This Jussie Smollett Situation is REALLY Bizarre...


But Jussie is potentially facing 1-3 years in prison for a false police report.

What a joke.
Kraft's case didn't create a bunch of unnecessary police work, chasing a fake rabbit hole. I wouldn't be surprised if both just got a slap on the wrist. Pay a fine.
Man's was a BLACK ICON

The hell you talking about?
I guess I been out of the loop for a while but Jussie was a black icon? When did that happen?

Cats in here acting like Robert Kraft the shadow hand of a multinational organization called P.I.M.P.

Capes out in full force for Jussie.

I guess. We should've let him think he got away with it so he could've explained his master plan to us.
I will be honest I am fine with him not serving a day in jail, just go on Oprah. Yes have her come out of retirement and tell us what his short and long term plan was. How was he going to play this down the line? Eventually did he have it planned to get strung up on a cross with a rainbow color crown?

Kraft's case didn't create a bunch of unnecessary police work, chasing a fake rabbit hole. I wouldn't be surprised if both just got a slap on the wrist. Pay a fine.

I guess I been out of the loop for a while but Jussie was a black icon? When did that happen?

Uh, that’s generally the penalty for a misdemeanor so... I wouldn’t be surprised either lol...

We can ignore the fact that it was a months long sting operation though.

What has me in “stitches” though is that people are stuck on the this idea that for anything to be compared it has to be an identical crime—- when the point is that white people are allowed to commit any level of crime and often receive a lesser penalty... so it really doesn’t matter that Permit Patty didn’t stage a hate crime like Jussie, because if she did- she wouldn’t be facing a f****** grand jury.

Way to be intentionally obtuse though I guess.

This **** is stupid, you can literally do this with everything.

Notice he didn't use R Kelly raping black girls for 25 years as an example.

Faux News has been playing this story to death, because they try to downplay racism and look for every excuse to distract from Cheeto head. It is important when you want to win an election in 2020.

Why doesn't he use his pulpit to talk about something significant. He's not doing any different by giving attention to him.
Police: Michigan Gay-Rights Activist Set Fire to Own Home in Fabricated Hate Crime


When Nikki Joly's Jackson home burned down in 2017, some believed the fire was a hate crime against the transgendered, gay-rights activist who had fought for a local anti-discrimination ordinance.


But now, instead of a victim, the 54-year-old is accused of being the perpetrator.

The Michigan case is gaining national attention as the American public draws parallels to the situation involving Jussie Smollett, where the supposed victim in a hate crime became the accused. Authorities concluded the attack on Smollett was a hoax.

“Real hate crimes are on the rise,” Graham Cassano, associate professor of sociology at Oakland University, said Monday. “But as these crimes increase and become publicized, it’s not surprising to me that people would take the opportunity to use this to their advantage and fabricate hate crimes.”

Authorities are accusing Joly, who was named Citizen of the Year by the Jackson Citizen Patriot last year, of setting fire to his own home and killing his pets, two dogs and three cats. He has been charged with first-degree arson.

A hearing has been set for March 8 in Jackson County Circuit Court.

"We determined it pretty quickly to be an arson," Elmer Hitt, Jackson’s director of police and fire services, said Monday. "We investigated it over what probably was a year’s time before the prosecutor ended up issuing charges.”

Unexpected Twists

Hitt said that, initially, some in the community perceived the blaze to be a hate crime. Investigators considered that too, but ruled out the possibility as evidence pointing to Joly came to light.

Hitt declined to offer a motive for the house fire, but acknowledged that some people in Jackson were probably rattled — perhaps in a similar way to the Smollett case — by the police investigation's unexpected outcome and charge.

In the higher-profile hate crime case that turned on its head last week, Smollett, a 36-year-old actor on the TV drama "Empire," alleged to Chicago police he had been a victim.

Smollett was arrested on charges that he set up the assault.

Actor Jussie Smollett leaves Cook County jail after posting bond on Feb. 21 in Chicago.

Smollett, who is black and gay, said that masked men yelled racial slurs, attacked him, put a rope around his neck and made references to MAGA, the acronym for President Donald Trump's campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again."

But, Chicago police said, their investigation found evidence that Smollett staged the crime, possibly to portray himself as a victim and boost his salary as an actor, and lied to police.

Citizen of the Year

Joly, a transgender man, was touted as Jackon's 2018 citizen of the year by the local newspaper and described as an activist who had endured slights and still re-energized a movement.

He tried to "pass an ordinance in Jackson protecting people against discrimination because they are gay, because they are transgender, because they aren't as some say they should be."

The newspaper's long profile described the Detroit native as someone who had been on his own since his adoptive parents ousted him at 15, had been sexually assaulted, and subjected to "insulting gender questions" and "refused service in bars or restaurants."

Joly, the article said, was "born female," but "prefers a masculine pronoun" and has long "been activist-minded even if it was not always openly."

It also mentioned the fire on Aug. 10, 2017, in which his home was burned down.

In the profile, Joly said that he was "really in shock for quite a while" after the fire. He teared at the thought of his dogs, who perished in the blaze, and organized a weapons training course at a gun range to fight fear.

A few months later, Joly was charged with setting the fire.

Fake Hate Crimes

In the Joly case, police suspicion was based on a timeline of events, phone records, physical evidence and witness statements. Joly had the "means and opportunity to start the fire," according to a report published by in October.

The MLive article said security camera video showed Joly filling a gas can before the fire, gasoline was on his clothing, a witness smelled gas on him, photographs seemed to be missing from the walls, and after the fire, Joly received $50,000 in donations.

Joly's attorney, Andrew Abood, challenged the police conclusion.


"What they have is a coincidence and a coincidence is not proof beyond reasonable doubt," MLive quoted Abood saying. "They are trying to convict on circumstantial evidence and theory when they have no direct evidence in the case."

Still, Cassano said that when presumed victims of hate crimes are actually the perpetrators, "it's terrible for social movements in general" and terrible, specifically, for people "facing real hate crimes."

In 2018 alone, the civil rights advocacy group, Human Rights Campaign, tracked 26 deaths of transgender people in the U.S. as a result of violence. So far this year, the group identified one death.

The most recent stats from the FBI showed 7,106 hate crimes in 2017, up 17 percent from the year before. Of those crimes, nearly 60 percent of the victims were targeted because of race and ethnicity and nearly 16 percent because of sexual orientation.

"When someone comes along and fabricates a hate crime it calls into question people who have really experienced these things," Cassano said. "It's absolutely awful. It really, to my mind, is incomprehensible."

Wilfred Reilly, an associate professor of political science at Kentucky State University in Frankfort who has studied fake hate crimes, wrote that the fact that Smollett’s case is being alleged a hoax "shouldn’t surprise anyone."

Reilly didn't mention the Joly case but made the case in an opinion piece for USA TODAY and a book "Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left is Selling a Fake Race War" that "a great many hate crime stories turn out to be hoaxes."

The professor said he found more than 400 confirmed hate hoaxes, and he concluded that "what hate hoaxers actually do is worsen generally good race relations, and distract attention from real problems."
Not mad at hand2handking hand2handking doing his thing. :lol:

Like I said I'm not mad either way what happens to Jussie but I'm not about to be out here like "He needs to be behind bars!!". This ain't the situation that should set standard for people lying.

People comparing a staged hate crime to permit patty calling the cops on ppl bbqing has me in stitches :lol:

If you know how hostile police are in this country towards black people then you know that the "permit patty's" calling the police for no reason on black people is real dangerous. That's why they call the cops on black people, so something bad can happen.
Queen Latifah on Jussie Smollett: ‘Until I See Some Definitive Proof... I Gotta Go With Him’


In a wide-ranging interview on Feb. 26 with the Yahoo News show “Through Her Eyes,” Queen Latifah said she will stand by actor Jussie Smollett until she sees conclusive evidence to support claims from law enforcement that he staged an attack on himself.

“The guy I’ve seen has always been someone who cares about people, who cares about others, and who’s very kind and who’s always been cool and sweet. And that’s just the guy I know,” Latifah said. “So until I can see some definitive proof – which I haven’t seen yet – then, you know, I gotta go with him until I see otherwise.”

During the interview, Latifah also talked about her ever-evolving career in rap, film and television, and about the changes she would still like to see in the music industry. She discussed the Smollett case amid a broader discussion on the pressures of fame and staying grounded in Hollywood.

“I don’t even know what to make of it,” she continued. “All I know is that I hope everything works out in the end and everybody basically comes out unscathed.”

Smollett had reported in January that he was attacked by two people yelling racial and homophobic slurs. Chicago police initially called it a possible hate crime, but now say that Smollett hired two acquaintances – brothers Olabinjo Osundairo and Abimbola Osundairo – to help him stage the assault.

Smollett is out on $100,000 bond, and is due back in court March 14 on a felony charge of disorderly conduct. He has also been suspended from the hit Fox show “Empire,” which he had starred in since 2015. Smollett has maintained that he did not fabricate the attack.
EXCLUSIVE: Dozens Of Northwestern Hospital Workers May Have Been Fired For Improperly Reviewing Jussie Smollett’s Records


CHICAGO (CBS) – Dozens of workers at Northwestern Memorial Hospital may have been fired for improperly reviewing the medical records of Jussie Smollett, who was treated at the emergency room after he claimed he had been attacked by two men.

(Credit: TMZ)

Sources said those workers have been terminated after gaining access to the “Empire” actor’s medical chart. Smollett has since been charged with staging the whole incident.

One of the nurses said it was a misunderstanding, and claimed she never even accessed Smollett’s chart, but she was fired last week and believes many other nurses and staffers were fired for the same reason.

The nurse said she was called in at the end of her shift last Tuesday, fired on the spot and escorted out of the hospital.

She said she wasn’t asked any questions and never had a chance to offer an explanation. She said she never accessed the actor’s chart, but simply scrolled past it when looking for another patient’s name.

She’s appealing, and believes others may have been fired for simply scrolling past the name as well.

Smollett arrived at Northwestern on Jan. 29. He claimed was walking home from a Subway restaurant, in the 300 block of E. Lower North Water Street, around 2 a.m. when two offenders yelled racial and homophobic slurs at him.

Smollett said the offenders beat him, put a rope around his neck and poured an unknown chemical substance on the him.

CBS 2 reached out repeatedly to Northwestern Memorial Hospital for comment. A spokesperson said company policy prevents him from commenting on the employment status of any employees.

Police said the attack was a “publicity stunt” because Smollett was upset with his salary. He has pleaded not guilty and remains free on bond.

Police said, in reality, Smollett had paid two men, Ola and Abel Osundairo, $3,500 by check to stage the attack, including pouring bleach on him and placing a noose around his neck. CBS 2’s Charlie De Mar has reported Smollett also directed the brothers to buy the noose at a hardware store and the hat and masks at a store in Uptown.

Police said the two brothers wore gloves during the staged attack, and did punch Smollett, but the scratches and bruises on Smollett’s face most likely were self-inflicted.

I couldn’t get past that episode
To much blame on straight black men
I don’t understand how the panel doesn’t realize
That most people didn’t dismiss dude because he was gay/black the story didn’t make any ******* sense that why they dismissed him
And I find it crazy but also understandable that people do not trust chicago police department
But if they were acting with the narrative that it was a hate crime you wouldn’t have heard how corrupt they are
It was also funny to me how they acted as if the Chicago PD wasn’t trying to sweep this under the rug on their part since they didn’t believe dude from the start and let the media handle it
But when he went on GMA it put a big spotlight on it so at that point they had to show involvement because if they didn’t it would be a uproar
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