
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