This Is The Most Heartbreaking Murder I've Seen On Film...


Bodie, Wallace, & Poot....

just makes you realize how deep the chess explanation was and why it was relevant on SO many levels of this show...
I see this !*%#+ Poot everyday downtown. He works somewhere near me but I'm not sure where.
Wallace was #*$&#& up something terrible.  Didn't he start shooting up at one point?  He had to go. Definitely sad, though
airbornho wrote:
letsgetit22 wrote:
xanadu one wrote:


The Wire, get on it

A+ execution but on another note when Randy's mom was in the hospital and he was asking the black cop ( I forgot his name ) are you gonna help me huh? that one had me
 and when dookie asked the teacher for money only to get high and when mike dropped him off at the corner with them other junkies
 and when dookie asked mike did he remember when they fought them other kids and got piss all over them
 and he saw that mike sincerely didn't remember yea that was a real heart breaker

Originally Posted by CJ616

Wallace was #*$&#& up something terrible.  Didn't he start shooting up at one point?  He had to go. Definitely sad, though

Yeah, he was shook and guilty after the murder of Omar's lover and started shooting up, staying at home all the time. It was one of the things that made everyone suspicious about what he was really up to.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

I see this !*%#+ Poot everyday downtown. He works somewhere near me but I'm not sure where.

Last I heard he was working in a mail room at some law firm. 
Originally Posted by upandcoming

Now that kids on Nickelodeon or some $#@% lol

He was in Friday Night Lights and currently on NBC's Parenthood.

I remember seeing threads on this show like everyday on NT when it was airing and I couldn't figure out what all the hype was about until I downloaded the first season and I was hooked. Definitely one of the greatest show on television.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Im Not You

I see this !*%#+ Poot everyday downtown. He works somewhere near me but I'm not sure where.

Last I heard he was working in a mail room at some law firm. 
Came in here to post this. It was either mail room or janitor but I think mail room was right.

I feel there are at least 3-5 threads per week on The Wire
Yeah this was a very tough scene on a purely emotional level... but

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

I think Stringer vs Avon was on a deeper level though.
I agree 100 percent.  The scene when they're on the rooftop looking out over the city and they both know that they betrayed one another is POWERFUL.  I think that might be the most slept-on scene in the entire series.

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

I thought this would have been about Ricky getting clapped in Boyz in the Hood. That one got me

Me too.  That scene was unbelievably emotional... then you have his OG reading that his test scores would have qualified him for the scholarship... and Dough talking to Tre after he killed them dudes
red mpls wrote:
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

I thought this would have been about Ricky getting clapped in Boyz in the Hood. That one got me

Me too.  That scene was unbelievably emotional... then you have his OG reading that his test scores would have qualified him for the scholarship... and Dough talking to Tre after he killed them dudes

Nah.  The saddest part about that scene, was his mother thinking that Dough had something to do with it. 
Originally Posted by CJ616

Wallace was #*$&#& up something terrible.  Didn't he start shooting up at one point?  He had to go. Definitely sad, though
Yeah he was snortin' if I remember correctly
I want to watch the whole series. I only saw the last season and about half of the season before that one. But Bodie was my favorite character, the way he went out was so G.
Originally Posted by gumsoul410

I want to watch the whole series. I only saw the last season and about half of the season before that one. But Bodie was my favorite character, the way he went out was so G.

If you have comcast and an HBO subscriber, the entire series is on

Shout to ServeChilled81 for the info 
i came back to this thread to see if there is an answer for my "WHAT SHOW IS THIS?" comment, hoping it's not "The Wire."

my hopes failed.
Nah. Wallace was ready to snitch. I have no remorse for him. He should've stayed with his grandma. Bodie's death nearly moved me to tears. I thought he was gonna make it to the conclusion of the show.
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