This is why the bible and other religious texts had to be written by scorned MALES

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

However I found this to be very interesting,

. Thomas Howells, 1927
Study of 461 students showed religiously conservative students "are, in general, relatively inferior in intellectual ability."

2. Hilding Carlsojn, 1933
Study of 215 students showed that "there is a tendency for the more intelligent undergraduate to be sympathetic toward… atheism."

3. Abraham Franzblau, 1934
Confirming Howells and Carlson, tested 354 Jewish children, aged 10-16. Found a negative correlation between religiosity and IQ as measured by the Terman intelligence test.

4. Thomas Symington, 1935
Tested 400 young people in colleges and church groups. He reported, "There is a constant positive relation in all the groups between liberal religious thinking and mental ability… There is also a constant positive relation between liberal scores and intelligence…"

5. Vernon Jones, 1938
Tested 381 students, concluding "a slight tendency for intelligence and liberal attitudes to go together."

6. A. R. Gilliland, 1940
At variance with all other studies, found "little or no relationship between intelligence and attitude toward god."

7. Donald Gragg, 1942
Reported an inverse correlation between 100 ACE freshman test scores and Thurstone "reality of god" scores.

8. Brown and Love, 1951
At the University of Denver, tested 613 male and female students. The mean test scores of non-believers was 119 points, and for believers it was 100. The non-believers ranked in the 80th percentile, and believers in the 50th. Their findings "strongly corroborate those of Howells."

9. Michael Argyle, 1958
Concluded that "although intelligent children grasp religious concepts earlier, they are also the first to doubt the truth of religion, and intelligent students are much less likely to accept orthodox beliefs."

10. Jeffrey Hadden, 1963
Found no correlation between intelligence and grades. This was an anomalous finding, since GPA corresponds closely with intelligence. Other factors may have influenced the results at the University of Wisconsin.

11. Young, Dustin and Holtzman, 1966
Average religiosity decreased as GPA rose.

12. James Trent, 1967
Polled 1400 college seniors. Found little difference, but high-ability students in his sample group were over-represented.

13. C. Plant and E. Minium, 1967
The more intelligent students were less religious, both before entering college and after 2 years of college.

14. Robert Wuthnow, 1978
Of 532 students, 37 percent of Christians, 58 percent of apostates, and 53 percent of non-religious scored above average on SATs.

15. Hastings and Hoge, 1967, 1974
Polled 200 college students and found no significant correlations.

16. Norman Poythress, 1975
Mean SATs for strongly anti-
religious (1148), moderately anti-religious (1119), slightly anti-religious (1108), and religious (1022).

17. Wiebe and Fleck, 1980
Studied 158 male and female Canadian university students. They reported "nonreligious S's tended to be strongly intelligent" and "more intelligent than religious S's."


1. Rose Goldsen, 1952
Percentage of students who believe in a divine god: Harvard 30; UCLA 32; Dartmouth 35; Yale 36; Cornell 42; Wayne 43; Weslyan 43; Michigan 45; Fisk 60; Texas 62; North Carolina 68.

2. National Review Study, 1970
Percentage of students who believe in a Spirit or Divine God: Reed 15; Brandeis 25; Sarah Lawrence 28; Williams 36; Stanford 41; Boston U. 41; Yale 42; Howard 47; Indiana 57; Davidson 59; S. Carolina 65; Marquette 77.

3. Caplovitz and Sherrow, 1977
Apostasy rates rose continuously from 5 percent in "low" ranked schools to 17 percent in "high" ranked schools. 

4. Niemi, Ross, and Alexander, 1978
In elite schools, organized religion was judged important by only 26 percent of their students, compared with 44 percent of all students.

but those were just heathen scientists with their make-believe scientific studies that don't prove anything...because those people are going to heaven.....i bet scientists cant disprove that one...


Originally Posted by Nash yall have jobs, or school or anything?

how'd you get away from your responsibilities to ask such an important question of us?

There were times in my childhood that I could have easily died or have gotten badly hurt. I'm not even supposed to be here. For some reason, those incidents never happened. So I would say yes, there were incidents.
dios mios

We are beings so unlike any other known beings on this planet. The fact that humans have accomplished what no other animal has, to me, means we are special and set apart from the rest of life. 
so do you think mike vick was wrongly jailed for stomping dogs out? i mean, we're above dogs....a human shouldnt spend even 5 minutes of his superior life serving time for merking an inferior dog, right?
(ftr, i agree with the question i asked....we ARE superior to ALL animals)
 when it really comes down to it, we are not going to know who is right until we die.

this is contradictory, you said you believe that your god is the true god, so much so that youre a devout christian, yet, you just gave us reason to question the strength of your just admitted, "nobody knows" which is basically the whole basis of the athiesm Dame Theory talks about on here...

He is the one who is in control of my life 
i literally cringed. even according to your religion, christianity, god is NOT in control of your life....

you have free will....YOU are in control of your life...

 I believe my reward in heaven will be so much greater than anything I can experience here on earth. Worshipping God with all the believers from the beginning of time and with the angels just seems so amazing to me!

"they give you religion to keep your head in the sky, so that you believe the only way that you can get to heaven is DIE"

this is my problem with religion...."dont worry about THIS life improving, once you die, you gonna get this SWEET setup!"

what if its not true, bro.....won't you feel kinda..."cheated"? i mean, i guess youll be a lifeless shell of a body.....but im saying...WHAT IF YOU DONT GO TO HEAVEN? WHAT IF THIS IS THE ONLY SHOT YOU GET AND YOU LIVED IT AS IF IT WAS SOMEONE ELSES LIFE...(you, yourself, said 'god is in control of my life cause i gave my life to him')

He created us? Him and the angels got bored! 
I'm purely kidding with this statement ... some people say that Satan and the 33% of the angels that went to hell with him, did so on a bet to see who could grab the most amount of ppl.


God spoke life and it happened. God created us from the dust of the earth. He gave Adam CPR and he was alive.

so who breathed life into you when you were a pile of dust? was that before or after you were a fertilized embryo in your mother's womb?

shake my head at those who think tithing is just throwing money away.
why would you contribute money to god? what use does god have for worldly money? i mean, why does the church need money, tho? aint they GODs people? wouldnt god prevent the church from being evicted from their building? why does a church even need a building if the purpose is to praise god? Why would GOD require us to give him EARTHLY money? What can money do that GOD cant?

What is the purpose of life in your opinion? Is there a purpose? 

To worship God and to also worship God with others.


Healing of disease, people having kids that were never supposed to have children, cheques showing up in the mail for the exact amount required when those people had nothing, people being given places to live just when they thought they were on the street. God works in awesome ways and has the best timing.
again, ill bring it back to why does god need money from tithing if he can mysteriously send miracle checks to people in need? why cant he send miracle checks to every church to fund their rent until the end of days? wait, us humans cant possibly understand it, huh?

The bible says that God is so majestic and pure that if we were to see Him in his physical form that we would drop dead. 

Jesus, God is drop-dead gorgeous, too?
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

However I found this to be very interesting,

. Thomas Howells, 1927
Study of 461 students showed religiously conservative students "are, in general, relatively inferior in intellectual ability."

2. Hilding Carlsojn, 1933
Study of 215 students showed that "there is a tendency for the more intelligent undergraduate to be sympathetic toward… atheism."

3. Abraham Franzblau, 1934
Confirming Howells and Carlson, tested 354 Jewish children, aged 10-16. Found a negative correlation between religiosity and IQ as measured by the Terman intelligence test.

4. Thomas Symington, 1935
Tested 400 young people in colleges and church groups. He reported, "There is a constant positive relation in all the groups between liberal religious thinking and mental ability… There is also a constant positive relation between liberal scores and intelligence…"

5. Vernon Jones, 1938
Tested 381 students, concluding "a slight tendency for intelligence and liberal attitudes to go together."

6. A. R. Gilliland, 1940
At variance with all other studies, found "little or no relationship between intelligence and attitude toward god."

7. Donald Gragg, 1942
Reported an inverse correlation between 100 ACE freshman test scores and Thurstone "reality of god" scores.

8. Brown and Love, 1951
At the University of Denver, tested 613 male and female students. The mean test scores of non-believers was 119 points, and for believers it was 100. The non-believers ranked in the 80th percentile, and believers in the 50th. Their findings "strongly corroborate those of Howells."

9. Michael Argyle, 1958
Concluded that "although intelligent children grasp religious concepts earlier, they are also the first to doubt the truth of religion, and intelligent students are much less likely to accept orthodox beliefs."

10. Jeffrey Hadden, 1963
Found no correlation between intelligence and grades. This was an anomalous finding, since GPA corresponds closely with intelligence. Other factors may have influenced the results at the University of Wisconsin.

11. Young, Dustin and Holtzman, 1966
Average religiosity decreased as GPA rose.

12. James Trent, 1967
Polled 1400 college seniors. Found little difference, but high-ability students in his sample group were over-represented.

13. C. Plant and E. Minium, 1967
The more intelligent students were less religious, both before entering college and after 2 years of college.

14. Robert Wuthnow, 1978
Of 532 students, 37 percent of Christians, 58 percent of apostates, and 53 percent of non-religious scored above average on SATs.

15. Hastings and Hoge, 1967, 1974
Polled 200 college students and found no significant correlations.

16. Norman Poythress, 1975
Mean SATs for strongly anti-
religious (1148), moderately anti-religious (1119), slightly anti-religious (1108), and religious (1022).

17. Wiebe and Fleck, 1980
Studied 158 male and female Canadian university students. They reported "nonreligious S's tended to be strongly intelligent" and "more intelligent than religious S's."


1. Rose Goldsen, 1952
Percentage of students who believe in a divine god: Harvard 30; UCLA 32; Dartmouth 35; Yale 36; Cornell 42; Wayne 43; Weslyan 43; Michigan 45; Fisk 60; Texas 62; North Carolina 68.

2. National Review Study, 1970
Percentage of students who believe in a Spirit or Divine God: Reed 15; Brandeis 25; Sarah Lawrence 28; Williams 36; Stanford 41; Boston U. 41; Yale 42; Howard 47; Indiana 57; Davidson 59; S. Carolina 65; Marquette 77.

3. Caplovitz and Sherrow, 1977
Apostasy rates rose continuously from 5 percent in "low" ranked schools to 17 percent in "high" ranked schools. 

4. Niemi, Ross, and Alexander, 1978
In elite schools, organized religion was judged important by only 26 percent of their students, compared with 44 percent of all students.

but those were just heathen scientists with their make-believe scientific studies that don't prove anything...because those people are going to heaven.....i bet scientists cant disprove that one...


Originally Posted by Nash yall have jobs, or school or anything?

how'd you get away from your responsibilities to ask such an important question of us?

There were times in my childhood that I could have easily died or have gotten badly hurt. I'm not even supposed to be here. For some reason, those incidents never happened. So I would say yes, there were incidents.
dios mios

We are beings so unlike any other known beings on this planet. The fact that humans have accomplished what no other animal has, to me, means we are special and set apart from the rest of life. 
so do you think mike vick was wrongly jailed for stomping dogs out? i mean, we're above dogs....a human shouldnt spend even 5 minutes of his superior life serving time for merking an inferior dog, right?
(ftr, i agree with the question i asked....we ARE superior to ALL animals)
 when it really comes down to it, we are not going to know who is right until we die.

this is contradictory, you said you believe that your god is the true god, so much so that youre a devout christian, yet, you just gave us reason to question the strength of your just admitted, "nobody knows" which is basically the whole basis of the athiesm Dame Theory talks about on here...

He is the one who is in control of my life 
i literally cringed. even according to your religion, christianity, god is NOT in control of your life....

you have free will....YOU are in control of your life...

 I believe my reward in heaven will be so much greater than anything I can experience here on earth. Worshipping God with all the believers from the beginning of time and with the angels just seems so amazing to me!

"they give you religion to keep your head in the sky, so that you believe the only way that you can get to heaven is DIE"

this is my problem with religion...."dont worry about THIS life improving, once you die, you gonna get this SWEET setup!"

what if its not true, bro.....won't you feel kinda..."cheated"? i mean, i guess youll be a lifeless shell of a body.....but im saying...WHAT IF YOU DONT GO TO HEAVEN? WHAT IF THIS IS THE ONLY SHOT YOU GET AND YOU LIVED IT AS IF IT WAS SOMEONE ELSES LIFE...(you, yourself, said 'god is in control of my life cause i gave my life to him')

He created us? Him and the angels got bored! 
I'm purely kidding with this statement ... some people say that Satan and the 33% of the angels that went to hell with him, did so on a bet to see who could grab the most amount of ppl.


God spoke life and it happened. God created us from the dust of the earth. He gave Adam CPR and he was alive.

so who breathed life into you when you were a pile of dust? was that before or after you were a fertilized embryo in your mother's womb?

shake my head at those who think tithing is just throwing money away.
why would you contribute money to god? what use does god have for worldly money? i mean, why does the church need money, tho? aint they GODs people? wouldnt god prevent the church from being evicted from their building? why does a church even need a building if the purpose is to praise god? Why would GOD require us to give him EARTHLY money? What can money do that GOD cant?

What is the purpose of life in your opinion? Is there a purpose? 

To worship God and to also worship God with others.


Healing of disease, people having kids that were never supposed to have children, cheques showing up in the mail for the exact amount required when those people had nothing, people being given places to live just when they thought they were on the street. God works in awesome ways and has the best timing.
again, ill bring it back to why does god need money from tithing if he can mysteriously send miracle checks to people in need? why cant he send miracle checks to every church to fund their rent until the end of days? wait, us humans cant possibly understand it, huh?

The bible says that God is so majestic and pure that if we were to see Him in his physical form that we would drop dead. 

Jesus, God is drop-dead gorgeous, too?
Never thought about that one either... what does God need with the US Dollar?

If he was smart, he'd ask for Euros or the Pound 
Never thought about that one either... what does God need with the US Dollar?

If he was smart, he'd ask for Euros or the Pound 
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Never thought about that one either... what does God need with the US Dollar?

If he was smart, he'd ask for Euros or the Pound 

why ask for human money, tho? dude just said he witnessed the miracle of checks coming in to people in need...

if god got the miracle check, why would he ask for you to tithe?

why would a church need your money if GOD already knows that the church needs money before they need money, therefore already sent a miracle check out?

things that make you go
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Never thought about that one either... what does God need with the US Dollar?

If he was smart, he'd ask for Euros or the Pound 

why ask for human money, tho? dude just said he witnessed the miracle of checks coming in to people in need...

if god got the miracle check, why would he ask for you to tithe?

why would a church need your money if GOD already knows that the church needs money before they need money, therefore already sent a miracle check out?

things that make you go
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Never thought about that one either... what does God need with the US Dollar?

If he was smart, he'd ask for Euros or the Pound 

why ask for human money, tho? dude just said he witnessed the miracle of checks coming in to people in need...

if god got the miracle check, why would he ask for you to tithe?

why would a church need your money if GOD already knows that the church needs money before they need money, therefore already sent a miracle check out?

things that make you go
Religions be greedy too though...
they asking for 10% like that aint TEN PERCENT 
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Never thought about that one either... what does God need with the US Dollar?

If he was smart, he'd ask for Euros or the Pound 

why ask for human money, tho? dude just said he witnessed the miracle of checks coming in to people in need...

if god got the miracle check, why would he ask for you to tithe?

why would a church need your money if GOD already knows that the church needs money before they need money, therefore already sent a miracle check out?

things that make you go
Religions be greedy too though...
they asking for 10% like that aint TEN PERCENT 
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I highly doubt anyone in this thread has been saying "herp derp God wrote the Bible"

Why is that even being argued?

Believers cant prove the God exists and non-believers can't prove that he doesn't exist. You're worse than Jehovas since even THEY know when to stop forcing their beliefs on people. You don't believe in God or the Bible? Not a single #%@* will be given.

Have a nice day
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I highly doubt anyone in this thread has been saying "herp derp God wrote the Bible"

Why is that even being argued?

Believers cant prove the God exists and non-believers can't prove that he doesn't exist. You're worse than Jehovas since even THEY know when to stop forcing their beliefs on people. You don't believe in God or the Bible? Not a single #%@* will be given.

Have a nice day
ten percent for what? a church is any place more than one person praises god in....

a church could be a cardboard box....

i mean, religious types dont even question the tithe, like

"i know man wrote the word of god......but OF COURSE god wants us to give worldly money to these people, there is NO WAY whoever came up with religion and chrisitianity saw it as a means to get paid, NO WAY"

meanwhile, your pastor drives a '11 jag with 22 inch rims....

and you're tithing


(that wasnt a random reference, my godmother's church's pastor drives that.)  

Originally Posted by moneymike88

Not a single #%@* will be given.

Have a nice day

yet, you do give a #%#$ cause you been in this post since page 5....
ten percent for what? a church is any place more than one person praises god in....

a church could be a cardboard box....

i mean, religious types dont even question the tithe, like

"i know man wrote the word of god......but OF COURSE god wants us to give worldly money to these people, there is NO WAY whoever came up with religion and chrisitianity saw it as a means to get paid, NO WAY"

meanwhile, your pastor drives a '11 jag with 22 inch rims....

and you're tithing


(that wasnt a random reference, my godmother's church's pastor drives that.)  

Originally Posted by moneymike88

Not a single #%@* will be given.

Have a nice day

yet, you do give a #%#$ cause you been in this post since page 5....
Originally Posted by moneymike88

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I highly doubt anyone in this thread has been saying "herp derp God wrote the Bible"

Why is that even being argued?

Believers cant prove the God exists and non-believers can't prove that he doesn't exist. You're worse than Jehovas since even THEY know when to stop forcing their beliefs on people. You don't believe in God or the Bible? Not a single #%@* will be given.

Have a nice day
The fact that the bible was written by men should illustrate that NO MATTER how much a divine authority is claims to have, most of it is subject to gross misinterpretation and thus invalidates it. 
You might as well believe in Dr. Seuss books if thats the case. NO difference there. 
Originally Posted by moneymike88

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I highly doubt anyone in this thread has been saying "herp derp God wrote the Bible"

Why is that even being argued?

Believers cant prove the God exists and non-believers can't prove that he doesn't exist. You're worse than Jehovas since even THEY know when to stop forcing their beliefs on people. You don't believe in God or the Bible? Not a single #%@* will be given.

Have a nice day
The fact that the bible was written by men should illustrate that NO MATTER how much a divine authority is claims to have, most of it is subject to gross misinterpretation and thus invalidates it. 
You might as well believe in Dr. Seuss books if thats the case. NO difference there. 
eNPHAN wrote:
ten percent for what? a church is any place more than one person praises god in....

a church could be a cardboard box....

i mean, religious types dont even question the tithe, like

"i know man wrote the word of god......but OF COURSE god wants us to give worldly money to these people, there is NO WAY whoever came up with religion and chrisitianity saw it as a means to get paid, NO WAY"

meanwhile, your pastor drives a '11 jag with 22 inch rims....

and you're tithing


[h1]Eddie Long goes viral to help members recoup losses[/h1][h2][/h2]

By Shelia M. Poole

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

6:07 p.m. Monday, January 31, 2011
Bishop Eddie Long made an unusual appearance on YouTube appealing to an investment company on behalf of several members who face financial hardships because of investments that went bad.

In the YouTube video, the well-known leader of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church said the church held a financial seminar a year or so ago to help members build wealth and a better quality of life. Long said several members invested through City Capital Corp., and that some retirement accounts related to those investments have tanked.

Long urged City Capital's former chief executive, Ephren Taylor, and the companyto “do what’s right†and return the invested money with interest, if possible. He said neither he nor his DeKalb County megachurch benefited from the investing members did with City Capital.

The video was posted Sunday night, though it was not clear when Long made it.

In a press release Monday, Long said several members alerted him “about a troubling investment matter that could eclipse a million dollars.â€The release said Long decided to make a public appeal to help members resolve their “dispute with City Capital Corp. and its CEO Ephren Taylor.â€

Neither Capital City, based in California, nor Taylor could be reached for comment.

About 20 New Birth members were affected in the deals, according to Art Franklin, a church spokesperson. The video and release offered few specifics.

The video saysTaylor resigned from City Capital on Oct. 22, citing U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings. In announcing Taylor’s resignation, the company said his departure “was not the result of any disagreements with the Company regarding its operations, policies, or practices.†The company also announced that Wendy J. Connor, also resigned, effective Oct. 31, as a director and chief operations officer, according to those documents.

Jeff M. Smuda was elected chairman and chief executive of the company the same day. Smuda is identified in the SEC filing as an expert in restructing companies to profitibility.

Long's press release said members have suffered deep financial hardships because of the matter. At least one faces home foreclosure, said Franklin.

According to Franklin, Taylor visited the church in October 2009 as part of a national financial empowerment tour. He said it was Taylor's first visit to the Lithonia church, which has roughly 25,000 members.

Long, who has been embroiled in recent months in lawsuits involving allegations of sexual abuse, said the matter “touches my heart deeply.â€

In a 2009 Forbes article, Taylor was heralded as a young entrepreneur who designed and sold a video game to his friends when he was 12 years old and began designing Web sites when he was 13. He went to write at least one book and start other companies.


eNPHAN wrote:
ten percent for what? a church is any place more than one person praises god in....

a church could be a cardboard box....

i mean, religious types dont even question the tithe, like

"i know man wrote the word of god......but OF COURSE god wants us to give worldly money to these people, there is NO WAY whoever came up with religion and chrisitianity saw it as a means to get paid, NO WAY"

meanwhile, your pastor drives a '11 jag with 22 inch rims....

and you're tithing


[h1]Eddie Long goes viral to help members recoup losses[/h1][h2][/h2]

By Shelia M. Poole

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

6:07 p.m. Monday, January 31, 2011
Bishop Eddie Long made an unusual appearance on YouTube appealing to an investment company on behalf of several members who face financial hardships because of investments that went bad.

In the YouTube video, the well-known leader of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church said the church held a financial seminar a year or so ago to help members build wealth and a better quality of life. Long said several members invested through City Capital Corp., and that some retirement accounts related to those investments have tanked.

Long urged City Capital's former chief executive, Ephren Taylor, and the companyto “do what’s right†and return the invested money with interest, if possible. He said neither he nor his DeKalb County megachurch benefited from the investing members did with City Capital.

The video was posted Sunday night, though it was not clear when Long made it.

In a press release Monday, Long said several members alerted him “about a troubling investment matter that could eclipse a million dollars.â€The release said Long decided to make a public appeal to help members resolve their “dispute with City Capital Corp. and its CEO Ephren Taylor.â€

Neither Capital City, based in California, nor Taylor could be reached for comment.

About 20 New Birth members were affected in the deals, according to Art Franklin, a church spokesperson. The video and release offered few specifics.

The video saysTaylor resigned from City Capital on Oct. 22, citing U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings. In announcing Taylor’s resignation, the company said his departure “was not the result of any disagreements with the Company regarding its operations, policies, or practices.†The company also announced that Wendy J. Connor, also resigned, effective Oct. 31, as a director and chief operations officer, according to those documents.

Jeff M. Smuda was elected chairman and chief executive of the company the same day. Smuda is identified in the SEC filing as an expert in restructing companies to profitibility.

Long's press release said members have suffered deep financial hardships because of the matter. At least one faces home foreclosure, said Franklin.

According to Franklin, Taylor visited the church in October 2009 as part of a national financial empowerment tour. He said it was Taylor's first visit to the Lithonia church, which has roughly 25,000 members.

Long, who has been embroiled in recent months in lawsuits involving allegations of sexual abuse, said the matter “touches my heart deeply.â€

In a 2009 Forbes article, Taylor was heralded as a young entrepreneur who designed and sold a video game to his friends when he was 12 years old and began designing Web sites when he was 13. He went to write at least one book and start other companies.


[h2]Even though this is from a believer, it should illustrate some of the problems with religion inherently

The Blacker the Berry…The Biblical Truth[/h2]

Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.
Powered by WP Greet Box WordPress Plugin

January 2011: Featured Post

On a monthly basis, will be featuring a thought-provoking essay that is designed to stimulate healthy dialogue and a collective resolve to seek the face of God for answers of some of the most pressing issues of our age. Your participation and feedback is very important to us and we encourage you to leave your comments, facebook or tweet this post after reading.

Is That a Pimped out Ford Taurus? Stinkin' Hypocrites
Black people, church, Jesus, and religion don’t really get along, right?  Sometimes, they do, sometimes they don’t.  After all, isn’t religion the single most ridiculous reason behind wars, violence, and oppression?  To me, that’s like asking if cheese steaks, garlic bread, and hot wings are the reasons behind heartburn and indigestion.  They may cause these temporary maladies, but peoples bad eating habits and overall gluttonous behaviors are the real cause.  Have you ever seen a hot wing begging to slide down someone’s esophagus to start a digestive conflict?  You have?  Well, ma’am or sir, you are sicker than we may have expected.  And you think Jesus is your problem?

Let’s be honest.  There are a lot of people who go to church in the black community (and abroad) and it has become an inherent part of black culture.  It doesn’t necessarily define what it means to be black or African-American, but it is a part of the culture.  Church is an important part of peoples lives: Sunday morning, preachers breathing heavy in the mic, 13 offerings for 2 building projects, people falling out in the aisles, 4 different choirs with the same 20 people on heavy rotation, glittery hats, pimped out suits, crying, screaming, and general hypocrisy.  So while some continue to go to church and celebrate it as a normal part of life, another growing contingency could care less, and you better not say anything about the Bible being true.

Square One

So where does this take us?  It takes us back to “ONE’ (thank you Brian McKnight)…square one that is.  And what is that?  Simply to think, to consider, and to be open minded.  This is for those who are: church-goers, scarred by so-called Christians and ministers, enlightened and no longer need the rustic and narrow-minded views of the Bible, too black for Jerusalem (but just right for Aruba), on your own spiritual path, convinced that Christianity is not for black people, or just tired of religion.  Trust me…I am too.

So, where do we begin then?  Well, at the beginning of course.  
And whatever you do, “don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.â€
[h2]Even though this is from a believer, it should illustrate some of the problems with religion inherently

The Blacker the Berry…The Biblical Truth[/h2]

Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.
Powered by WP Greet Box WordPress Plugin

January 2011: Featured Post

On a monthly basis, will be featuring a thought-provoking essay that is designed to stimulate healthy dialogue and a collective resolve to seek the face of God for answers of some of the most pressing issues of our age. Your participation and feedback is very important to us and we encourage you to leave your comments, facebook or tweet this post after reading.

Is That a Pimped out Ford Taurus? Stinkin' Hypocrites
Black people, church, Jesus, and religion don’t really get along, right?  Sometimes, they do, sometimes they don’t.  After all, isn’t religion the single most ridiculous reason behind wars, violence, and oppression?  To me, that’s like asking if cheese steaks, garlic bread, and hot wings are the reasons behind heartburn and indigestion.  They may cause these temporary maladies, but peoples bad eating habits and overall gluttonous behaviors are the real cause.  Have you ever seen a hot wing begging to slide down someone’s esophagus to start a digestive conflict?  You have?  Well, ma’am or sir, you are sicker than we may have expected.  And you think Jesus is your problem?

Let’s be honest.  There are a lot of people who go to church in the black community (and abroad) and it has become an inherent part of black culture.  It doesn’t necessarily define what it means to be black or African-American, but it is a part of the culture.  Church is an important part of peoples lives: Sunday morning, preachers breathing heavy in the mic, 13 offerings for 2 building projects, people falling out in the aisles, 4 different choirs with the same 20 people on heavy rotation, glittery hats, pimped out suits, crying, screaming, and general hypocrisy.  So while some continue to go to church and celebrate it as a normal part of life, another growing contingency could care less, and you better not say anything about the Bible being true.

Square One

So where does this take us?  It takes us back to “ONE’ (thank you Brian McKnight)…square one that is.  And what is that?  Simply to think, to consider, and to be open minded.  This is for those who are: church-goers, scarred by so-called Christians and ministers, enlightened and no longer need the rustic and narrow-minded views of the Bible, too black for Jerusalem (but just right for Aruba), on your own spiritual path, convinced that Christianity is not for black people, or just tired of religion.  Trust me…I am too.

So, where do we begin then?  Well, at the beginning of course.  
And whatever you do, “don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.â€

A couple of days ago, one of my favorite blogs had a discussion concerning the age old sexism/misogyny debate. Being a black woman with a big butt, I know how it feels when a man can’t concentrate on getting your name right because he is staring at your butt, breast, or even your teeth for that matter. It gets old really quickly and it’s not a compliment. Objectification is dehumanizing and damaging. Don’t get me wrong, I like being admired as much as the next girl, but no one wants to be reduced to one asset or feature. Shay D, although dangerous, is definitely more than a big butt and a smile.

After reading all the comments and hearing all the usual rhetoric, I began to wonder where sexism begins. And since sexism and misogyny existed long before King Magazine and well before the ATM stripper from Tip Drill learned to tie her G-string properly, I think we can eliminate them from the equation. While they definitely don’t help in the fight against sexism, this type of media isn’t the cause of sexism; it is simply an end result.

I thought about this long and hard (re: about 5 minutes) and I determined that religion (most notably the big 3 Christianity, Islam and Judaism) has played the biggest role in the development of sexism and misogyny. So, if we are going to determine where sexism and misogyny starts then we have to go all the way back to the beginning; and all three religions agree that in the beginning there was Adam and Eve….

(Re: This is not a line by line dissection of Genesis. Stop reading now if that’s what you are expecting….continue reading at your own risk).

God creates Adam in his image to be the ruler over all things. Later, after much griping and moaning from Adam, God creates Adam a companion, who was not worthy of a name at this point but later named, Eve. She was put there for his pleasure, kind of liked ribbed condoms, but in reverse. (Question: if God could make man from mud why couldn’t he make Eve? He didn’t need a rib to make Adam? He didn’t need a rib from the daddy bird to make the momma bird, so why Eve? The inferiority stuff starts here… but let’s move ahead to the good part).

Now we all know that God told Adam (who supposedly passed that info on to Eve, also note God didn’t feel Eve was important enough to speak to directly until after the sin is committed) not to eat from the tree of good and evil and we all know the serpent came and spit that pimpin in Eve’s ear. He was on some old “He just don’t wont you to know what he knows, baby girlâ€

A couple of days ago, one of my favorite blogs had a discussion concerning the age old sexism/misogyny debate. Being a black woman with a big butt, I know how it feels when a man can’t concentrate on getting your name right because he is staring at your butt, breast, or even your teeth for that matter. It gets old really quickly and it’s not a compliment. Objectification is dehumanizing and damaging. Don’t get me wrong, I like being admired as much as the next girl, but no one wants to be reduced to one asset or feature. Shay D, although dangerous, is definitely more than a big butt and a smile.

After reading all the comments and hearing all the usual rhetoric, I began to wonder where sexism begins. And since sexism and misogyny existed long before King Magazine and well before the ATM stripper from Tip Drill learned to tie her G-string properly, I think we can eliminate them from the equation. While they definitely don’t help in the fight against sexism, this type of media isn’t the cause of sexism; it is simply an end result.

I thought about this long and hard (re: about 5 minutes) and I determined that religion (most notably the big 3 Christianity, Islam and Judaism) has played the biggest role in the development of sexism and misogyny. So, if we are going to determine where sexism and misogyny starts then we have to go all the way back to the beginning; and all three religions agree that in the beginning there was Adam and Eve….

(Re: This is not a line by line dissection of Genesis. Stop reading now if that’s what you are expecting….continue reading at your own risk).

God creates Adam in his image to be the ruler over all things. Later, after much griping and moaning from Adam, God creates Adam a companion, who was not worthy of a name at this point but later named, Eve. She was put there for his pleasure, kind of liked ribbed condoms, but in reverse. (Question: if God could make man from mud why couldn’t he make Eve? He didn’t need a rib to make Adam? He didn’t need a rib from the daddy bird to make the momma bird, so why Eve? The inferiority stuff starts here… but let’s move ahead to the good part).

Now we all know that God told Adam (who supposedly passed that info on to Eve, also note God didn’t feel Eve was important enough to speak to directly until after the sin is committed) not to eat from the tree of good and evil and we all know the serpent came and spit that pimpin in Eve’s ear. He was on some old “He just don’t wont you to know what he knows, baby girlâ€
damn dame theory get a life! nobody cares.... you hate religion. good for you. now go to school, get a job, or find something useful to do with your time rather than spend 24 hours trying to bash religion.............................wait for it...........................wait for it................................ON A FREAKIN SHOE MESSAGE BOARD!

you are as bad as them relious folk shoving their beliefs in peoples face. Nobody cares what you believe.

At first i thought you were that Nat Turner guy but nah i give you credit. Nat Turner was just flat out ******ed and a useless pile of !%*$... You are just obsessed with trying make people believe what you believe in.
damn dame theory get a life! nobody cares.... you hate religion. good for you. now go to school, get a job, or find something useful to do with your time rather than spend 24 hours trying to bash religion.............................wait for it...........................wait for it................................ON A FREAKIN SHOE MESSAGE BOARD!

you are as bad as them relious folk shoving their beliefs in peoples face. Nobody cares what you believe.

At first i thought you were that Nat Turner guy but nah i give you credit. Nat Turner was just flat out ******ed and a useless pile of !%*$... You are just obsessed with trying make people believe what you believe in.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

damn dame theory get a life! nobody cares.... you hate religion. good for you. now go to school, get a job, or find something useful to do with your time rather than spend 24 hours trying to bash religion.............................wait for it...........................wait for it................................ON A FREAKIN SHOE MESSAGE BOARD!

you are as bad as them relious folk shoving their beliefs in peoples face. Nobody cares what you believe.

At first i thought you were that Nat Turner guy but nah i give you credit. Nat Turner was just flat out ******ed and a useless pile of !%*$... You are just obsessed with trying make people believe what you believe in.
I didn't tell you to come in the thread. I'm just sharing some information. 
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